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openCypher API


The openCypher API is still experimental, it is provided by a translation layer to Gremlin from the OpenCypher project. Due to this, the implementation may experience the same limitations as the Gremlin API. It's performance is unknown but likely slower than Gremlin or Standard Gaffer Operations.

What is openCypher?

openCypher is an open source implementation of Cypher - the most widely adopted, fully-specified, and open query language for property graph databases. The original Cypher language was developed by Neo4j®.

Cypher is a declarative graph query language that allows for expressive and efficient querying and updating of the graph store. Cypher is a relatively simple but still very powerful language. Complicated database queries can easily be expressed through Cypher.


Please see the full reference guide from the openCypher organisation for more details.

How to Query a Graph

There are two main methods of using openCypher in Gaffer, these are via Gremlin using a websocket by wrapping the query in a Gremlin with() step. Or by submitting queries via the REST Endpoints like standard Gaffer Operations. More details on setting up the Gremlin side can be found on its respective page.


Both methods require a running Gaffer REST API instance.

Using the with() Step

The most full featured way to use openCypher is to simply add it into a Gremlin query. This is done using the options interface, known in Gremlin as a with() step. More information on how to run a Gaffer option in Gremlin is available in the reference guide but general usage is outlined below:

g.with("cypher", "MATCH (n) WHERE ID(n) = '1' RETURN n").call().toList()

REST API Endpoints

The endpoints provide a similar interface to running Gaffer Operations. They accept a plaintext openCypher query and will return the results in GraphSONv3 format.

The two endpoints for openCypher are:

  • /rest/gremlin/cypher/execute - Translates a Cypher query to Gremlin and executes it returning a GraphSONv3 JSON result. Note will always append a .toList() to the translation.
  • /rest/gremlin/cypher/explain - Translates a Cypher query to Gremlin, executes it and returns an explanation of what Gremlin query and Gaffer operations it ran.

A query can be submitted via the Swagger UI or simple POST request such as:

curl -X 'POST' \
  'http://localhost:8080/rest/gremlin/cypher/execute' \
  -H 'accept: application/x-ndjson' \
  -H 'Content-Type: text/plain' \
  -d 'MATCH (n:'\''something'\'') RETURN n'

You can also utilise Gafferpy to connect and run queries using the endpoints.

from gafferpy import gaffer_connector

gc = gaffer_connector.GafferConnector("http://localhost:8080/rest")

# Execute and return cypher
cypher_result = gc.execute_cypher("MATCH (n) WHERE ID(n) = '1' RETURN n")