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Direct URLs

Navigating directly to a specific Stroom dashboard using a direct URL.

It is possible to navigate directly to a specific Stroom dashboard using a direct URL. This can be useful when you have a dashboard that needs to be viewed by users that would otherwise not be using the Stroom user interface.

URL format

The format for the URL is as follows:

https://<HOST>/stroom/dashboard?type=Dashboard&uuid=<DASHBOARD UUID>[&title=<DASHBOARD TITLE>][&params=<DASHBOARD PARAMETERS>]



Host and path

The host and path are typically https://<HOST>/stroom/dashboard where <HOST> is the hostname/IP for Stroom.


type is a required parameter and must always be Dashboard since we are opening a dashboard.


uuid is a required parameter where <DASHBOARD UUID> is the UUID for the dashboard you want a direct URL to, e.g. uuid=c7c6b03c-5d47-4b8b-b84e-e4dfc6c84a09

The UUID for the dashboard that you want to link to can be found by right clicking on the dashboard icon in the explorer tree and selecting Info.

The Info dialog will display something like this and the UUID can be copied from it:

DB ID: 4
UUID: c7c6b03c-5d47-4b8b-b84e-e4dfc6c84a09
Type: Dashboard
Name: Stroom Family App Events Dashboard
Created By: INTERNAL
Created On: 2018-12-10T06:33:03.275Z
Updated By: admin
Updated On: 2018-12-10T07:47:06.841Z

title (Optional)

title is an optional URL parameter where <DASHBOARD TITLE> allows the specification of a specific title for the opened dashboard instead of the default dashboard name.

The inclusion of ${name} in the title allows the default dashboard name to be used and appended with other values, e.g. 'title=${name}%20-%20' +

params (Optional)

params is an optional URL parameter where <DASHBOARD PARAMETERS> includes any parameters that have been defined for the dashboard in any of the expressions, e.g. params=userId%3DFred%20Bloggs


In order for as user to view a dashboard they will need the necessary permission on the various entities that make up the dashboard.

For a Lucene index query and associated table the following permissions will be required:

  • Read permission on the Dashboard entity.
  • Use permission on any Indexe entities being queried in the dashboard.
  • Use permission on any Pipeline entities set as search extraction Pipelines in any of the dashboard’s tables.
  • Use permission on any XSLT entities used by the above search extraction Pipeline entites.
  • Use permission on any ancestor pipelines of any of the above search extraction Pipeline entites (if applicable).
  • Use permission on any Feed entities that you want the user to be able to see data for.

For a SQL Statistics query and associated table the following permissions will be required:

  • Read permission on the Dashboard entity.
  • Use permission on the StatisticStore entity being queried.

For a visualisation the following permissions will be required:

  • Read permission on any Visualiation entities used in the dashboard.
  • Read permission on any Script entities used by the above Visualiation entities.
  • Read permission on any Script entities used by the above Script entities.
Last modified February 11, 2025: Merge branch '7.4' into 7.5 (e2564d0)