Aggregate Functions
Functions that produce aggregates over multiple data points.
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Expressions can be used to manipulate data on Stroom Dashboards and Queries.
Each function has a name, and some have additional aliases.
In some cases, functions can be nested. The return value for some functions being used as the arguments for other functions.
The arguments to functions can either be other functions, literal values, or they can refer to fields on the input data using the field reference ${val}
Functions that produce aggregates over multiple data points.
A set of functions for converting between different data types or for working with data types.
Functions for manipulating dates and times.
Functions for linking to other screens in Stroom and/or to particular sets of data.
Standard mathematical functions, such as add subtract, multiple, etc.
Functions for selecting a sub-set of a set of data.
Functions for manipulating strings (text data).
Functions for evaluating the type of a value.
Functions for extracting parts from a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).
Functions that return a static value.