The page that you are currently viewing is for an old version of Stroom (7.1). The documentation for the latest version of Stroom (7.6) can be found using the version drop-down at the top of the screen or by clicking here.

API Specification

Details of the API specifcation and how to find what API endpoints are available.

Swagger UI

The APIs are available as a Swagger Open API specification in the following forms:

A dynamic Swagger user interface is also available for viewing all the API endpoints with details of parameters and data types. This can be found in two places.

  • Published on GitHub for each minor version Swagger user interface .
  • Published on a running stroom instance at the path /stroom/noauth/swagger-ui.

API Endpoints in Application Logs

The API methods are also all listed in the application logs when Stroom first boots up, e.g.

INFO  2023-01-17T11:09:30.244Z main i.d.j.DropwizardResourceConfig The following paths were found for the configured resources:

    GET     /api/account/v1/ (
    POST    /api/account/v1/ (
    POST    /api/account/v1/search (
    DELETE  /api/account/v1/{id} (
    GET     /api/account/v1/{id} (
    PUT     /api/account/v1/{id} (
    GET     /api/activity/v1 (stroom.activity.impl.ActivityResourceImpl)
    POST    /api/activity/v1 (stroom.activity.impl.ActivityResourceImpl)
    POST    /api/activity/v1/acknowledge (stroom.activity.impl.ActivityResourceImpl)
    GET     /api/activity/v1/current (stroom.activity.impl.ActivityResourceImpl)

You will also see entries in the logs for the various servlets exposed by Stroom, e.g.

INFO  ... main s.d.common.Servlets            Adding servlets to application path/port: 
INFO  ... main s.d.common.Servlets            	stroom.core.servlet.DashboardServlet          => /stroom/dashboard 
INFO  ... main s.d.common.Servlets            	stroom.core.servlet.DynamicCSSServlet         => /stroom/dynamic.css 
INFO  ... main s.d.common.Servlets         => /stroom/importfile.rpc 
INFO  ... main s.d.common.Servlets            	stroom.receive.common.ReceiveDataServlet      => /stroom/noauth/datafeed 
INFO  ... main s.d.common.Servlets            	stroom.receive.common.ReceiveDataServlet      => /stroom/noauth/datafeed/* 
INFO  ... main s.d.common.Servlets            	stroom.receive.common.DebugServlet            => /stroom/noauth/debug 
INFO  ... main s.d.common.Servlets            => /stroom/noauth/echo 
INFO  ... main s.d.common.Servlets            	stroom.receive.common.RemoteFeedServiceRPC    => /stroom/noauth/remoting/remotefeedservice.rpc 
INFO  ... main s.d.common.Servlets            	stroom.core.servlet.StatusServlet             => /stroom/noauth/status 
INFO  ... main s.d.common.Servlets            	stroom.core.servlet.SwaggerUiServlet          => /stroom/noauth/swagger-ui 
INFO  ... main s.d.common.Servlets            	stroom.resource.impl.SessionResourceStoreImpl => /stroom/resourcestore/* 
INFO  ... main s.d.common.Servlets            	stroom.dashboard.impl.script.ScriptServlet    => /stroom/script 
INFO  ... main s.d.common.Servlets          => /stroom/sessionList 
INFO  ... main s.d.common.Servlets            	stroom.core.servlet.StroomServlet             => /stroom/ui 
Last modified September 3, 2024: Merge branch '7.0' into 7.1 (27ab3d5)