Custom Options for Gremlin
This page details the available options you can pass in a Gremlin
step when using the GafferPop API for querying.
Operation Options
Key: operationOptions
Allows passing options to the underlying Gaffer Operations, this is the same as
the options
field on a standard JSON query. This will be applied to all
operations in the query.
Note that any options should be passed as a list or dictionary.
Get Elements Limit
Key getElementsLimit
Limits the amount of elements that can be returned for each GetElements
query ran by TinkerPop. This applies a Gaffer Limit
operation in the translated operation chain. This will override the default for
the current query, see the admin guide
for more detail on setting up defaults.
Has Step Filter Stage
Key: hasStepFilterStage
Controls which phase the filtering from a Gremlin has()
stage is applied to
the results. This will apply to all has()
steps in the query and override the
default, see the admin guide
for more detail on setting up defaults.
Cypher Query
Key: cypher
Translates the given Cypher query to Gremlin and executes it on the Graph. This
can be used in combination with other with()
steps as they will be protected
from translation.
Include Orphaned Vertices
Key: includeOrphanedVertices
The option to set if orphaned vertices should be included in the result.
Orphaned vertices are deemed as vertices on an edge that have no
associated Gaffer entity with them. Enabling this will likely result in slower
query performance as each vertex on an edge needs to be checked. The orphaned
vertices returned will be in a special id
group. This will override the default for
the current query, see the admin guide
for more detail on setting up defaults.