The page that you are currently viewing is for an old version of Stroom (7.5). The documentation for the latest version of Stroom (7.8) can be found using the version drop-down at the top of the screen or by clicking here.
Logic Funtions
Evaluates if arg1 is equal to arg2
arg1 = arg2
equals(arg1, arg2)
'foo' = 'bar'
> false
'foo' = 'foo'
> true
51 = 50
> false
50 = 50
> true
equals('foo', 'bar')
> false
equals('foo', 'foo')
> true
equals(51, 50)
> false
equals(50, 50)
> true
Note that equals
cannot be applied to null
and error
values, e.g. x=null()
or x=err()
. The isNull()
and isError()
functions must be used instead.
Greater Than
Evaluates if arg1 is greater than to arg2
arg1 > arg2
greaterThan(arg1, arg2)
51 > 50
> true
50 > 50
> false
49 > 50
> false
greaterThan(51, 50)
> true
greaterThan(50, 50)
> false
greaterThan(49, 50)
> false
Greater Than or Equal To
Evaluates if arg1 is greater than or equal to arg2
arg1 >= arg2
greaterThanOrEqualTo(arg1, arg2)
51 >= 50
> true
50 >= 50
> true
49 >= 50
> false
greaterThanOrEqualTo(51, 50)
> true
greaterThanOrEqualTo(50, 50)
> true
greaterThanOrEqualTo(49, 50)
> false
Evaluates the supplied boolean condition and returns one value if true or another if false
if(expression, trueReturnValue, falseReturnValue)
if(5 < 10, 'foo', 'bar')
> 'foo'
if(5 > 10, 'foo', 'bar')
> 'bar'
if(isNull(null()), 'foo', 'bar')
> 'foo'
Less Than
Evaluates if arg1 is less than to arg2
arg1 < arg2
lessThan(arg1, arg2)
51 < 50
> false
50 < 50
> false
49 < 50
> true
lessThan(51, 50)
> false
lessThan(50, 50)
> false
lessThan(49, 50)
> true
Less Than or Equal To
Evaluates if arg1 is less than or equal to arg2
arg1 <= arg2
lessThanOrEqualTo(arg1, arg2)
51 <= 50
> false
50 <= 50
> true
49 <= 50
> true
lessThanOrEqualTo(51, 50)
> false
lessThanOrEqualTo(50, 50)
> true
lessThanOrEqualTo(49, 50)
> true
If all supplied arguments evaluate to true then return true, else false.
and(booleanValue, booleanValue)
If one or more of the supplied arguments evaluate to true then return true, else false.
or(booleanValue, booleanValue)
Inverts boolean values making true, false etc.
not(5 > 10)
> true
not(5 = 5)
> false
> true