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Creating a Simple Deployment


Gaffer Kubernetes is not currently up to date. You will need to use a version of Kubernetes <= 1.25 for deployments. The information here is subject to change in future releases.

This guide will describe how to deploy a simple graph on a Kubernetes cluster with the minimum configuration. It is assumed you have read the previous page to get an overview of running Gaffer on Kubernetes.

To start with, you should add the Gaffer Docker repo to your Helm repos. This will save the need for cloning this Git repository. If you have already done this you can skip this step.

helm repo add gaffer-docker

The next step is to chose a Store type for the deployment there is a handy overview of each type in the quickstart to help you decide on this.

Deploy using a Map Store

A Map Store is just an in-memory store that can be used for demos or if you need something small scale short-term. It is our default store so there is no need for any extra configuration.

You can install a Map Store by just running:

helm install my-graph gaffer-docker/gaffer

Deploy using an Accumulo Store

If you want to deploy an Accumulo Store with your graph, it is relatively easy to do so with some small additional configuration. Create a file called accumulo.yaml and add the following:

  enabled: true

By default, the Gaffer user is created with a password of "gaffer" the CREATE_TABLE system permission with full access to the simpleGraph table which is coupled to the graphId.


All the default Accumulo passwords are in place so if you were to deploy this in production, you should consider changing the default Accumulo passwords.

You can stand up an Accumulo store by running:

helm install my-graph gaffer-docker/gaffer -f accumulo.yaml

Deploy using a Federated Store

If you want to deploy a Federated Store, all that you really need to do is set the To do this add the following to a federated.yaml file:


The addition of the SketchesJsonModules is just to ensure that if the Federated Store was connecting to a store which used sketches, they could be rendered nicely in json.

We can create the graph with:

helm install federated gaffer-docker/gaffer -f federated.yaml


For information on how to configure the deployed graph further please see the Gaffer configuration guides.