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Using Sketches with the REST API

This page explains some nuances and special steps required when using classes from the Sketches library with the REST API. If you just want to know how to use the sketches libraries to use cardinality, see the cardinality docs page.

Sketches Library

To learn more about the Sketches library see advanced properties reference page. The sketches library is included by default with the Map and Accumulo stores. This is because the sketches-library is a dependency in each of the respective store modules' poms. As well as this, the serialisation is handled by the fact the SketchesJsonModules is returned by the getJsonSerialiserModules method in both the Map and Accumulo property classes. The modules are then loaded by the JSONSerialiser and used during the deserialisation of the REST JSON queries.

HyperLogLog sketches

Gaffer currently supports the Datasketches HllSketch and Clearspring HyperLogLogPlus algorithms. The Clearspring HyperLogLogPlus has been deprecated in Gaffer and we recommend the Datasketches HllSketch to users for the reasons described in the advanced properties guide.

The HllSketch and HyperLogLogPlus sketches can be used to store an approximation of cardinality of an element. The JSON of the query is converted to Java objects during deserialisation using the JSONSerialiser. During the deserialisation, the sketch's JSON representation is converted to a Java object using the ObjectMapper module which uses the relevant deserialiser ( HyperLogLogPlusJsonDeserialiser or HllSketchJsonDeserialiser).

Creating cardinality values over JSON

When adding or updating a cardinality object over the REST API, you specify the vertex values to add to the sketch. This is done by either using the offers field with HyperLogLogPlus, or the values field with HllSketch. The HyperLogLog object is then instantiated and updated with the values. The object can then be serialised and stored in the datastore. The vertex object is serialised using the toString representation of the object.


As the algorithms use the toString method, any user defined type introduced must override the toString method returning meaningful string value representing the object rather than the default class instance identifier. User defined types can be introduced by either adding further types to Gaffer or by adding a jar with the extra type(s) to the Gaffer classpath on startup.

Depending on whether you are using HyperLogLogPlus or HllSketch, either the HyperLogLogPlusWithOffers or the HllSketchWithValues respectively is responsible for the JSON deserialisation. The helper classes wrap the underlying sketch and includes the following annotation on the offers/values field:

@JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.CLASS, property = "class")

This signals to the Jackson ObjectMapper that it needs to look for the class field in each object and translate to the correct object type.

Primitive data types over JSON

Primitive types are converted to the correct format by Jackson ObjectMapper automatically. Here are some examples of the values:

"values": ["valueA", "value2",...]

"values": [1, 2,...]

"values": [1.1, 2.2,...]

Non-primitive data types over JSON

In order to convert non-primitive vertex values (like TypeSubTypeValue) to Java objects, the JSON values need to contain the special field class containing the class name of the object. The deserialiser uses this class field when deserialising using the JSONSerialiser deserialise method.

Here are the Gaffer user defined types:

"values": [
    "class": "",
    "test": 1
"values": [
    "class": "",
    "keySerialiser": {
      "class": ""
    "valueSerialiser": {
      "class": ""
    "jsonStorage": []
"values": [
    "class" : "",
    "type" : "type",
    "value" : "value"
"values": [
    "class" : "",
    "type" : "type",
    "subType" : "subType",
    "value" : "value"

The subclass fields must also have the class field set (for example, the keySerialiser in the CustomMap type) if not a standard Java Object so that the Jackson ObjectMapper knows how to convert the correct values to Java objects.

Composing using Java

If you are composing the HllSketch with values using Java, before converting to JSON and sending via REST, you need ensure that the values objects are translated to JSON with the correct class field added. To make sure of this, you could add the sketches-library JAR and use the HllSketchWithValues object to construct your query (or the equivalent for HyperLogLogPlus). This way you know that all the objects have the correct field added. You can then convert the HllSketchWithValues to JSON using the JSONSerialiser serialisation method:

final HllSketchWithValues hllSketchWithValues = JSONSerialiser.deserialise(treeNode.toString(), HllSketchWithValues.class);
If you want to create your own class instead, rather than using HllSketchWithValues, ensure that the values list has the correct annotation so the class is added on conversion using by the Jackson ObjectMapper:

@JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.CLASS, property = "class")
private List<Object> values = new ArrayList<>();

Composing using Python

An example of using Python to add a HyperLogLogPlus property with a TypeSubTypeValue offer:

                        "hllp": g.hyper_log_log_plus([
                                "class" : "",
                                "type" : "t",
                                "subType" : "st",
                                "value" : "B"

An example of using Python to add a HllSketch property with a TypeSubTypeValue offer:

                        "hllSketch": g.hll_sketch([
                                "class" : "",
                                "type" : "t",
                                "subType" : "st",
                                "value" : "B"

Adding user defined vertex types into offers

To add a user defined type you must ensure that:

  • the type is on the Gaffer classpath
  • the type must override the toString method
  • the type contains the correct annotations if you are converting from Java to JSON before sending via REST

The following user defined type example features the annotation required as well as the @Override of the toString method:

@JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.CLASS, property = "class")
public class ExampleType implements Comparable<ExampleType>, Serializable {

   private String value...;

   // getters and setters

   public String toString() {
       return ...;