The page that you are currently viewing is for an old version of Stroom (7.5). The documentation for the latest version of Stroom (7.8) can be found using the version drop-down at the top of the screen or by clicking here.

File Output

Substitution variables for use in output file names and paths.

When outputting files with Stroom, the output file names and paths can include various substitution variables to form the file and path names.

Context Variables

The following replacement variables are specific to the current processing context.

  • ${feed} - The name of the feed that the stream being processed belongs to
  • ${pipeline} - The name of the pipeline that is producing output
  • ${sourceId} - The id of the input data being processed
  • ${partNo} - The part number of the input data being processed where data is in aggregated batches
  • ${searchId} - The id of the batch search being performed. This is only available during a batch search
  • ${node} - The name of the node producing the output

Time Variables

The following replacement variables can be used to include aspects of the current time in UTC.

  • ${year} - Year in 4 digit form, e.g. 2000
  • ${month} - Month of the year padded to 2 digits
  • ${day} - Day of the month padded to 2 digits
  • ${hour} - Hour padded to 2 digits using 24 hour clock, e.g. 22
  • ${minute} - Minute padded to 2 digits
  • ${second} - Second padded to 2 digits
  • ${millis} - Milliseconds padded to 3 digits
  • ${ms} - Milliseconds since the epoch

System (Environment) Variables

System variables (environment variables) can also be used, e.g. ${TMP}.

File Name References

rolledFileName in RollingFileAppender can use references to the fileName to incorporate parts of the non rolled file name.

  • ${fileName} - The complete file name
  • ${fileStem} - Part of the file name before the file extension, i.e. everything before the last ‘.’
  • ${fileExtension} - The extension part of the file name, i.e. everything after the last ‘.’

Other Variables

  • ${uuid} - A randomly generated UUID to guarantee unique file names
Last modified February 11, 2025: Merge branch '7.4' into 7.5 (e2564d0)