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The Spring REST API module is an implementation of the Gaffer REST API deployed in a Spring Boot container. It is relatively new compared to the core REST war which uses Jersey/JAX-RS.

The Spring REST should provide the following benefits:

  • Easier to extend through Spring Boot plugins
  • Easier to add dependencies at deployment time (no need to re-build a .war file)
  • Easier to deploy (you only need Java)

However, going forward into Gaffer v2.0 we hope this to become the standard for how we build and deploy REST APIs.

Implemented Features

  • Operations endpoint
  • Graph configuration endpoint
  • Properties endpoint
  • Status endpoint

Features we're yet to implement

  • Chunked endpoint

Features we don't plan to implement

  • Custom Swagger UI with operation chain builder
  • Supporting older versions of the API

How to run

With Maven from the root of the project:

mvn spring-boot:run -pl :spring-rest -Pdemo

With Java using the 'exec' .jar directly:

java \
-Dgaffer.schemas=/path/to/schemas \
-Dgaffer.storeProperties=/path/to/ \
-Dgaffer.graph.config=/path/to/graphConfig.json \
-jar spring-rest-2.0.0-exec.jar

You can alternatively add the Gaffer system properties to your file.

Once running, open the browser to http://localhost:8080/rest.

You can change the context root by changing the server.servlet.context-path value in