Isolated Environments

Bailo is built to be deployed on isolated environments, where access to the internet is strictly regulated. To install Bailo on a segregated environment you will need the following dependencies.

Helm Charts

We rely on the following Bitnami charts:

Docker Images

We rely on the following images:

  • mongo:6.0.4
  • minio/minio:RELEASE.2023-01-31T02-24-19Z
  • marlonb/mailcrab:v0.10.0
  • nginx:1.21.6-alpine
  • registry:2.8.1
  • node:22-alpine

These will occassionally be updated. To retrieve the latest versions used, check ./docker-compose.yml and ./backend/Dockerfile. These versions can be configured using the tag attribute for each image in values.yaml to override the defaults. In general, keeping to the same major version will maintain compatability with Bailo.


We rely on many NPM packages. The full list is available in package-lock.json, frontend/package-lock.json and backend/package-lock.json. Most are standard packages with the exception of:

  • sharp, which is an optimised image transformer and requires some compilation tools.
  • cypress, which is a user interface testing tool and requires a Chromium download.

sharp includes instructions on installing / building without internet here. Instructions on installing cypress without internet are available here.

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