Upload a Schema

By default Bailo comes with a default schema for both a model card and an access request. These are added on startup in backend/src/services/v2/schema.ts. These contain a small number of questions, and are not expected to be used on a production system.

To add a new schema, visit /schemas/list on a running Bailo instance. To manage schemas you will need to hold the 'admin' role on the Bailo instance. Click the 'Upload a new Schema' button in the top left.

This will bring up a form to create a new schema. A description of each field is below:

IdA globally unique schema identifier, should include the schema version.
NameA user facing name for the schema, should include the schema version.
DescriptionThis is displayed to the user to help them decide which schema to pick. This can include markdown.
Schema TypeEither 'Model' or 'Access Request'.
SchemaSelect a 'JSON Schema' that includes the questions you require.

From the schema list page you can also convert a schema to inactive by pressing the 'make inactive' button. If a schema is deleted, any models associated with it will be deleted. Converting a schema to 'inactive' reduces it's priority within the UI but does not break any existing models uploaded with it.

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