The page that you are currently viewing is for an old version of Stroom (7.5). The documentation for the latest version of Stroom (7.8) can be found using the version drop-down at the top of the screen or by clicking here.

Feed API

The API for fetching and updating feeds.

Creating a Feed

In order to create a Feed you must first create the skeleton document using the Explorer API.

Updating a Feed

To modify a feed you must first fetch the existing Feed document. This is done as follows:

curl \
  -s \
  -H "Authorization:Bearer ${TOKEN}" \
  "http://localhost:8080/api/feed/v1/${feed_uuid}" \

Where ${feed_uuid} is the UUID of the feed in question.

This will return the Feed document JSON.

  "type": "Feed",
  "uuid": "0dafc9c2-dcd8-4bb6-88ce-5ee228babe78",
  "name": "MY_FEED",
  "version": "32dae12f-a696-4e0e-8acb-47cf0ad3c77f",
  "createTimeMs": 1718103980225,
  "updateTimeMs": 1718103980225,
  "createUser": "admin",
  "updateUser": "admin",
  "reference": false,
  "streamType": "Raw Events",
  "status": "RECEIVE"

You can use jq to modify this JSON to add/change any of the document settings.

Example Script

The following is an example bash script for creating and modifying multiple Feeds. It requires curl and jq to run.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -e -o pipefail

main() {

  # Your API key
  local TOKEN="sak_d5752a32b2_mv1JYUYUuvRUDpikW75G5w4kQUq7EEjShQ9DiRjN14yEFonKTW42KbeQogui52gTjq9RDRufNEz2MXt1PRCThudzHU5RVpLMbZKThCgyyEX2y2sBrk31rYMJRKNg2yMG"
  # UUID of the dest folder
  local FOLDER_UUID="fc617580-8cf0-4ac3-93dd-93604603aef0"

  local feed_name
  local create_feed_req
  local feed_uuid
  local feed_doc

  for i in {1..2}; do
    # Use date to make a unique name for the test
    feed_name="MY_FEED_$(date +%s)_${i}"

    # Set the feed name and its destination
    create_feed_req=$(cat <<-END
        "docType": "Feed",
        "docName": "${feed_name}",
        "destinationFolder": {
          "type": "Folder",
          "uuid": "${FOLDER_UUID}",
          "rootNodeUuid": "0"
        "permissionInheritance": "DESTINATION"

    # Create the skeleton feed and extract its new UUID from the response
    feed_uuid=$( \
      curl \
        -s \
        -X POST \
        -H "Authorization:Bearer ${TOKEN}" \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --data "${create_feed_req}" \
        http://localhost:8080/api/explorer/v2/create/ \
      | jq -r '.uuid'

    echo "Created feed $i with name '${feed_name}' and UUID '${feed_uuid}'"

    # Fetch the created feed
    feed_doc=$( \
      curl \
        -s \
        -H "Authorization:Bearer ${TOKEN}" \
        "http://localhost:8080/api/feed/v1/${feed_uuid}" \

    echo -e "Skeleton Feed doc for '${feed_name}'\n$(jq '.' <<< "${feed_doc}")"

    # Add/modify propeties on the feed doc
    feed_doc=$(jq '
      .classification="HUSH HUSH" 
      | .encoding="UTF8" 
      | .contextEncoding="ASCII" 
      | .streamType="Events"
      | .volumeGroup="Default Volume Group"' <<< "${feed_doc}")

    #echo -e "Updated feed doc for '${feed_name}'\n$(jq '.' <<< "${feed_doc}")"

    # Update the feed with the new properties
    curl \
      -s \
      -X PUT \
      -H "Authorization:Bearer ${TOKEN}" \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      --data "${feed_doc}" \
      "http://localhost:8080/api/feed/v1/${feed_uuid}" \
    > /dev/null

    # Fetch the created feed
    feed_doc=$( \
      curl \
        -s \
        -H "Authorization:Bearer ${TOKEN}" \
        "http://localhost:8080/api/feed/v1/${feed_uuid}" \

    echo -e "Updated Feed doc for '${feed_name}'\n$(jq '.' <<< "${feed_doc}")"

main "$@"
Last modified February 11, 2025: Merge branch '7.4' into 7.5 (e2564d0)