Bailo Migration to v2.0

Bailo v2 is a complete rewrite of all aspects of the model management platform in order to meet modern demands. To try to make the migration as easy as possible, Bailo can simultaneously run V1 and V2, allowing you to schedule the migration over time.

No architecture has significantly changed. We still require two application containers (frontend and backend), a registry container and an nginx routing container. We also continue to store all data in:

  • MongoDB for all metadata storage.
  • An S3 compatible platform for all binary storage.

Whilst storage methods remain the same, all tables and keys are unique between V1 and V2 which allows for simultaneously running multiple versions:

  • All MongoDB collections are now prefixed with v2_
  • The registry now uses model_id as a namespace, instead of either internal or deployment_id.
  • Models are now kept within the beta s3 path.

Bailo provides the migrateV2 script, which can be run in order to convert existing models from the older format to the new system. Users who do not use the default schemas will have to implement their own conversion functions. See the MODEL_SCHEMA_MAP and DEPLOYMENT_SCHEMA_MAP for simple schema migration examples.

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