Bailo Migration to v0.4

Whilst Bailo v0.4 does not introduce any database or major code changes, it does feature a reorganisation of the project. Instead of the existing format where we had a single 'app', we now split it into two images:

  • frontend
  • backend

The frontend section handles rendering the UI. When run in production, it is entirely statically built, simply sending raw HTML files to the user. The backend handles all API requests and provides the interactivity of the service.

The code originally in server is now stored in the backend folder.


To handle multiple repositories, we now use the turborepo build system. It provides us with high performance and reproducible builds, only compiling what has changed since the last compilation. The monorepo is comprised of 'apps':

  • frontend
  • backend

And libraries:

  • lib/shared
  • lib/p-mongo-queue
  • lib/node

These are each individual npm packages, with their own package.json files, scripts and more. A script can be run in individual repositories by using --workspace, or in all by omitting it:

# From the root directory

# Will run only in the 'backend' app
npm run script -- exampleSetAllSchemas
# Will run in all packages, both apps and libraries
npm run style

Most commands, like npm install will default to running in all workspaces. This allows you to run npm install a single time in the root directory and it will install all dependencies across all applications.

Workspaces is a standard NPM function, read more about it on the Workspaces page. In addition, the turbopack docs can be found here.


The 'backend' application now runs entirely as ESM. This requires a modern NodeJS version, at least v14+. Some changes are also made to how tests are written. Specifically, to mock dependencies there is now a need to mock the dependency first using unstable_mockModule and then dynamically import it:

const version = await import('../../services/version.js')
jest.unstable_mockModule('../../services/version.js', () => {
  return {
    findVersionByName: jest.fn(),

const { findVersionByName } = await import('../../services/version.js')

There is an intention to possibly switch to an alternative test runner to alleviate this issue (e.g. Vitest). More can be read on how Jest works with ESM here. No other changes should be seen within the application, beyond imports requiring a .js ending. We have esModuleInterop enabled, which should mean we remain compatible with both old and new packages.

What is ESM?

ESM, or ECMEAScript Modules, is the latest standard for packaging / modularising JS code, as opposed to CJS, or Common JavaScript. ESM has a number of benefits that include nicer import/export syntax, better code reusability, and also the ability to import modules asynchronously.

For more information about ESM, we recommend visiting:


To support running two containers, minor changes have been made to our helm charts. These changes add a new 'frontend' container, which requires no environment variables / setup. All traffic should route to the frontend container EXCEPT:

  • /api, which should be sent to the backend container.
  • /v2, which should be sent to the Docker registry.

The backend environment variables / mount locations remain unchanged. The frontend serves static files, so requires minimal setup.

The helm folder has changed, it is now stored in infrastructure/helm, this change was made to allow other deploy methods.


We've taken the time to reduce the number of duplicate configuration options we have, and try to standardise the existing values. If you are using a service such as helm, you may not need to make any changes.

The configuration is now also labelled to help advise on what each setting changes. Some major changes:

  • minio connection options are now stored under minio.connection and passed directly to the minio library.

  • minio.uploadBucket is now called minio.buckets.uploads

  • minio.registryBucket is now called minio.buckets.registry

  • minio.createBuckets is now called minio.automaticallyCreateBuckets

  • smtp connection options are now stored under smtp.connection and passed directly to the node-mailer library.

  • s2i.builderImage has been moved to ui.seldonVersions and is now an array of names and images. These are to allow users to select the correct Seldon version to build from

  • openshift.appPublicRoute is removed in favour of app.protocol, and app.port

  • openshift is now under build.openshift.

  • uiConfig is now ui

  • listen has been split into app.port for the frontend and api.port for the backend

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