The page that you are currently viewing is for an old version of Stroom (legacy). The documentation for the latest version of Stroom (7.8) can be found using the version drop-down at the top of the screen or by clicking here.

Stroom Upgrades

Stroom v6+

Stroom is designed to detect the version of the database schema present and to run any migrations necessary to bring it up to the version begin deployed.

Docker stack deployments


Non-docker deployments


Major version upgrades

The following notes are specific for these major version upgrades

Stroom v5

The cleanest way to upgrade or patch is to simply remove the installed content and reinstall. For example:

rm -fr stroom-app*

<unzip new builds as per install instructions>
<run as per install instructions>


It is extremely important that you enter the configuration parameters correctly. In particular the node name should match the current node name otherwise Stroom will create a new node in the system thinking it is part of a cluster. It is recommended that you copy the original parameters file values used in the original installation to help with this (e.g. cp stroom-app/bin/~setup.xml /tmp/orig-stroom-app-setup.xml.

You should remove and reinstall all components you originally installed i.e. stroom-deploy-X-Y-Z, stroom-app-X-Y-X as required.

You should temporary disable the cron auto deploy script if you have it running during the above.


You can choose for a minor patch (1-2-X) to simply copy the new WAR file into relevant lib directory and run the script (which you may have running on a cron tab). However this would not patch any potential script or tomcat setting changes.