Entity |
An entity represents a point in a graph |
Edge |
An edge is a connection between two vertices |
Vertex |
In Gaffer, a vertex is the id of an entity. Note that a vertex can exist on an edge without an associated entity. Any querying will only show these vertices on their associated edges |
Node |
A node is what Gaffer calls an entity |
Properties |
A property is a key/value pair that stores data on both edges and entities |
Element |
The word is used to describe edges or entities |
Stores |
A Gaffer store represents the backing database responsible for storing or facilitating access to a graph |
Operations |
An operation is an instruction / function that you send to the API to manipulate and query a graph |
View |
Used in Gaffer like a filter it lets you view the data differently in a query, often used to filter the data you get back from a given operation |
Matched vertex |
matchedVertex is a field added to Edges which are returned by Gaffer queries, stating whether your seeds matched the source or destination |
Python |
A programming language that is used to build applications. Gaffer uses Python to interact with the API |
Java |
A object oriented programming language used to build software. Gaffer is primarily built in Java |
Database |
A database is a collection of organised structured information or data typically stored in a computer system |
Application Programming Interface. An API is for one or more services / systems to communicate with each other |
JavaScript Object Notation is a text based format for representing structure data based on JavaScript object syntax |
GafferPop |
The library used to translate Gremlin queries to Gaffer operations using the TinkerPop framework |
Orphaned Vertices |
Vertices on an edge without any associated entity in the Graph |