Gremlin API
The Gremlin API is still under development and has some limitations.
The implementation may not allow some advanced features of Gremlin and it's
performance is unknown in comparison to standard Gaffer OperationChains
What is Gremlin?
Gremlin is a query language for traversing graphs. It is a core component of the Apache Tinkerpop library and allows users to easily express more complex graph queries.
GafferPop is a lightweight Gaffer implementation of the TinkerPop framework, where TinkerPop methods are delegated to Gaffer graph operations.
The addition of Gremlin as query language in Gaffer allows users to represent
complex graph queries in a simpler language, akin to other querying languages
used in traditional and NoSQL databases. It also has wide support for various
languages; for example you can write queries in Python via the gremlinpython
In-depth tutorials on Gremlin as a query language and its associated libraries can be found in the Apache Tinkerpop Gremlin docs.
How to Query a Graph
There are two main methods of using Gremlin in Gaffer, these are via a websocket similar to a typical Gremlin Server or by submitting queries via the REST Endpoints like standard Gaffer Operations. Once connected, the Gremlin in Gaffer page provides a simple comparison of Gremlin compared to Gaffer Operations.
Both methods require a running Gaffer REST API instance.
Websocket API
The websocket provides the most standard way to use the Gremlin API. The
Gaffer REST API provides a Gremlin server-like experience via a websocket at
. This can be connected to to provide a graph traversal source for
spawning queries.
The websocket should support all standard Gremlin tooling and uses GraphSONv3
serialisation for communication. To connect a tool like gremlinpython
we can do something similar to gafferpy
. First import the
required libraries (many of these will be needed later for queries):
from gremlin_python.process.anonymous_traversal import traversal
from gremlin_python.driver.driver_remote_connection import DriverRemoteConnection
from gremlin_python.driver.serializer import GraphSONSerializersV3d0
from gremlin_python.process.graph_traversal import __
We can then establish a connection to the Gremlin server and save the reference
(typically called g
# Setup a connection with the REST API running on localhost
g = traversal().with_remote(DriverRemoteConnection('ws://localhost:8080/gremlin', 'g', message_serializer=GraphSONSerializersV3d0()))
Now that we have the traversal reference this can be used to spawn graph traversals and get results back.
REST API Endpoints
The Gremlin endpoints provide a similar interface to running Gaffer Operations. They accept a plaintext Gremlin Groovy query and will return the results in GraphSONv3 format.
The two endpoints are:
- Runs a Gremlin Groovy script and outputs the result as GraphSONv3 JSON./rest/gremlin/explain
- Runs a Gremlin Groovy script and returns an explanation of what Gaffer operations it ran.
A query can be submitted via the Swagger UI or simple POST request such as:
curl -X 'POST' \
'http://localhost:8080/rest/gremlin/execute' \
-H 'accept: application/x-ndjson' \
-H 'Content-Type: text/plain' \
-d 'g.V().hasLabel('\''something'\'').toList()'
You can also utilise Gafferpy to connect and run queries using the endpoints.