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Feed Management

This HOWTO demonstrates how to manage feeds.

This HOWTO demonstrates how to manage Feeds


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    • an account with the Administrator Application Permission is currently logged in.

Creation of an Event Feed

We will be creating an Event Feed with the name TEST-FEED-V1_0.

Once you have logged in, move the cursor to the System folder within the Explorer tab and select it.


Stroom UI Create Feed - System selected

Once selected, right click to bring up the New Item selection sub-menu. By selecting the System folder we are requesting any new item created to be placed within it.



You will be presented with a New Feed configuration window.


Stroom UI Create Feed - New feed configuration window

You will note that the System folder has already been selected as the parent group and all we need to do is enter our feed’s name in the Name: entry box


Stroom UI Create Feed - New feed configuration window enter name

On pressing Ok we are presented with the Feed tab for our new feed. The tab is labelled with the feed name TEST-FEED-V1_0.


Stroom UI Create Feed - New feed tab

We will leave the definitions of the Feed attributes for the present, but we will enter a Description: for our feed as we should ALWAYS do this fundamental tenet of data management - document the data. We will use the description of ‘Feed for installation validation only. No data value’.


Stroom UI Create Feed - New feed tab with Description

One should note that the Feed.svg * TEST-FEED-V1_0 × tab has been marked as having unsaved changes. This is indicated by the asterisk character * between the Feed icon document/Feed.svg and the name of the feed TEST-FEED-V1_0. We can save the changes to our feed by pressing the Save icon save.svg in the top left of the TEST-FEED-V1_0 tab. At this point one should notice two things, the first is that the asterisk has disappeared from the Feed tab and the Save icon save.svg is ghosted.


Stroom UI Create Feed - New feed tab with description saved

Folder Structure for Event Sources

In order to simplify the management of multiple event sources being processed by Stroom, it is suggested that an Event Source folder is created at the root of the System folder oo.svg in the Explorer tab.

This can be achieved by right clicking on the oo.svg System root folder and selecting:


You will be presented with a New Folder configuration window.


Stroom UI Create Folder - New folder configuration window

You will note that the System folder has already been selected as the parent group and all we need to do is enter our folders’s name in the Name: entry box


Stroom UI Create Folder - New folder configuration window enter name

On pressing Ok we are presented with the Folder.svg Event Sources × tab for our new folder.


Stroom UI Create Folder - New folder tab

You will also note that the Explorer tab has displayed the Event Sources folder in its display.

Create Folder for specific Event Source

In order to manage all artefacts of a given Event Source (aka Feed), one would create an appropriately named sub-folder within the Event Sources folder structure.

In this example, we will create one for a BlueCoat Proxy Feed.

As we may eventually have multiple proxy event sources, we will first create a Proxy folder in the Event Sources before creating the desired BlueCoat folder that will hold the processing components.

So, right-click on the document/Folder.svg Event Sources folder in the Explorer tree and select:


You will be presented with a New Folder configuration window.

Enter Proxy as the folder Name:


Stroom UI Create Folder - New sub folder configuration window

and press Ok .

At this you will be presented with a new Folder.svg Proxy × tab for the new sub-folder and we note that it has been added below the Event Sources folder in the Explorer tree.


Stroom UI Create Folder - New sub folder tab

Repeat this process to create the desired BlueCoat sub-folder with the result


Stroom UI Create Folder - New BlueCoat sub folder tab

Last modified February 11, 2025: Merge branch '7.0' into 7.1 (24727c3)