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Auto Scaler

How to configure Stroom task auto scaling.


Setting optimal Stroom stream processor task limits is a crucial factor in running a healthy, performant cluster. If a node is allocated too many tasks, it may become unresponsive or crash. Conversely, if allocated too few tasks, it may have CPU cycles to spare.

The optimal number of tasks is often time-dependent, as load will usually fluctuate during the day and night. In large deployments, it’s not ideal to set static limits, as doing so risks over-committing nodes during intense spikes in activity (such as backlog processing or multiple concurrent searches). Therefore an automated solution, factoring in system load, is called for.

Stroom task autoscaling

When a StroomTaskAutoscaler resource is deployed to a linked StroomCluster, the Operator will periodically compare each Stroom node’s average Pod CPU usage against user-defined thresholds.

Enabling autoscaling

Create an StroomTaskAutoscaler resource manifest

Use the example autoscaler.yaml .

Below is an explanation of some of the main parameters. The rest are documented here .

  • adjustmentIntervalMins Determines how often the Operator will check whether a node has exceeded its CPU parameters. It should be often enough to catch brief load spikes, but not too often as to overload the Operator and Kubernetes cluster through excessive API calls and other overhead.
  • metricsSlidingWindowMin is the window of time over which CPU usage is averaged. Should not be too small, otherwise momentary load spikes could cause task limits to be reduced unnecessarily. Too large and spikes may not cause throttling to occur.
  • minCpuPercent and maxCpuPercent should be set to a reasonably tight range, in order to keep the task limit as close to optimal as possible.
  • minTaskLimit and maxTaskLimit are considered safeguards to avoid nodes ever being allocated an unreasonable number of task. Setting maxTaskLimit to be equal to the number of assigned CPUs would be a reasonable starting point.

Deploy the resource manifest

kubectl apply -f autoscaler.yaml

Disable autoscaling

Delete the StroomTaskAutoscaler resource

kubectl delete -f autoscaler.yaml
Last modified February 11, 2025: Merge branch '7.3' into 7.4 (8338f4a)