The page that you are currently viewing is for an old version of Stroom (7.1). The documentation for the latest version of Stroom (7.8) can be found using the version drop-down at the top of the screen or by clicking here.
Upgrade Operator
Upgrading the Operator can be performed without disrupting any resources it controls, including Stroom clusters.
To perform the upgrade, follow the same steps in Installing the Stroom K8s Operator.
Ensure you do NOT delete the operator first (i.e.kubectl delete ...
Once you have initiated the update (by executing kubectl apply -f all-in-one.yaml
), an instance of the new Operator version will be created.
Once it starts up successfully, the old instance will be removed.
You can check whether the update succeeded by inspecting the image tag of the Operator Pod: stroom-operator-system/stroom-operator-controller-manager
The tag should correspond to the release number that was downloaded (e.g. 1.0.0
If the upgrade failed, the existing Operator should still be running.