The page that you are currently viewing is for an old version of Stroom (7.4). The documentation for the latest version of Stroom (7.8) can be found using the version drop-down at the top of the screen or by clicking here.

Getting Started

Establishing an Elasticsearch cluster connection

Establish an Elasticsearch cluster connection in Stroom

The first step is to configure Stroom to connect to an Elasticsearch cluster. You can configure multiple cluster connections if required, such as a separate one for production and another for development. Each cluster connection is defined by an Elastic Cluster document within the Stroom UI.

  1. In the Stroom Explorer pane ( ), right-click on the folder where you want to create the Elastic Cluster document.
  2. Select:
    Elastic Cluster
  3. Give the cluster document a name and press OK .
  4. Complete the fields as explained in the section below. Any fields not marked as “Optional” are mandatory.
  5. Click Test Connection. A dialog will display with the test result. If Connection Success, details of the target cluster will be displayed. Otherwise, error details will be displayed.
  6. Click to commit changes.

Elastic Cluster document fields


(Optional) You might choose to enter the Elasticsearch cluster name or purpose here.

Connection URLs

Enter one or more node or cluster addresses, including protocol, hostname and port. Only HTTPS is supported; attempts to use plain-text HTTP will fail.


  1. Local development node: https://localhost:9200
  2. FQDN:
  3. Kubernetes service: https://prod-es-http.elastic.svc:9200

CA certificate

PEM-format CA certificate chain used by Stroom to verify TLS connections to the Elasticsearch HTTPS REST interface. This is usually your organisation’s root enterprise CA certificate. For development, you can provide a self-signed certificate.

Use authentication

(Optional) Tick this box if Elasticsearch requires authentication. This is enabled by default from Elasticsearch version 8.0.

API key ID

Required if Use authentication is checked. Specifies the Elasticsearch API key ID for a valid Elasticsearch user account. This user requires at a minimum the following privileges :

Cluster privileges

  1. monitor
  2. manage_own_api_key

Index privileges

  1. all

API key secret

Required if Use authentication is checked.

Socket timeout (ms)

Number of milliseconds to wait for an Elasticsearch indexing or search REST call to complete. Set to -1 (the default) to wait indefinitely, or until Elasticsearch closes the connection.

Next page - Indexing data
Last modified February 11, 2025: Merge branch '7.3' into 7.4 (8338f4a)