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Federated Operation


If you're upgrading from Gaffer 1.x.x you will need to migrate from using the FederatedOperationChain to using the FederatedOperation

The Federated Operation

The Federated Operation is an operation which can be used against a Federated Store. The operation is used to send a single or a chain of operations to one or more graphs within a federated store. It can be configured to merge results differently depending on the mergeFunction passed to it.


The Federated Operation has 3 key parameters: operation, graphIds and mergeFunction:

    "class": "",
    "operation": {
        "class": ""
    "graphIds": [ "GraphA", "GraphB" ],
    "mergeFunction": {
        "class": ""

Required parameter: operation

This is the Operation you wish to be federated to the subgraphs. This can be a single Operation or an OperationChain. If you use an OperationChain, then the whole chain will be sent to the subgraphs.

Optional parameter: graphIds

This is a list of a single or multiple graph IDs which you want to send the operation to.

If the user does not specify graphIds in the Operation, then the storeConfiguredGraphIds for that store will be used. If the admin has not configured the storeConfiguredGraphIds then all graphIds will be used.

Optional parameter: mergeFunction

The mergeFunction parameter is the Function you want to use when merging the results from the subgraphs.

If you do not specify a mergeFunction, then the admin configured storeConfiguredMergeFunctions are used, else the default mergeFunctions are used as shown in the table below.

For example, when GetElements is used as the operation inside a FederatedOperation and you haven't specified a mergeFunction, the function ApplyViewToElementsFunction will be used by default, unless an admin has configured a different function.

See the default mergeFunctions for the operations below.

Default Store Configured Merge Functions
Operation Merge function
GetElements ApplyViewToElementsFunction
GetAllElements ApplyViewToElementsFunction
GetSchema MergeSchema
GetTraits CollectionIntersect
others ConcatenateMergeFunction

Sending Operations To Federated Stores

In these examples we do not specify the mergeFunction parameter. This would therefore use the default mergeFunction for the specific operation.

Sending a single operation to one subgraph in your Federated Store
    "class": "",
    "operation": {
        "class": ""
    "graphIds": [ "GraphA" ]
Sending two different operations to two different subgraphs in your Federated Store
    "class": "",
    "operations": [
            "class": "",
            "operation": {
                "class": "ExampleOperation1"
            "graphIds": [ "GraphA" ]
            "class": "",
            "operation": {
                "class": "ExampleOperation2"
            "graphIds": [ "GraphB" ]
Sending a single operation to one subgraph and a chain of operations to another subgraph in your Federated Store
    "class": "",
    "operations": [
            "class": "",
            "operation": {
                "class": "",
                "operations": {
                        "class": "ExampleOperation1",
                        "class": "ExampleOperation2"
            "graphIds": [ "GraphA" ]
            "class": "",
            "operation": {
                "class": "ExampleOperation3"
            "graphIds": [ "GraphB" ]

In the example above we've wrapped an Operation Chain inside a Federated Operation.

The Merge Function

Merge functions dictate how the FederatedStore will merge results from different subgraphs dependent on the Operation.

The examples below refer to this graph.

graph LR
    subgraph Federated Store
        subgraph Graph A
            direction TB
            A((Person<br>id: 1<br>name: bob<br>count: 1)) --works as--> B((Job<br>id: 2<br>title: builder))
            A --lives in--> C((Place<br>id: 3<br>name: bobsville))
            subgraph Graph B
            direction TB
            D((Person<br>id: 1<br>name: bob<br>count: 1)) --drives--> E((Vehicle<br>id: 4<br>type: digger))
            E --make/model--> F((Manufacturer<br>id: 5<br>name: JCB))
Graph A Schema and Data


