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Using Gremlin Queries in Gaffer

Gremlin was added to Gaffer in version 2.1 as a new graph query language and since version 2.3 it has been added as standard into the Gaffer REST API. A full tutorial on the configuration of Gremlin in Gaffer is provided in the administration guide.

This guide will use the Python API for Gremlin to demonstrate some basic capabilities and how they compare to standard Gaffer syntax.


For information on how to set up a Gremlin connection please see the API guide.

Basic Gremlin Queries

Gremlin queries (similar to Gaffer queries) usually require a starting set of entities to query from. Commonly Gremlin queries will be left without any IDs in the starting seed which would be analogous to asking for all vertexes with g.V() or, all edges with g.E(). However, if this type of query is used with the Gafferpop library this will in effect call a GetAllElements operation which is less than ideal. Its therefore, highly recommended to always seed the query with IDs.

We will use the following graph to demonstrate the basic usage of gremlin compared to Gaffer.

graph LR

        ID: John"])
     weight: 0.2"

        ID: 1"])
     weight: 0.6"

        ID: 2"])

Now say we wanted to get all the vertexes connected from the Person vertex "John" via a Created edge (essentially all the things "John" has created):

Gremlin is 'lazy' so will only execute your query if you request it to by using a to_list() or calling next() on the iterator.

# We seed with "John" and traverse over any "Created" out edges


[{< 1>: '1', <T.label: 4>: 'Software'}]
[{< 1>: '2', <T.label: 4>: 'Software'}]

Note standard Gaffer you must know the group of the target vertexes you want returned otherwise edges will be also present in the result.

    "class": "OperationChain",
    "operations": [
            "class": "GetAdjacentIds",
            "input": [
                    "class": "EntitySeed",
                    "vertex": "John"
            "view": {
                "edges": {
                    "Created": {}
            "class": "GetElements",
            "view": {
                "entities": {
                    "Software": {}


        "class": "",
        "group": "Software",
        "vertex": 1
        "class": "",
        "group": "Software",
        "vertex": 2

As you can see the Gremlin query is quite a bit easier to write and provides the results in a handy output to be reused. Now say if you wanted to apply some filtering on the same graph, the following is an example of how Gremlin handles this:

Get all the Created edges from vertex "John" that have a "weight" greater than 0.4:

# If needed we run this through an 'element_map()' call to get more info on the edge


[e[['John', 2]][John-Created->2]]
    "class": "GetElements",
    "input": [
            "class": "EntitySeed",
            "vertex": "John"
    "view": {
        "edges": {
            "Created": {
                "preAggregationFilterFunctions": [
                        "selection": [
                        "predicate": {
                            "class": "IsMoreThan",
                            "orEqualTo": false,
                            "value": {
                                "Float": 0.4


        "class": "",
        "group": "Created",
        "source": "John",
        "destination": "2",
        "directed": true,
        "matchedVertex": "SOURCE",
        "properties": {
            "weight": 0.6

There are more example queries to be found in the Gremlin Getting Started docs.

Mapping Gaffer to TinkerPop

Some of the terminology is slightly different between TinkerPop and Gaffer, a table of how different parts are mapped is as follows:

Gaffer TinkerPop
Group Label
Vertex Vertex with default label of id
Entity Vertex
Edge Edge
Orphan Vertex Vertex that exists only on an edge, has no associated entity