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curl (Linux)
command to send data to Stroom.Curl is a standard unix tool to send data to or from a server. In the following examples -H is used to specify the header arguments required by Stroom, see Header Arguments.
- The @ character must be used in front of the file being posted. If it is not then curl will post the file name instead of it’s contents.
- The –data-binary argument must always be used even for text formats, in order to prevent data corruption by curl stripping out newlines.
Example HTTPS post without authentication:
In the above example -k is required to stop curl from authenticating the server. The next example must be used to supply the necessary CA to authenticate the server if this is required.
Example HTTPS With 1 way SSL authentication:
The above example verifies that the certificate presented by Stroom is signed by the CA. The CA is provided to curl using the ‘–cacert root_ca.crt’ parameter.
For step by step instructions for creating, configuring and testing the PKI authentication, see the SSL Guide
Example HTTPS With 2 way SSL authentication:
The above example both verifies that the certificate presented by Stroom is signed by the CA and also provides a certificate to authenticate itself with Stroom. The data provider provides a certificate using the ‘–cert example.pem’ parameter.
If your input file is not compressed you should compress it as follows:
When delivering data from a RHEL4 host, an additional header argument must be added to specify the FQDN of the host:
-H "Hostname:host.being.audited"
The hostname being sent as a header argument may be resolved upon execution using the command hostname -f
SSL Notes
To create a .pem format key simply append the private key and certifcate.
To remove the pass phrase from a openssl private key use.
script assumes the period start and end times are embedded in the file name (e.g. log_2010-01-01T12:00:00.000Z_2010-01-02T12:00:00.000Z.log).
The certificates will need to be added to the script as above.