    "class": "AddGraph",
    "graphId": "GraphA",
    "schema": {
        "edges": {
        "WorksAs": {
            "source": "id.person.string",
            "destination": "id.job.string",
            "directed": "true"
        "LivesIn": {
            "source": "id.person.string",
            "destination": "",
            "directed": "true"
        "entities": {
        "Person": {
            "description": "Entity representing a person vertex",
            "vertex": "id.person.string",
            "aggregate": "true",
            "properties": {
            "name": "property.string",
            "count": "count.integer"
        "Job": {
            "description": "Entity representing a job vertex",
            "vertex": "id.job.string",
            "aggregate": "false",
            "properties": {
            "type": "property.string"
        "Place": {
            "description": "Entity representing a place vertex",
            "vertex": "",
            "aggregate": "false",
            "properties": {
            "name": "property.string"
        "types": {
        "id.person.string": {
            "description": "A basic type to hold the string id of a person entity",
            "class": "java.lang.String"
        "": {
            "description": "A basic type to hold the string id of a place entity",
            "class": "java.lang.String"
        "id.job.string": {
            "description": "A basic type to hold the string id of a job entity",
            "class": "java.lang.String"
        "property.string": {
            "description": "A type to hold string properties of entities",
            "class": "java.lang.String",
            "aggregateFunction": {
            "class": ""
        "count.integer": {
            "description": "A long count that must be greater than or equal to 0.",
            "class": "java.lang.Integer",
            "validateFunctions": [
                "class": "",
                "orEqualTo": true,
                "value": {
                "java.lang.Integer": 0
            "aggregateFunction": {
            "class": ""
        "true": {
            "class": "java.lang.Boolean",
            "validateFunctions": [
                "class": ""
    "storeProperties": {
        "": ""
    "class": "AddElements",
    "input": [
        "class": "Edge",
        "group": "WorksAs",
        "source": "1",
        "destination": "3",
        "directed": true
        "class": "Edge",
        "group": "LivesIn",
        "source": "1",
        "destination": "3",
        "directed": true
        "class": "Entity",
        "group": "Person",
        "vertex": "1",
        "properties": {
            "name": "Bob",
            "count": 1
        "class": "Entity",
        "group": "Job",
        "vertex": "2",
        "properties": {
            "type": "Builder"
        "class": "Entity",
        "group": "Place",
        "vertex": "3",
        "properties": {
            "name": "Bobsville"
    "options": {
        "gaffer.federatedstore.operation.graphIds": "GraphA"

Graph B Schema and Data


    "class": "AddGraph",
    "graphId": "GraphB",
    "schema": {
        "edges": {
        "Drives": {
            "source": "id.person.string",
            "destination": "id.vehicle.string",
            "directed": "true"
        "MakeModel": {
            "source": "id.vehicle.string",
            "destination": "id.manufacturer.string",
            "directed": "true"
        "entities": {
        "Person": {
            "description": "Entity representing a person vertex",
            "vertex": "id.person.string",
            "aggregate": "true",
            "properties": {
            "name": "property.string",
            "count": "count.integer"
        "Vehicle": {
            "description": "Entity representing a vehicle vertex",
            "vertex": "id.vehicle.string",
            "aggregate": "false",
            "properties": {
            "type": "property.string"
        "Manufacturer": {
            "description": "Entity representing a manufacturer vertex",
            "vertex": "id.manufacturer.string",
            "aggregate": "false",
            "properties": {
            "name": "property.string"
        "types": {
        "id.person.string": {
            "description": "A basic type to hold the string id of a person entity",
            "class": "java.lang.String"
        "id.manufacturer.string": {
            "description": "A basic type to hold the string id of a manufacturer entity",
            "class": "java.lang.String"
        "id.vehicle.string": {
            "description": "A basic type to hold the string id of a vehicle entity",
            "class": "java.lang.String"
        "property.string": {
            "description": "A type to hold string properties of entities",
            "class": "java.lang.String",
            "aggregateFunction": {
            "class": ""
        "count.integer": {
            "description": "A long count that must be greater than or equal to 0.",
            "class": "java.lang.Integer",
            "validateFunctions": [
                "class": "",
                "orEqualTo": true,
                "value": {
                "java.lang.Integer": 0
            "aggregateFunction": {
            "class": ""
        "true": {
            "class": "java.lang.Boolean",
            "validateFunctions": [
                "class": ""
    "storeProperties": {
        "": ""
    "class": "AddElements",
    "input": [
        "class": "Edge",
        "group": "Drives",
        "source": "1",
        "destination": "4",
        "directed": true
        "class": "Edge",
        "group": "MakeModel",
        "source": "4",
        "destination": "5",
        "directed": true
        "class": "Entity",
        "group": "Person",
        "vertex": "1",
        "properties": {
            "name": "Bob",
            "count": 1
        "class": "Entity",
        "group": "Vehicle",
        "vertex": "4",
        "properties": {
            "type": "Digger"
        "class": "Entity",
        "group": "Manufacturer",
        "vertex": "5",
        "properties": {
            "name": "JCB"
    "options": {
        "gaffer.federatedstore.operation.graphIds": "GraphB"


