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Link Functions

Functions for linking to other screens in Stroom and/or to particular sets of data.


A helper function to make forming links to annotations easier than using Link. The Annotation function allows you to create a link to open the Annotation editor, either to view an existing annotation or to begin creating one with pre-populated values.

annotation(text, annotationId)
annotation(text, annotationId, [streamId, eventId, title, subject, status, assignedTo, comment])

If you provide just the text and an annotationId then it will produce a link that opens an existing annotation with the supplied ID in the Annotation Edit dialog.


annotation('Open annotation', ${annotation:Id})
> [Open annotation](?annotationId=1234){annotation}
annotation('Create annotation', '', ${StreamId}, ${EventId})
> [Create annotation](?annotationId=&streamId=1234&eventId=45){annotation}
annotation('Escalate', '', ${StreamId}, ${EventId}, 'Escalation', 'Triage required')
> [Escalate](?annotationId=&streamId=1234&eventId=45&title=Escalation&subject=Triage%20required){annotation}

If you don’t supply an annotationId then the link will open the Annotation Edit dialog pre-populated with the optional arguments so that an annotation can be created. If the annotationId is not provided then you must provide a streamId and an eventId. If you don’t need to pre-populate a value then you can use '' or null() instead.


annotation('Create suspect event annotation', null(), 123, 456, 'Suspect Event', null(), 'assigned', 'jbloggs')
> [Create suspect event annotation](?streamId=123&eventId=456&title=Suspect%20Event&assignedTo=jbloggs){annotation}


A helper function to make forming links to dashboards easier than using Link.

dashboard(text, uuid)
dashboard(text, uuid, params)


dashboard('Click Here','e177cf16-da6c-4c7d-a19c-09a201f5a2da')
> [Click Here](?uuid=e177cf16-da6c-4c7d-a19c-09a201f5a2da){dashboard}
dashboard('Click Here','e177cf16-da6c-4c7d-a19c-09a201f5a2da', 'userId=user1')
> [Click Here](?uuid=e177cf16-da6c-4c7d-a19c-09a201f5a2da&params=userId%3Duser1){dashboard}


Creates a clickable link to open a sub-set of a source of data (i.e. part of a stream) for viewing. The data can either be opened in a popup dialog (dialog) or in another stroom tab (tab). It can also be display in preview form (with formatting and syntax highlighting) or unaltered source form.

data(text, id, partNo, [recordNo, lineFrom, colFrom, lineTo, colTo, viewType, displayType])

Stroom deals in two main types of stream, segmented and non-segmented (see Streams). Data in a non-segmented (i.e. raw) stream is identified by an id, a partNo and optionally line and column positions to define the sub-set of that stream part to display. Data in a segmented (i.e. cooked) stream is identified by an id, a recordNo and optionally line and column positions to define the sub-set of that record (i.e. event) within that stream.

The line and column positions will define a highlight block of text within the part/record.


  • text - The link text that will be displayed in the table.
  • id - The stream ID.
  • partNo - The part number of the stream (one based). Always 1 for segmented (cooked) streams.
  • recordNo - The record number within a segmented stream (optional). Not applicable for non-segmented streams so use null() instead.
  • lineFrom - The line number of the start of the sub-set of data (optional, one based).
  • colFrom - The column number of the start of the sub-set of data (optional, one based).
  • lineTo - The line number of the end of the sub-set of data (optional, one based).
  • colTo - The column number of the end of the sub-set of data (optional, one based).
  • viewType - The type of view of the data (optional, defaults to preview):
    • preview : Display the data as a formatted preview of a limited portion of the data.
    • source : Display the un-formatted data in its original form with the ability to navigate around all of the data source.
  • displayType - The way of displaying the data (optional, defaults to dialog):
    • dialog : Open as a modal popup dialog.
    • tab : Open as a top level tab within the Stroom browser tab.
data('Quick View', ${StreamId}, 1)
> [Quick View]?id=1234&&partNo=1)

Example of non-segmented raw data section, viewed un-formatted in a stroom tab:

data('View Raw', ${StreamId}, ${partNo}, null(), 5, 1, 5, 342, 'source', 'tab')

Example of a single record (event) from a segmented stream, viewed formatted in a popup dialog:

data('View Cooked', ${StreamId}, 1, ${eventId})

Example of a single record (event) from a segmented stream, viewed formatted in a stroom tab:

data('View Cooked', ${StreamId}, 1, ${eventId}, null(), null(), null(), null(), 'preview', 'tab')

Create a string that represents a hyperlink for display in a dashboard table.

link(text, url)
link(text, url, type)


> [](
link('Click Here','')
> [Click Here](
link('Click Here','', 'dialog')
> [Click Here]({dialog}
link('Click Here','', 'dialog|Dialog Title')
> [Click Here]({dialog|Dialog Title}

Type can be one of:

  • dialog : Display the content of the link URL within a stroom popup dialog.
  • tab : Display the content of the link URL within a stroom tab.
  • browser : Display the content of the link URL within a new browser tab.
  • dashboard : Used to launch a stroom dashboard internally with parameters in the URL.

If you wish to override the default title or URL of the target link in either a tab or dialog you can. Both dialog and tab types allow titles to be specified after a |, e.g. dialog|My Title.


Open the Stepping tab for the requested data source.

stepping(text, id)
stepping(text, id, partNo)
stepping(text, id, partNo, recordNo)


stepping('Click here to step',${StreamId})
> [Click here to step](?id=1)
Last modified February 11, 2025: Merge branch 'legacy' into 7.0 (5e1549a)