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This page describes what cardinality is, how to add it to your Gaffer graph and how to use it in Gaffer queries.

What is Cardinality?

Cardinality is a mathematical term which translates to the number of elements contained in a set. In graphical databases it can be used to refer to the relationships between data.

However in Gaffer the concept of 'cardinality' does not strictly match the mathematical definition. This is because edges can have different properties on connections to the same entities and in Gaffer this counts as distinct connections depite having repeated entities. So by adding a 'cardinality' entity to your graph, vertices inherit an estimate of the number of unique connections between given entities which will include duplicate edges with different properties. Once added, a HyperLogLog Sketch estimates the number of unique connections with relatively low error.


Gaffer uses an approximation of the number of unique connections between entities as for very large graphs updating this number would be very costly in compute. This is because for each new edge added, we would need to check both connected entities to see if they are already connected to other entities which would be costly for entities with a large number of edges.

In the example below, entity 1 has four unique connections to other entities (2, 4, 5 and 3), this results in a cardinality of four. However, 3 has only two edges with distinct properties which connect to 5, therefore despite there being four connections between 3 and 5 only two are distinct/unique which therefore equates to a cardinality of two in Gaffer.

graph TD
  1(1, cardinality=4) --> 2
  1 --> 3
  1 --> 4
  1 --> 5
  3(3, cardinality=2) --> 5
  3 --> 5
  3 --> 5
  3 --> 5

How to add cardinality to your graph

You will need to add a property to your schema that will represent the approximate number of unique connections for a given entity. This property is usually added to a specific entity group that exists solely to represent the cardinality of a given vertex value. An example of the schema changes can be seen in the advanced properties guide. If you are using an Accumulo or Map store as your data store, this should be all that is needed. However, if you are using a custom store, or a custom REST API, some additional config is needed.


It is often useful keep track of unique connections per edge group. This is usually done with an edge group property which is group in the groupBy.

  "entities": {
    "cardinality": {
      "vertex": "vertex.string",
      "properties": {
        "approxCardinality": "hll",
        "edgeGroup": "set"
      "groupBy": [
Additional config

If you are using a custom data store, you will need to make sure the SketchesJsonModules is added to your store properties. This can be easily done by changing the file, as shown below. Alternatively, it can be hardcoded into the store, like in the AccumuloProperties.

If you are using a custom data store, or you not using the standard spring-rest Gaffer REST API, then you will also need to ensure that the sketches-library dependency is added to your pom.xml for the store and/or REST API.


How to add data with cardinality in your schema

There are two main methods of adding cardinality elements in Gaffer. The first is to do it manually when you add your edges, the second is to use a generator that can do it for you.

Manually adding cardinality entities

Adding a cardinality entity between vertex 'A' and 'B' using AddElements. For more examples of different property types, see the sketches on the developer guide page.

final HllSketch hll = new HllSketch(10); //(1)!
hll.update("B"); //(2)!
new AddElements.Builder()
            .input(new Entity.Builder()
                            .property("approxCardinality", hll) //(3)!
  1. Create the HllSketch object and define the precision values. By default, logK = 10.
  2. Update the sketch with the connected entity's vertex value, this adds it to the HllSketch's bit hash.
  3. When adding the cardinality entity, set the property.
    "class": "AddElements",
    "input": [{
        "class": "Entity",
        "vertex": "A",
        "group": "cardinality",
        "properties": {
            "approxCardinality": {
                "org.apache.datasketches.hll.HllSketch": {
                    "values": ["B"] //(1)!
  1. You can directly add the values in the json and the deserialiser and aggregator will ensure it is properly added to the object.
                "hll": g.hll_sketch(["B"]) #(1)!
  1. The g.hll_sketch helper function lets you directly add the values. The deserialiser and aggregator will ensure it is properly added to the object.

Automatically adding cardinality entities

Rather than using the AddElements operation to manually add cardinality entities, you can add them automatically when you add edges to the graph using the HllSketchEntityGenerator. This will take an edge and return the same edge, as well as two cardinality entities, each representing the additional cardinality link between the two vertices in the edge.

new OperationChain.Builder()
        .first(new GenerateElements.Builder<Element>()
                .input(new Edge("edgeGroup1", "A", "B", true)) //(1)!
                .generator(new HllSketchEntityGenerator() //(2)!
                    .cardinalityPropertyName("approxCardinality") //(3)!
                    .group("cardinality") //(4)!
                    .edgeGroupProperty("edgeGroup") //(5)!
                    .propertiesToCopy(...) //(6)!
        .then(new AddElements()) //(7)!
  1. The input of edges is added to the OperationChain. Here we make one Edge between "A" and "B", with group = "edgeGroup".
  2. The input is streamed into the HllSketchEntityGenerator, which will return the edge as well as the two cardinality entities.
  3. The name of the property where we should store the cardinality.
  4. The group which the cardinality entity should be put into.
  5. If you track cardinality per edge group using a set property (as described above), which property should track this.
  6. Any properties from the edge to copy onto the cardinality entity.
  7. The results are streamed into AddElements to be added to the graph.
    "class": "OperationChain",
    "operations": [
            "class": "GenerateElements",
            "input": [{
                "class": "Edge",
                "group": "edgeGroup1",
                "source": "A",
                "destination": "B",
                "directed": true
            "elementGenerator": {
                "class": "HllSketchEntityGenerator",
                "cardinalityPropertyName": "approxCardinality",
                "edgeGroupProperty": "edgeGroup",
                "group": "cardinality"
            "class": "AddElements"
        input=[g.Edge("edgeGroup1", "A", "B", True)],

How to get cardinality back using Gaffer queries

Depending on how you query Gaffer, approximate cardinality will be displayed in results in different ways.

final GetElements query = new GetElements.Builder()
        .input(new EntitySeed("A"))

final Element element;
try (final Iterable<? extends Element> elements = graph.execute(query, user)) {
    element = elements.iterator().next();

final HllSketch hllSketch = (HllSketch) element.getProperty("approxCardinality");
final double approxCardinality = hllSketch.getEstimate();
final String cardinalityEstimate = "Entity A has approximate cardinality " + approxCardinality;


Entity A has approximate cardinality 1.0
    "class": "GetElements",
    "input": [
            "class": "EntitySeed",
            "vertex": "A"


    "class": "Entity",
    "group": "cardinality",
    "vertex": "A",
    "properties": {
        "approxCardinality": {
            "org.apache.datasketches.hll.HllSketch": {
                "bytes": "AgEHCgMIAQBejtgF", "cardinality": 1.0


    'class': '',
    'group': 'BasicEntity',
    'vertex': 'A',
    'properties': {
        'approxCardinality': {
            'org.apache.datasketches.hll.HllSketch': {
                'bytes': 'AgEHCgMIAQBejtgF',
                'cardinality': 1.0