This merge function uses the View from the operation and applies it to all of the results, meaning the results are now re-aggregated and re-filtered using the Schema, locally in the FederatedStore. This makes the results look like they came from one graph, rather than getting back an array of Elements from the different subgraphs.

Example using the GetAllElements operation

    "class": "",
    "operation": {
        "class": "GetAllElements"
    "graphIds": ["GraphA","GraphB"],
    "mergeFunction": {
        "class": ""
        "class": "",
        "group": "LivesIn",
        "source": "1",
        "destination": "3",
        "directed": true,
        "matchedVertex": "SOURCE",
        "properties": {}
        "class": "",
        "group": "MakeModel",
        "source": "4",
        "destination": "5",
        "directed": true,
        "matchedVertex": "SOURCE",
        "properties": {}
        "class": "",
        "group": "Person",
        "vertex": "1",
        "properties": {
        "name": "Bob",
        "count": 2
        "class": "",
        "group": "WorksAs",
        "source": "1",
        "destination": "3",
        "directed": true,
        "matchedVertex": "SOURCE",
        "properties": {}
        "class": "",
        "group": "Drives",
        "source": "1",
        "destination": "4",
        "directed": true,
        "matchedVertex": "SOURCE",
        "properties": {}
        "class": "",
        "group": "Vehicle",
        "vertex": "4",
        "properties": {
        "type": "Digger"
        "class": "",
        "group": "Manufacturer",
        "vertex": "5",
        "properties": {
        "name": "JCB"
        "class": "",
        "group": "Job",
        "vertex": "2",
        "properties": {
        "type": "Builder"
        "class": "",
        "group": "Place",
        "vertex": "3",
        "properties": {
        "name": "Bobsville"

If we compare the results above to the GetAllElements result below using the ConcanenateMergeFunction. We can see there is a difference between them. In the ApplyViewToElementsFunction result above we have just one entity of Person named Bob with a count of 2. Whereas the below result which used the ConcanenateMergeFunction, we have two entities of Person named Bob, each with a count of 1. This is because the ApplyViewToElementsFunction has re-aggregated and re-filtered the results from both graphs into one.


This returns the intersection of common store traits from the subgraphs in the federated store.

Example using the GetTraits operations.

    "class": "",
    "operation": {
        "class": "GetTraits"
    "graphIds": ["GraphA","GraphB"],
    "mergeFunction": {
        "class": "CollectionIntersect"


This merge function returns an aggregated schema from the subgraphs, unless there is a conflict. You may wish to use the ConcatenateMergeFunction if there is a schema conflict.

Example using the GetSchema operation.

