Koryphe Operators
Operators from the Koryphe library.
Applies the logical AND operation to 2 booleans. Javadoc
Input type: java.lang.Boolean
Example And with Booleans or Nulls
Example inputs:
Input Type | Inputs | Result Type | Results |
java.lang.Boolean | true and true | java.lang.Boolean | true |
java.lang.Boolean | true and false | java.lang.Boolean | false |
java.lang.Boolean | false and false | java.lang.Boolean | false |
java.lang.Boolean | false and null | java.lang.Boolean | false |
java.lang.Boolean | true and null | java.lang.Boolean | true |
null and null | null |
Applies the logical OR operation to 2 booleans. Javadoc
Input type: java.lang.Boolean
Example Or with Booleans, Nulls or other
Example inputs:
Input Type | Inputs | Result Type | Results |
java.lang.Boolean | true and true | java.lang.Boolean | true |
java.lang.Boolean | true and false | java.lang.Boolean | true |
java.lang.Boolean | false and false | java.lang.Boolean | false |
java.lang.Boolean | false and null | java.lang.Boolean | false |
java.lang.Boolean | true and null | java.lang.Boolean | true |
null and null | null | ||
java.lang.String | test and 3 | ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.lang.Boolean | |
java.lang.Integer | 0 and 0 | ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.lang.Boolean | |
java.lang.Integer | 1 and 0 | ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.lang.Boolean |
Returns the first non-null value. Javadoc
Input type: java.lang.Object
Example First with String and Null
Example inputs:
Input Type | Inputs | Result Type | Results |
java.lang.String | first and second | java.lang.String | first |
java.lang.String | first and null | java.lang.String | first |
null and second | java.lang.String | second | |
null and null | null |
Returns the min value. Javadoc
Input type: java.lang.Comparable
Example Min with String, Integer and Null
Example inputs:
Input Type | Inputs | Result Type | Results |
java.lang.Integer | 5 and 6 | java.lang.Integer | 5 |
java.lang.String | inputString and anotherInputString | java.lang.String | anotherInputString |
null and 1 | java.lang.Integer | 1 |
Returns the max value. Javadoc
Input type: java.lang.Comparable
Example Max with String, Integer and Null
Example inputs:
Input Type | Inputs | Result Type | Results |
java.lang.Integer | 5 and 6 | java.lang.Integer | 6 |
java.lang.String | inputString and anotherInputString | java.lang.String | inputString |
null and 1 | java.lang.Integer | 1 |
Calculates the product of 2 numbers. Javadoc
Input type: java.lang.Number
Example Product with Numbers
Example inputs:
Input Type | Inputs | Result Type | Results |
java.lang.Long | 20 and 3 | java.lang.Long | 60 |
java.lang.Integer | 300 and 400 | java.lang.Integer | 120000 |
java.lang.Double | 0.0 and 3.0 | java.lang.Double | 0.0 |
java.lang.Short | 50 and 50 | java.lang.Short | 2500 |
java.lang.Short | 500 and 500 | java.lang.Short | 32767 |
java.lang.Integer | -5 and 5 | java.lang.Integer | -25 |
java.lang.Long | 20 and null | java.lang.Long | 20 |
Calculates the sum of 2 numbers. Javadoc
Input type: java.lang.Number
Example Sum with Numbers
Example inputs:
Input Type | Inputs | Result Type | Results |
java.lang.Long | 20 and 3 | java.lang.Long | 23 |
java.lang.Integer | 300 and 400 | java.lang.Integer | 700 |
java.lang.Double | 0.0 and 3.0 | java.lang.Double | 3.0 |
java.lang.Short | 50 and 50 | java.lang.Short | 100 |
java.lang.Short | 30000 and 10000 | java.lang.Short | 32767 |
java.lang.Integer | -5 and 5 | java.lang.Integer | 0 |
java.lang.Long | 20 and null | java.lang.Long | 20 |
Concatenates two collections together. Javadoc
Input type: java.util.Collection
Example CollectionConcat
Example inputs:
Input Type | Inputs | Result Type | Results |
java.util.ArrayList | [test1] and [test2, test3] | java.util.ArrayList | [test1, test2, test3] |
java.util.ArrayList | [1] and [test2, test3] | java.util.ArrayList | [1, test2, test3] |
java.util.ArrayList | [] and [abc, cde] | java.util.ArrayList | [abc, cde] |
java.util.ArrayList | [test1] and null | java.util.ArrayList | [test1] |
java.util.HashSet | [a, b] and [b, c] | java.util.HashSet | [a, b, c] |
Returns items common to two collections. Javadoc
Input type: java.util.Collection
Example CollectionIntersect
Example inputs:
Input Type | Inputs | Result Type | Results |
java.util.ArrayList | [test1] and [test2, test3] | java.util.ArrayList | [] |
java.util.ArrayList | [1] and [1, 2] | java.util.ArrayList | [1] |
java.util.ArrayList | [] and [abc, cde] | java.util.ArrayList | [] |
java.util.ArrayList | [test1] and null | java.util.ArrayList | [test1] |
java.util.HashSet | [a, b] and [b, c] | java.util.HashSet | [b] |
Returns a ChainedIterable of two Iterables. Javadoc
Input type: java.lang.Iterable
Example IterableMerge
Example inputs:
Input Type | Inputs | Result Type | Results |
java.util.ArrayList | [test1] and [test2, test3] | uk.gov.gchq.koryphe.util.ChainedIterable | [test1, test2, test3] |
java.util.HashSet | [a, b] and [b, c] | uk.gov.gchq.koryphe.util.ChainedIterable | [a, b, b, c] |
Concatenates 2 strings. Javadoc
Input type: java.lang.String
Example StringConcat with separator
Example inputs:
Input Type | Inputs | Result Type | Results |
java.lang.String | hello and world | java.lang.String | hello world |
java.lang.String | abc and null | java.lang.String | abc |
null and null | null |
Example StringConcat with default separator
Example inputs:
Input Type | Inputs | Result Type | Results |
java.lang.String | hello and world | java.lang.String | hello,world |
java.lang.String | abc and null | java.lang.String | abc |
null and null | null |
Concatenates 2 strings and omits duplicates. Javadoc
Input type: type
Example StringDeduplicateConcat with separator
Example inputs:
Input Type | Inputs | Result Type | Results |
java.lang.String | hello and world | java.lang.String | hello world |
java.lang.String | abc and null | java.lang.String | abc |
null and null | null | ||
java.lang.String | abc, and abc | java.lang.String | abc, abc |
Example StringDeduplicateConcat with default separator
Example inputs:
Input Type | Inputs | Result Type | Results |
java.lang.String | hello and world | java.lang.String | hello,world |
java.lang.String | abc and null | java.lang.String | abc |
null and null | null | ||
java.lang.String | abc, and abc | java.lang.String | abc |