Helm Deployments

If you are deploying to a Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster, Helm is the only supported method of deployment. It is a package manager for Kubernetes and allows us to simplify installing and upgrading the project. It enables you to use the same base templates for deploying Bailo, configuring overrides to values as needed for your specific use case.

For more details, see the Helm project page.


If you are deploying to OpenShift, you will also need OC:



All commands assume they are run in the infrastructure/helm/bailo directory. You should have already authenticated kubectl to their cluster and changed to the correct context:

  1. kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=bailo

You can test out your connection by running:

  1. kubectl cluster-info

When Deploying to OpenShift login to oc instead:

  1. oc login <openshift url>


  1. helm dependency update
  2. helm install bailo .
  3. helm list # check the installation exists


  1. helm upgrade bailo .


  1. helm uninstall bailo

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