    "class": "",
    "operation": {
        "class": "GetSchema"
    "graphIds": ["GraphA","GraphB"],
    "mergeFunction": {
        "class": ""
    "edges": {
        "LivesIn": {
        "source": "id.person.string",
        "destination": "",
        "directed": "true"
        "Drives": {
        "source": "id.person.string",
        "destination": "id.vehicle.string",
        "directed": "true"
        "WorksAs": {
        "source": "id.person.string",
        "destination": "id.job.string",
        "directed": "true"
        "MakeModel": {
        "source": "id.vehicle.string",
        "destination": "id.manufacturer.string",
        "directed": "true"
    "entities": {
        "Vehicle": {
        "description": "Entity representing a vehicle vertex",
        "vertex": "id.vehicle.string",
        "properties": {
            "type": "property.string"
        "aggregate": false
        "Manufacturer": {
        "description": "Entity representing a manufacturer vertex",
        "vertex": "id.manufacturer.string",
        "properties": {
            "name": "property.string"
        "aggregate": false
        "Job": {
        "description": "Entity representing a job vertex",
        "vertex": "id.job.string",
        "properties": {
            "type": "property.string"
        "aggregate": false
        "Person": {
        "description": "Entity representing a person vertex",
        "vertex": "id.person.string",
        "properties": {
            "name": "property.string",
            "count": "count.integer"
        "Place": {
        "description": "Entity representing a place vertex",
        "vertex": "",
        "properties": {
            "name": "property.string"
        "aggregate": false
    "types": {
        "id.person.string": {
        "description": "A basic type to hold the string id of a person entity",
        "class": "java.lang.String"
        "": {
        "description": "A basic type to hold the string id of a place entity",
        "class": "java.lang.String"
        "id.job.string": {
        "description": "A basic type to hold the string id of a job entity",
        "class": "java.lang.String"
        "property.string": {
        "description": "A type to hold string properties of entities",
        "class": "java.lang.String",
        "aggregateFunction": {
            "class": ""
        "count.integer": {
        "description": "A long count that must be greater than or equal to 0.",
        "class": "java.lang.Integer",
        "aggregateFunction": {
            "class": ""
        "validateFunctions": [
            "class": "",
            "orEqualTo": true,
            "value": 0
        "true": {
        "class": "java.lang.Boolean",
        "validateFunctions": [
            "class": ""
        "id.manufacturer.string": {
        "description": "A basic type to hold the string id of a manufacturer entity",
        "class": "java.lang.String"
        "id.vehicle.string": {
        "description": "A basic type to hold the string id of a vehicle entity",
        "class": "java.lang.String"


This merge function is the default merge function for the majority of operations as seen in the table above. You can also override the default merge functions for operations like we have below. It results in concantinating all the results of the operations together.

Using the ConcatenateMergeFunction can give you duplicate results. This can be seen with the GetTraits example below.

Example using the GetSchema operation.

