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SSL Configuration

Configuring SSL with cURL.

This page provides a step by step guide to getting PKI authentication working correctly for Unix hosts so as to be able to sign deliveries from cURL.

First make sure you have a copy of your organisations CA certificate.

Check that the CA certificate works by running the following command:

echo "Test" | curl --cacert CA.crt --data-binary @- "https://<Stroom_HOST>/stroom/datafeed"

If the response starts with the line:

curl: (60) SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK.

then you do not have the correct CA certificate.

If the response contains the line

HTTP Status 406 - Stroom Status 100 - Feed must be specified

then one-way SSL authentication using the CA certificate is successful.

The VBScript file to check windows certificates is check-certs.vbs (TODO link).

#Final Testing

Once one-way authentication has been tested, two-way authentication should be configured:

The server certificate and private key should be concatenated to create a PEM file:

cat hostname.cert hostname.key > hostname.pem

Finally, test for 2-way authentication:

echo "Test" | curl --cacert CA.crt --cert hostname.pem --data-binary @- "https://<Stroom_HOST>/stroom/datafeed"

If the response contains the line

HTTP Status 406 - Stroom Status 100 - Feed must be specified

then two-way SSL authentication is successful.

#Final Tidy Up

The files ca.crt and hostname.pem are the only files required for two-way authentication and should be stored permanently on the server; all other remaining files may be deleted or backed up if required.

#Certificate Expiry

PKI certificates expire after 2 years. To check the expiry date of a certificate, run the following command:

openssl x509 -in /path/to/certificate.pem -noout -enddate

This will give a response looking similar to:

notAfter=Aug 15 10:01:42 2013 GMT
Last modified September 3, 2024: Merge branch '7.0' into 7.1 (27ab3d5)