The page that you are currently viewing is for an old version of Stroom (legacy). The documentation for the latest version of Stroom (7.8) can be found using the version drop-down at the top of the screen or by clicking here.
Stroom Proxy Installation
This document refers to v5.
- Linux Server’s with at least 4GB RAM
- Install files,
- Temporarily allow port 9080 if not relying on Apache Forwarding (see below)
Processing User Setup
Installing Stroom Proxy
As the processing user unpack the installation files in the processing users home directory.
Stroom Proxy can be setup as follows:
- forward - as an aggregation point to store and forwarding onto another Stroom or Stroom / Proxy
- store - to front Stroom for data ingest
Stroom Proxy - forward
In forward mode you need to know the server address that data is being sent onto. Run the setup script to capture the basic settings required to run Stroom Proxy in forward mode.
- @@ NODE @@ - Each Stroom instance in the cluster needs a unique name, if this is a reinstall ensure you use the previous deployment. This name needs match the name used in your (e.g. ’node1’ in the case ’’)
- @@ PORT PREFIX @@ - By default Stroom Proxy will run on port 9080
[stroomuser@node1 ~]$ ./stroom-proxy/bin/ forward
[stroomuser@dev1 ~]$ ./stroom-proxy/bin/ forward
@@NODE@@ : Unique node name for install [node1 ] : node1
@@PORT_PREFIX@@ : HTTP prefix to use [90 ] : 90
@@REPO_DIR@@ : Stroom Proxy Repository Dir [/stroomdata/stroom-proxy ] : /home/stroomuser/stroom-proxy-repo
@@FORWARD_SERVER@@ : Server to forward data on to [hostname ] :
@@JAVA_OPTS@@ : Optional tomcat JVM settings ["-Xms512m -Xmx1g" ] :
Stroom Proxy - store
In store mode you need to know the mysql details to validate incoming data with.
[stroomuser@node1 ~]$ ./stroom-proxy-app/bin/ store
@@NODE@@ : Unique node name for install [node ] :
@@PORT_PREFIX@@ : HTTP prefix to use [90 ] : 72
@@REPO_DIR@@ : Stroom Proxy Repository Dir [/stroomdata/stroom-proxy ] : /home/stroomuser/stroom-proxy-repo-2
@@JDBC_CLASSNAME@@ : JDBC class name [com.mysql.jdbc.Driver ] :
@@JDBC_URL@@ : JDBC URL (jdbc:mysql://[HOST]/[DBNAME]) [jdbc:mysql://localhost/stroom ] :
@@DB_USERNAME@@ : Database username [ ] : stroomuser
@@DB_PASSWORD@@ : Database password [ ] :
@@JAVA_OPTS@@ : Optional tomcat JVM settings ["-Xms512m -Xmx1g" ] :
Install Check
Start the installed instance:
Inspect the logs:
tail -f stroom-proxy-app/instance/logs/stroom.log
Stroom Proxy Properties
The following properties can be configured in the file.
TODO - Could do with a column indicating which proxy mode these properties apply to, e.g. store/forward
Property Name | Description |
repoDir | Optional Repository DIR. If set any incoming request will be written to the file system. |
logRequest | Optional log line with header attributes output as defined by this property |
bufferSize | Override default (8192) JDK buffer size to use |
forwardUrl | Optional The URL’s to forward onto This is pass-through mode if repoDir is not set |
forwardThreadCount | Number of threads to forward with |
forwardTimeoutMs | Time out when forwarding |
forwardChunkSize | Chunk size to use over http(s) if not set requires buffer to be fully loaded into memory |
rollCron | Interval to roll any writing repositories. |
readCron | Cron style interval (e.g. every hour ‘0 * *’, every half hour ‘0,30 * *’) to read any ready repositories (if not defined we read all the time). |
maxAggregation | Aggregate size to break at when building an aggregate. |
zipFilenameDelimiter | The delimiter used to separate the id ihe zip filename from the templated part |
zipFilenameTemplate | A template for naming the zip files in the repository where files will be named nnn! where nnn is the id prefix, ! is the configurable delimiter and zipFilenameTemplate will be something like ‘${feed}!${headerMapKey1}!${headerMapKey2}’. The naem of each variable must exactly match a key in the meta data else it will resolve to ‘’. |
requestDelayMs | Sleep time used to aid with testing |
forwardDelayMs | Debug setting to add a delay |
dbRequestValidatorContext | Database Feed Validator - Data base JDBC context |
dbRequestValidatorJndiName | Database Feed Validator - Data base JDBC JNDI name |
dbRequestValidatorFeedQuery | Database Feed Validator - SQL to check feed status |
dbRequestValidatorAuthQuery | Database Feed Validator - SQL to check authorisation required |
remotingUrl | Url to use for remoting services |
remotingReadTimeoutMs | Change from the default JVM settings. |
remotingConnectTimeoutMs | Change from the default JVM settings. |
maxStreamSize | Stream size to break at when building an aggregate. |
maxFileScan | Max number of files to scan over during forwarding. Once this limit is it it will wait until next read interval |
cacheTimeToIdleSeconds | Time to idle settings to used for validating feed information |
cacheTimeToLiveSeconds | Time to live settings to used for validating feed information |
Apache Forwarding
See Apache Forwarding.
Java Key Store Setup
If you require that Stroom Proxy communicates over 2-way https you will need to set up Java Key Stores.
See Java Key Store Setup.
Securing Stroom
See Securing Stroom.