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Writing the Schema

In Gaffer JSON based schemas need to be written upfront to model and understand how to load and treat the data in the graph. These schemas define all aspects of the entities and edges in the graph, and can even be used to automatically do basic analysis or aggregation on queries and ingested data.

For reference, this guide will use the same CSV data set from the project setup page.

_id name age lang _labels _start _end _type weight
v1 marko 29 Person
v2 lop java Software
e1 v1 v2 Created 0.4

Elements Schema

In Gaffer, an element refers to any object in the graph, i.e. your entities and edges. To set up a graph we need to tell Gaffer what objects are in the graph and the properties they have. The standard way to do this is a JSON config file in the schema directory. The filename can just be called something like elements.json, the name is not special as all files under the schema directory will be merged into a master schema, but we recommended using an appropriate name.

As covered in the Getting Started Schema page, to write a schema you can see that there are some required fields, but largely a schema is highly specific to your input data.

Starting with the entities from the example, we can see there will be two distinct types of entity in the graph; one representing a Person and another for Software. These can be added into the schema to give something like the following:

The types here such as id.person.string are covered in the next section.

    "entities": {
        "Person": {
            "description": "Entity representing a person vertex",
            "vertex": "id.person.string"
        "Software": {
            "description": "Entity representing a software vertex",
            "vertex": ""

From the basic schema you can see that we have added two entity types for the graph. For now, each entity just contains a short description and a type associated to the vertex key. The type here is just a placeholder, but it has been named appropriately as it's assumed that we will just use the string representation of the entities id (this will be defined in the types.json later in the guide).

Expanding on the basic schema we will now add the edges to the graph. As the example graph is small we only need to add one edge - the Created edge. This is a directed edge that connects a Person to a Software and can be defined as the following.

    "edges": {
        "Created": {
            "source": "id.person.string",
            "destination": "",
            "directed": "true"
    "entities": {
        "Person": {
            "description": "Entity representing a person vertex",
            "vertex": "id.person.string"
        "Software": {
            "description": "Entity representing a software vertex",
            "vertex": ""

As discussed in the user schema guide, edges have some mandatory fields. Starting with the source and destination fields, these must match the types associated with the vertex field in the relevant entities. From the example, we can see that the source of a Created edge is a Person so we will use the placeholder type we set as the vertex field which is id.person.string. Similarly the destination is a Software vertex so we will use its placeholder of

We must also set whether an edge is directed or not, in this case it is as only a person can create software not the other way around. To set this we will use the true type, but note that this is a placeholder and must still be defined in the types.json.

Continuing with the example, the entities and edges also have some properties associated with each such as name, age etc. These can also be added to the schema using a properties map to result in the extended schema below.

    "edges": {
        "Created": {
            "source": "id.person.string",
            "destination": "",
            "directed": "true",
            "aggregate": "false",
            "properties": {
                "weight": "property.float"
    "entities": {
        "Person": {
            "description": "Entity representing a person vertex",
            "vertex": "id.person.string",
            "aggregate": "false",
            "properties": {
                "name": "property.string",
                "age": "property.integer"
        "Software": {
            "description": "Entity representing a software vertex",
            "vertex": "",
            "aggregate": "false",
            "properties": {
                "name": "property.string",
                "lang": "property.string"


Take note of the "aggregate": "false" setting, this skips any ingest aggregation as it is not required and out of scope of this example. All entity property types must have an aggregation function in Gaffer unless this option is added. Aggregation is fairly advanced topic in Gaffer but very powerful it is covered in more depth later in the documentation.

Types Schema

The other schema that now needs to be written is the types schema. As you have seen in the elements schema there are some placeholder types added as the values for many of the keys. These types work similarly to if you have ever programmed in a strongly typed language, they are essentially the wrapper for the value to encapsulate it.

Now starting with the types for the entities, we used two placeholder types, one for the Person entity and one for the Software entity. From the example CSV you can see there is a _id column that uses a string identifier that is used for the ID of the entity (this will also be used by the edge to identify the source and destination). We will define a type for each entity ID using the standard java String class to encapsulate it, this leads to a basic type.json like the following.

    "types": {
        "id.person.string": {
            "description": "A basic type to hold the string id of a person entity",
            "class": "java.lang.String"
        "": {
            "description": "A basic type to hold the string id of a person entity",
            "class": "java.lang.String"

The next set of types that need defining are, the ones used for the properties that are attached to the entities. Again we need to take a look back at what our input data looks like, in the CSV file we can see there are three different types that are used for the properties which are analogous to a String, an Integer and a Float.


Of course technically, all of these properties could be encapsulated in a string but assigning a relevant type allows some additional type specific features often used in grouping and aggregation.

If we make a type for each of the possible properties using the standard Java classes we end up with the following:

    "types": {
        "id.person.string": {
            "description": "A basic type to hold the string id of a person entity",
            "class": "java.lang.String"
        "": {
            "description": "A basic type to hold the string id of a person entity",
            "class": "java.lang.String"
        "property.string": {
            "description": "A type to hold string properties of entities",
            "class": "java.lang.String"
        "property.integer": {
            "description": "A basic type to hold integer properties of entities",
            "class": "java.lang.Integer"
        "property.float": {
            "description": "A basic type to hold float properties of entities",
            "class": "java.lang.Float"

The final thing that we need to add to the schema is a type for the true Boolean value that's used by the directed field of the edge element. This leaves us with the complete list of types for this example.

    "types": {
        "id.person.string": {
            "description": "A basic type to hold the string id of a person entity",
            "class": "java.lang.String"
        "": {
            "description": "A basic type to hold the string id of a person entity",
            "class": "java.lang.String"
        "property.string": {
            "description": "A type to hold string properties of entities",
            "class": "java.lang.String"
        "property.integer": {
            "description": "A basic type to hold integer properties of entities",
            "class": "java.lang.Integer"
        "property.float": {
            "description": "A basic type to hold float properties of entities",
            "class": "java.lang.Float"
        "true": {
            "description": "A simple boolean that must always be true.",
            "class": "java.lang.Boolean",
            "validateFunctions": [
                    "class": ""

As you can see the Boolean value also demonstrates the validation feature which allows for validation of any values using the type. In this example it verifies its true but you could also check it exists, see if its less than another value etc. or even run your own custom validator class.


The Koryphe module provides lots of default functions that can be used to validate and aggregate data, see the predicate reference guide for more information.