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Simple Federated Store Configuration


The simple federated store is still under development, with scope to replace the standard federated store in release 2.4.0. Some configuration options and features may be subject to change.


The Simple Federated Store enables a user to add and query multiple Gaffer graphs through a single endpoint/instance. Queries submitted to a federated store are forwarded to a select set of graphs that then execute the query locally. The results from each graph are aggregated together to form the final result to give the appearance of coming from one graph.

Due to its unique nature a federated store has various additional configuration and features compared to a normal store. This page covers the different configuration an admin can apply to this store type. Further information on controlling graph access and additional considerations with a federated store can be found on thier respective pages.

To get started with a federated store simply set the store class and properties like:

Store Properties

As with a standard Gaffer graph the usual store properties are available to a federated store; however, additional properties are available to configure the the different aspects of federating. The table below covers store properties specific to a federated store and their usage.


Many of the merge related properties are just defaults and can be overridden by the user on a per query basis.

Property Default Description "" The list of default graph IDs for if a user does not specify what graph(s) to run their query on. Takes a comma separated list of graph IDs e.g. "graphID1,graphID2" true Are graphs with public access allowed to be added to this store. false Should queries aggregate returned Gaffer elements together using the binary operator for merging elements. False by default as it can be slower meaning results are just chained into one big list. "federatedGraphCache_<graphId>" The name of the cache that the federated store will store its graphs in. This allows sharing of graphs between different federated stores if the cache name is the same (and same default implementation). Default binary operator for merging Number results (e.g. from a Count operation) from multiple graphs. Default binary operator for merging String results from multiple graphs. Default binary operator for merging Boolean results from multiple graphs. Default binary operator for merging Collection results from multiple graphs. Default binary operator for merging the values of Map results when two of the same keys exist from multiple graphs. Default binary operator for merging Iterables of Gaffer elements from multiple graphs.

Merge Operators

A key part to the federated store are the merge operators. These control how results from multiple graphs are reduced to one result so can greatly effect the results returned by the store. As outlined in the store properties section, these operators can be configured with defaults or overridden for a query via the operation options using the same properties.

Sensible defaults are in place if not specified however, you may wish to chose your own operators to be used. The only requirement for an operator is for it to satisfy Java's BinaryOperator interface, you can then specify it using the property key for the data type you wish to use it for.


Please note you currently can't chose a merge operator for operations that return an Iterable type, they will always just be chained together (an iterable of Elements is an obvious exception, please see below).

The Default Element Merge Operator

The default operator used to merge Gaffer elements is unique compared to the other operators. This operator will only be used if element aggregating is set to "true", either by default, using the store properties, or for just the query using the operation option federated.aggregateElements.

When enabled, the default merge operator attempts to use the aggregation functions from the merged schema of the graphs that were executed on. This attempts to emulate how the data would have been stored in a single Gaffer graph as entities or edges that are the same (e.g. same group and vertices) will be merged together with their properties aggregated using the functions defined in the schema.


There are some considerations you may wish to know when using the element merge operator:

  • This type of merging will be inherently slower than simply returning a chained iterable of elements.
  • The results must fit in the available memory of the federated store to be merged. If the returned result size is too big you may experience significant performance issues.
  • The results will be deduplicated as part of this process e.g. two identical entities or edges will be merged into one.
  • Any filtering you might have specified in the View will only be applied to the individual graph results, this means two results separately will satisfy the View but once aggregated they may not.
  • If you wish to write or use your own operator for merging elements the class must extend the ElementAggregateOperator.
  • If you have chosen in the schema to use a time sensitive aggregation function (e.g. First) for a property that is in multiple sub graphs, you may end up with duplicates in the result as the aggregator does not know which sub graph is first or last. This means you may get duplicates of the same vertex but with different properties in the result.

Adding and Removing Graphs

A federated stores main purpose is to hold a library of 'sub' graphs. These graphs are stored in the Gaffer cache so can be shared between multiple federated stores.

You can think of a graph that has been added to a federated store as essentially a pointer to the real graph. This generally means all the information required to create the graph in the first place (e.g. schema, store properties etc.) are required to add the graph to a federated store. Because of this, a common design pattern you may wish to adopt is to have one running Accumulo cluster to which you can add multiple Gaffer graphs through the federated store. This means you do not need to setup multiple Gaffer instances and can query all of the graphs through the federated store.

graph LR
    A(["Federated Store"])-->B(["Gaffer Graph 1"])
    A-->C(["Gaffer Graph 2"])

Adding a new Graph

To add a new graph to a federated store a unique operation is available to federated stores called AddGraph. This operation lets you input the graph config, schema and store properties for the graph letting you add a new graph like so:

// Choose a graph ID for your graph
final String graphId = "myGraph";

// Replace the graph config, schema and properties for your use case
final AddGraph operation = new AddGraph.Builder()
    .graphConfig(new GraphConfig(graphId))
    .schema(new Schema())
    .properties(new Properties())

Replace the graph config, schema and properties for your use case.

    "class": "",
    "graphConfig": {
        "graphId": "myGraph"
    "schema": {
        "entities": {},
        "edges": {},
        "types": {}
    "properties": {
        "": "",
        "": "",
        "gaffer.cache.service.class": ""

Once a graph has been added the graph ID will become available to the store so can be referenced when running an operation. More information on running an operation on a sub graph and available operation options can be found on the following page.


Added graphs can also have access controls enforced on them, please see the access control guide for more information.

Removing a Graph

Along with adding a graph you can also remove a graph from a federated store. By default this will simply dereference the graph, meaning if the graph had persistent storage the data will be left untouched. The data can then be re-accessed at a later date by simply adding the graph back to the store.

When removing a graph you can also opt to delete all the data as well. This obviously means the data cannot be recovered by simply re-adding the graph at a later date.


To remove a graph a user requires write access to graph, please see the access control guide for more information.

To remove a graph you can use the following operation like so:

Remove a graph leaving the data untouched (if persistent).

final RemoveGraph removeGraph = new RemoveGraph.Builder()

Remove a graph and delete all the data.

final RemoveGraph removeGraph = new RemoveGraph.Builder()

Remove a graph leaving the data untouched (if persistent).

        "class": "",
        "graphId": "myGraph"

Remove a graph and delete all the data.

        "class": "",
        "graphId": "myGraph",
        "deleteAllData": true