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Spark Operations

These Operations are part of the Spark library. They are only available if they have been specifically enabled and are only supported by the Accumulo store. They are enabled by registering the Spark operations and their handlers with your store. You need to add the following to your store properties file:

There is an option to read the RFiles directly rather than the usual approach of obtaining them from Accumulo's tablet servers. This requires the Hadoop user, running the Spark job, to have read access to the RFiles in the Accumulo tablet. Note, however, that data which has not been minor compacted will not be read if this option is used. This functionality is enabled using the option: gaffer.accumulo.spark.directrdd.use_rfile_reader=true.

This directed graph is used in all the examples on this page:

graph TD
  1(1, count=3) -- count=3 --> 2
  1 -- count=1 --> 4
  2(2, count=1) -- count=2 --> 3
  2 -- count=1 --> 4(4, count=1)
  2 -- count=1 --> 5(5, count=3)
  3(3, count=2) -- count=4 --> 4


Operation that returns an Apache Spark DataFrame consisting of Elements converted to Rows, fields are ordered according to the ordering of the groups in the view, with Entities first, followed by Edges. Javadoc

Example getting data frame of elements with entity group
final GetDataFrameOfElements operation = new GetDataFrameOfElements.Builder()
        .view(new View.Builder()
  "class" : "GetDataFrameOfElements",
  "view" : {
    "entities" : {
      "entity" : { }


group vertex count
entity 1 3
entity 2 1
entity 3 2
entity 4 1
entity 5 3

Using filter:

df.filter("vertex = 1 OR vertex = 2").show();

The results are:

group vertex count
entity 1 3
entity 2 1

Using filter:

df.filter("count > 1").show();

The results are:

group vertex count
entity 1 3
entity 3 2
entity 5 3
Example getting data frame of elements with edge group
final GetDataFrameOfElements operation = new GetDataFrameOfElements.Builder()
        .view(new View.Builder()
  "class" : "GetDataFrameOfElements",
  "view" : {
    "edges" : {
      "edge" : { }


group src dst directed matchedVertex count
edge 1 2 true null 3
edge 1 4 true null 1
edge 2 3 true null 2
edge 2 4 true null 1
edge 2 5 true null 1
edge 3 4 true null 4

Using filter:

df.filter("src = 1 OR src = 3").show();

The results are:

group src dst directed matchedVertex count
edge 1 2 true null 3
edge 1 4 true null 1
edge 3 4 true null 4

Using filter:

df.filter("count > 1").show();

The results are:

group src dst directed matchedVertex count
edge 1 2 true null 3
edge 2 3 true null 2
edge 3 4 true null 4


Operation which returns an Apache Spark GraphFrame consisting of Elements converted to rows. Javadoc

Example getting graph frame of elements
final GetGraphFrameOfElements operation = new GetGraphFrameOfElements.Builder()
        .view(new View.Builder()
  "class" : "GetGraphFrameOfElements",
  "view" : {
    "edges" : {
      "edge" : { }
    "entities" : {
      "entity" : { }

Then with the graphFrame result you can execute for example:

graphFrame.vertices().filter("vertex = 1 OR vertex = 2").showString(100, 20)

and the results are:

matchedVertex directed id dst src count group
null null 1 null null null null
null null 2 null null null null
null null 1 null null 3 entity
null null 2 null null 1 entity

Or you can inspect the edges:

graphFrame.edges().filter("count > 1").showString(100, 20)

and the results are:

group vertex count src dst directed matchedVertex id
edge null 3 1 2 true null 1
edge null 2 2 3 true null 3
edge null 4 3 4 true null 6

GraphFrames also include operations such as PageRank.


Operation which retrieves all Elements, and returns them inside a JavaRDD. Javadoc

Example getting JavaRDD of all elements
final GetJavaRDDOfAllElements operation = new GetJavaRDDOfAllElements();
  "class" : "GetJavaRDDOfAllElements"


Example getting JavaRDD of all elements returning edges only
final GetJavaRDDOfAllElements operation = new GetJavaRDDOfAllElements.Builder()
        .view(new View.Builder()
  "class" : "GetJavaRDDOfAllElements",
  "view" : {
    "edges" : {
      "edge" : { }




Operation which retrieves all the Elements for input seeds, and returns them inside a JavaRDD. Javadoc

Example getting JavaRDD of elements with seeds
final GetJavaRDDOfElements operation = new GetJavaRDDOfElements.Builder()
        .input(new EdgeSeed(1, 2, true), new EdgeSeed(2, 3, true))
  "class" : "GetJavaRDDOfElements",
  "input" : [ {
    "class" : "EdgeSeed",
    "source" : 1,
    "destination" : 2,
    "matchedVertex" : "SOURCE",
    "directedType" : "DIRECTED"
  }, {
    "class" : "EdgeSeed",
    "source" : 2,
    "destination" : 3,
    "matchedVertex" : "SOURCE",
    "directedType" : "DIRECTED"
  } ]


Example getting JavaRDD of elements with Hadoop conf
final Configuration conf = new Configuration();
conf.set("AN_OPTION", "A_VALUE");

final String encodedConf;
try {
    encodedConf = AbstractGetRDDHandler.convertConfigurationToString(conf);
} catch (final IOException e) {
    throw new RuntimeException("Unable to convert conf to string", e);

final GetJavaRDDOfElements operation = new GetJavaRDDOfElements.Builder()
        .input(new EdgeSeed(1, 2, true), new EdgeSeed(2, 3, true))
        .option(AbstractGetRDDHandler.HADOOP_CONFIGURATION_KEY, encodedConf)
  "class" : "GetJavaRDDOfElements",
  "input" : [ {
    "class" : "EdgeSeed",
    "source" : 1,
    "destination" : 2,
    "matchedVertex" : "SOURCE",
    "directedType" : "DIRECTED"
  }, {
    "class" : "EdgeSeed",
    "source" : 2,
    "destination" : 3,
    "matchedVertex" : "SOURCE",
    "directedType" : "DIRECTED"
  } ],
  "options" : {
    "Hadoop_Configuration_Key" : "config removed for readability"
Example getting JavaRDD of elements with seeds, returning edges only
final GetJavaRDDOfElements operation = new GetJavaRDDOfElements.Builder()
        .input(new EdgeSeed(1, 2, true), new EdgeSeed(2, 3, true))
        .view(new View.Builder()
  "class" : "GetJavaRDDOfElements",
  "input" : [ {
    "class" : "EdgeSeed",
    "source" : 1,
    "destination" : 2,
    "matchedVertex" : "SOURCE",
    "directedType" : "DIRECTED"
  }, {
    "class" : "EdgeSeed",
    "source" : 2,
    "destination" : 3,
    "matchedVertex" : "SOURCE",
    "directedType" : "DIRECTED"
  } ],
  "view" : {
    "edges" : {
      "edge" : { }