    "class": "",
    "operation": {
        "class": "GetSchema"
    "graphIds": ["GraphA","GraphB"],
    "mergeFunction": {
        "class": ""
        "edges": {
        "Drives": {
            "source": "id.person.string",
            "destination": "id.vehicle.string",
            "directed": "true"
        "MakeModel": {
            "source": "id.vehicle.string",
            "destination": "id.manufacturer.string",
            "directed": "true"
        "entities": {
        "Vehicle": {
            "description": "Entity representing a vehicle vertex",
            "vertex": "id.vehicle.string",
            "properties": {
            "type": "property.string"
            "aggregate": false
        "Manufacturer": {
            "description": "Entity representing a manufacturer vertex",
            "vertex": "id.manufacturer.string",
            "properties": {
            "name": "property.string"
            "aggregate": false
        "Person": {
            "description": "Entity representing a person vertex",
            "vertex": "id.person.string",
            "properties": {
            "name": "property.string",
            "count": "count.integer"
        "types": {
        "id.person.string": {
            "description": "A basic type to hold the string id of a person entity",
            "class": "java.lang.String"
        "id.manufacturer.string": {
            "description": "A basic type to hold the string id of a manufacturer entity",
            "class": "java.lang.String"
        "id.vehicle.string": {
            "description": "A basic type to hold the string id of a vehicle entity",
            "class": "java.lang.String"
        "property.string": {
            "description": "A type to hold string properties of entities",
            "class": "java.lang.String",
            "aggregateFunction": {
            "class": ""
        "count.integer": {
            "description": "A long count that must be greater than or equal to 0.",
            "class": "java.lang.Integer",
            "aggregateFunction": {
            "class": ""
            "validateFunctions": [
                "class": "",
                "orEqualTo": true,
                "value": 0
        "true": {
            "class": "java.lang.Boolean",
            "validateFunctions": [
                "class": ""
        "edges": {
        "WorksAs": {
            "source": "id.person.string",
            "destination": "id.job.string",
            "directed": "true"
        "LivesIn": {
            "source": "id.person.string",
            "destination": "",
            "directed": "true"
        "entities": {
        "Job": {
            "description": "Entity representing a job vertex",
            "vertex": "id.job.string",
            "properties": {
            "type": "property.string"
            "aggregate": false
        "Person": {
            "description": "Entity representing a person vertex",
            "vertex": "id.person.string",
            "properties": {
            "name": "property.string",
            "count": "count.integer"
        "Place": {
            "description": "Entity representing a place vertex",
            "vertex": "",
            "properties": {
            "name": "property.string"
            "aggregate": false
        "types": {
        "id.person.string": {
            "description": "A basic type to hold the string id of a person entity",
            "class": "java.lang.String"
        "": {
            "description": "A basic type to hold the string id of a place entity",
            "class": "java.lang.String"
        "id.job.string": {
            "description": "A basic type to hold the string id of a job entity",
            "class": "java.lang.String"
        "property.string": {
            "description": "A type to hold string properties of entities",
            "class": "java.lang.String",
            "aggregateFunction": {
            "class": ""
        "count.integer": {
            "description": "A long count that must be greater than or equal to 0.",
            "class": "java.lang.Integer",
            "aggregateFunction": {
            "class": ""
            "validateFunctions": [
                "class": "",
                "orEqualTo": true,
                "value": 0
        "true": {
            "class": "java.lang.Boolean",
            "validateFunctions": [
                "class": ""

Example using the GetTraits operation.

    "class": "",
    "operation": {
        "class": "GetTraits"
    "graphIds": ["GraphA","GraphB"],
        "mergeFunction": {
            "class": ""

Example using the GetAllElements operation.

    "class": "",
    "operation": {
        "class": "GetAllElements"
    "graphIds": ["GraphA","GraphB"],
        "mergeFunction": {
            "class": ""
        "class": "",
        "group": "MakeModel",
        "source": "4",
        "destination": "5",
        "directed": true,
        "matchedVertex": "SOURCE",
        "properties": {}
        "class": "",
        "group": "Person",
        "vertex": "1",
        "properties": {
        "name": "Bob",
        "count": 1
        "class": "",
        "group": "Drives",
        "source": "1",
        "destination": "4",
        "directed": true,
        "matchedVertex": "SOURCE",
        "properties": {}
        "class": "",
        "group": "Vehicle",
        "vertex": "4",
        "properties": {
        "type": "Digger"
        "class": "",
        "group": "Manufacturer",
        "vertex": "5",
        "properties": {
        "name": "JCB"
        "class": "",
        "group": "LivesIn",
        "source": "1",
        "destination": "3",
        "directed": true,
        "matchedVertex": "SOURCE",
        "properties": {}
        "class": "",
        "group": "Person",
        "vertex": "1",
        "properties": {
        "name": "Bob",
        "count": 1
        "class": "",
        "group": "WorksAs",
        "source": "1",
        "destination": "3",
        "directed": true,
        "matchedVertex": "SOURCE",
        "properties": {}
        "class": "",
        "group": "Job",
        "vertex": "2",
        "properties": {
        "type": "Builder"
        "class": "",
        "group": "Place",
        "vertex": "3",
        "properties": {
        "name": "Bobsville"