The page that you are currently viewing is for an old version of Stroom (7.7). The documentation for the latest version of Stroom (7.8) can be found using the version drop-down at the top of the screen or by clicking here.
Stroom 6 Installation
Update this for Stroom 7.We would welcome feedback on this documentation.
Running on a single box
Running a release
Download a
, for example
Stroom Core v6.0 Beta 3
, unpack it, and run the
script. When you’ve given it some time to start up go to http://localhost/stroom
. There’s a
file inside the tar.gz with more information.
Post-install hardening
Before first run
Change database passwords
If you don’t do this before the first run of Stroom then the passwords will already be set and you’ll have to change them on the database manually, and then change the .env
This change should be made in the .env
configuration file. If the values are not there then this service is not included in your Stroom stack and there is nothing to change.
On first run
Create yourself an account
After first logging in as admin
you should create yourself a normal account (using your email address) and add yourself to the Administrators
group. You should then log out of admin
, log in with your new administrator account and then disable the admin
If you decide to use the admin
account as your normal account you might find yourself locked out. The admin
account has no associated email address, so the Reset Password feature will not work if your account is locked. It might become locked if you enter your password incorrectly too many times.
Delete un-used users and API keys
- If you’re not using stats you can delete or disable the following:
- the user
- the API key for
- the user
Change the API keys
First generate new API keys. You can generate a new API key using Stroom. From the top menu, select:
The following need to be changed:
- This is the API token for user
- This is the API token for user
Then stop Stroom and update the API key in the .env
configuration file with the new value.
I’m trying to use certificate logins (PKI) but I keep being prompted for the username and password!
You need to be sure of several things:
- When a user arrives at Stroom the first thing Stroom does is redirect the user to the authentication service. This is when the certificate is checked. If this redirect doesn’t use HTTPS then nginx will not get the cert and will not send it onwards to the authentication service. Remember that all of this stuff, apart from back-channel/service-to-service chatter, goes through nginx. The env var that needs to use HTTPS is STROOM_AUTHENTICATION_SERVICE_URL. Note that this is the var Stroom looks for, not the var as set in the stack, so you’ll find it in the stack YAML.
- Are your certs configured properly? If nginx isn’t able to decode the incoming cert for some reason then it won’t pass anything on to the service.
- Is your browser sending certificates?