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CSV Data Import and Export

Gaffer supports both importing from and exporting to csv. This page outlines some of the common methods you can use to do this via the API.

Using Local Files

If you configure your Gaffer graph to support the ImportFromLocalFile and ExportToLocalFile operations, then it can do this from/to a local file. To enable these operations you will need to use a JSON configuration file to specify the operations and their handlers like so:

    "operations": [
            "operation": "",
            "handler": {
                "class": ""
            "operation": "",
            "handler": {
                "class": ""

Usually this file is called operationsDeclarations.json but the name can be anything, what is important is that the file is specified in your store properties file by using the following property:

How to Import and Export

You can use the REST API to add the graph elements. In production this method would not be recommended for large volumes of data. However, it is fine for smaller data sets and generally can be done in a few stages outlined in the following diagram.

flowchart LR
    A(Raw Data) --> B(GenerateElements)
    B --> C(AddElements)

The operation chain below essentially mirrors the stages in the previous diagram. The first stage is taking the raw input data and converting it into Gaffer elements via an element generator class. Gaffer includes a few built in generators but you can use a custom class or pre-process the data before passing to Gaffer so that you're able to use a default generator. Once the data has been converted to elements it needs to be added into the graph. To load elements there is a standard AddElements operation which takes raw elements JSON as input and adds them into the graph.


See the page covering Operations for an introduction on how to use them via the API.

    "class": "OperationChain",
    "operations": [
            "class": "ImportFromLocalFile", //(1)!
            "filePath": "mydata.csv"
            "class": "GenerateElements", //(2)!
            "elementGenerator": {
                "class": "Neo4jCsvElementGenerator"
            "class": "AddElements" //(3)!
  1. The ImportFromLocalFile operation reads each line from the file mydata.csv and will stream each string into the next parts of the chain.
  2. The GenerateElements operation will transform each line of the file into a Gaffer Element. You will need to provide an element generator that is suitable for the file you have provided. The two CsvElementGenerators provided in core Gaffer are Neo4jElementGenerator and NeptuneCsvElementGenerator.
  3. Finally, the stream of Gaffer Elements are added with an AddElements operation.

Exporting to csv is done with a similar OperationChain.

    "class": "OperationChain",
    "operations": [
            "class": "GetAllElements" //(1)!
            "class": "ToCsv", //(2)!
            "csvGenerator": "Neo4jCsvGenerator"
            "class": "ExportToLocalFile", //(3)!
            "filePath": "output.csv"
  1. Firstly, you need to get the Elements which you want to export, in this example we simply GetAllElements.
  2. The ToCsv operation is then used to turn each Element into a csv formatted string. You must supply a CsvGenerator to do this. You can build a custom CsvGenerator, or use a supplied one. The two CsvGenerators provided in core Gaffer are Neo4jCsvGenerator and NeptuneCsvGenerator.
  3. Then the ExportToLocalFile operation is used to save this string output into a local file.


Custom formats

Currently, custom formats for import are not supported. Instead you should use one of the two OpenCypher formats. However, for export you can customise the CsvGenerator class to create a custom export format in a ToCsv operation. For example, the following operation.

    "class": "ToCsv",
    "csvGenerator": {
        "class": "CsvGenerator",
        "fields": ["prop1", "SOURCE", "DESTINATION", "prop2", "GROUP"],
        "constants": ["constant1", "constant2"]

Would produce csv rows that look like:

prop1Value sourceValue destinationValue prop2 groupValue constant1 constant2

OpenCypher Formats

Core Gaffer has some generators provided that can import from and export to OpenCypher CSV. These will work with other graph databases like Neo4j and Neptune.


Please note that when using these, Gaffer might change your property name headers. All instances of - are replaced with _, and invalid characters are stripped as outlined in PropertiesUtil.

As shown later in the examples, OpenCypher formats let you dictate property types in the header, like propertyName:type. Below is a table that shows which Gaffer transform function is used to deserialise each OpenCypher data type during import.

Gaffer Transform Function OpenCypher Data Types
ToString String Char Duration Point Date LocalDate LocalDateTime
ToBoolean Bool Boolean
ToInteger Int Short Byte
ToLong Long
ToFloat Float
ToDouble Double
ParseTime DateTime

Neo4j Generators

You can import CSV from Neo4j using the Neo4jCsvElementGenerator and export using the Neo4jCsvGenerator. The format used is defined here.

_id name age lang _labels _start _end _type weight
v1 marko 29 Person
v2 lop java Software
e1 v1 v2 Created 0.4

Neptune Generators

You can import CSV from Neptune using the NeptuneCsvElementGenerator and export using the NeptuneCsvGenerator. The format used is defined here.

:ID name age lang :LABEL :START_ID :END_ID :TYPE weight
v1 marko 29 Person
v2 lop java Software
e1 v1 v2 Created 0.4