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Running Stroom

Getting and Running Stroom

For this quick start you want a simple single-node Stroom. You will want to follow these instructions. They do require Docker and Docker Compose, so make sure you’ve installed those first.

At the risk of sowing confusion you should know that there are different ways of running Stroom. Here are the full options:

Basic configuration

Enable processing of data streams

Automatic processing isn’t enabled by default: you might first want to check other settings (for example nodes, properties, and volumes). So we need to enable Stream Processing. This is in Tools -> Jobs menu::


Opening the jobs menu

Next we need to enable Stream Processor jobs:


Enabling stream processing

Below the list of jobs is the properties pane. The Stream Processor’s properties show the list of nodes. You should have one. You’ll need to enable it by scrolling right:


Enabling the nodes for the stream processor

So now we’ve done that lets get data into stroom.