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Indexing the ingested data so we can search it.

Before you can visualise your data with dashboards you have to index the data.

Create the index

We can create an index by adding an index entity document/Index.svg to the explorer tree. You do this in the same way you create any of the items.

  1. Right click on the Stroom 101 folder.
  2. Click add.svg New => document/Index.svg Index.
  3. Call the index Stroom 101. Click OK.

This will open the new Stroom 101 index as a new tab.

Assign a volume group

In the settings tab we need to specify the Volume where we will store our index shards.

  1. Click the Settings sub-tab.
  2. In the Volume Group dropdown select Default Volume Group.
  3. Click the save.svg button.

Adding fields

Now you need to add fields to this index.

The fields in the index may map 1:1 with the fields in the source data but you may want to index only a sub-set of the fields, e.g. if you would only ever want to filter the data on certain fields. Fields can also be created that are an abstraction of multiple fields in the data, e.g. adding all text in the record into one field to allow filtering on some text appearing anywhere in the record/event.

Click the Fields sub-tab.

We need to create fields in our index to match the fields in our source data so that we can query against them.

Click on the add.svg button to add a new index field.


Creating an index field

Now create the fields using these values.

Name Type Store Index Positions Analyser Case Sensitive
StreamId Id Yes Yes No Keyword false
EventId Id Yes Yes No Keyword false
Id Id Yes Yes No Keyword false
Guid Text Yes Yes No Keyword false
FromIp Text Yes Yes No Keyword false
ToIp Text Yes Yes No Keyword false
Application Text Yes Yes Yes Alpha numeric false

You should now have:


Index field list

When you’ve done that, save the new index by clicking the save.svg button.

Create empty index XSLT

In order for Stroom to index the data, an XSLT is required to convert the event XML into an Index record. This can be a simple 1:1 mapping from event field to index field or something more complex, e.g. combining multiple event fields into one index field.

To create the XSLT for the Index:

  1. Right click on the Stroom 101 folder folder.svg in the explorer tree.
  2. Click add.svg New => document/XSLT.svg XSLT.
  3. Name it Stroom 101.
  4. Click OK.

We will add the XSLT content later on.

Index pipeline

Now we are going to create a pipeline to send the processed data (Events) to the index we just created. Typically in Stroom all Raw Events are first processed into normalised Events conforming to the same XML schema to allow common onward processing of events from all sources.

We will create a pipeline to index the processed Event streams containing XML data.

  1. Right click on the Stroom 101 folder folder.svg in the explorer tree.
  2. Click add.svg New => document/Pipeline.svg XSLT.
  3. Name it Stroom 101.
  4. Click OK.

Select the Structure sub-tab to edit the structure of the pipeline.

Pipelines can inherit from other pipelines in Stroom so that you can benefit from re-use. We will inherit from an existing indexing template pipeline and then modify it for our needs.

  1. On the Structure sub tab, click the ... in the Inherit From entity picker.
  2. Select folder.svg Template Pipelines / document/pipeline.svg Indexing

You should now see the following structure:


Indexing pipeline

Inheriting from another pipeline often means the structure is there but some properties may not have been set, e.g. xslt in the xsltFilter. If a property has been set in the partent pipeline then you can either use the inherited value or override it.

See the Pipeline Element Reference for details of what each element does.

Now we need to set the xslt property on the xsltFilter to point at the XSLT document we created earlier and set the index property on the indexFilter to point to the index we created.

  1. Assign the XSLT document
    1. Click on the pipeline/xslt.svg xsltFilter element.
    2. In the middle Properties pane double-click on the xslt row.
    3. Click the ... in the Value document picker
    4. Select:
      folder.svg Stroom 101 / document/Xslt.svg Stroom 101.
    5. Click OK.
  2. Assign the Index document
    1. Click on the pipeline/index.svg indexingFilter element.
    2. In the middle Properties pane double-click on the index row.
    3. Click the ... in the Value document picker
    4. Select:
      folder.svg Stroom 101 / document/Index.svg Stroom 101.
    5. Click OK.

Once that’s done you can save your new pipeline by clicking the save.svg button.

Develop index translation

Next we need to create an XSLT that the indexingFilter understands. The best place to develop a translation is in the Stepper as it allows you to simulate running the data through the pipeline without producing any persistent output.

Open the feed.svg CSV_FEED Feed we created earlier in the quick-start guide.

  1. In the top pane of the Data Browser select the Events Events stream.
  2. In the bottom pane you will see the XML data the you processed earlier.
  3. Click the stepping.svg button to open the Stepper.
  4. In the Choose Pipeline To Step With dialog select our index pipeline:
    folder.svg Stroom 101 / document/pipeline.svg Stroom 101.

This will open a Stepper tab showing only the elements of the selected pipeline that can be stepped. The data pane of the Source element will show the first event in the stream.

To add XSLT content click the pipeline/xslt.svg xsltFilter element. This will show the three pane view with editable content (empty) in the top pane and input and output in the bottom two panes.

The input and output panes will be identical as there is no XSLT content to transform the input.


<?xml version="1.1" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Events xmlns:xsi="">
  <Event StreamId="25884" EventId="1">


<?xml version="1.1" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Events xmlns:xsi="">
  <Event StreamId="25884" EventId="1">

Paste the following content into the top pane.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  <!-- Match on the top level Events element -->
  <xsl:template match="/Events">
    <!-- Create the wrapper element for all the events/records -->
        xsi:schemaLocation="records:2 file://records-v2.0.xsd"
      <!-- Apply any templates to this element or its children -->
      <xsl:apply-templates />
  <!-- Match on any Event element at this level -->
  <xsl:template match="Event">
    <!-- Create a record element and populate its data items -->
      <data name="StreamId">
        <!-- Added to the event by the IdEnrichmentFiler -->
        <xsl:attribute name="value" select="@StreamId" />
      <data name="EventId">
        <!-- Added to the event by the IdEnrichmentFiler -->
        <xsl:attribute name="value" select="@EventId" />
      <data name="Id">
        <xsl:attribute name="value" select="./Id" />
      <data name="Guid">
        <xsl:attribute name="value" select="./Guid" />
      <data name="FromIp">
        <xsl:attribute name="value" select="./FromIp" />
      <data name="ToIp">
        <xsl:attribute name="value" select="./ToIp" />
      <data name="Application">
        <xsl:attribute name="value" select="./Application" />

The XSLT is converting Events/Event elements into Records/Record elements conforming to the records:2 XML Schema, which is the expected input format for the IndexingFilter .

The IndexingFilter expects a set of Record elements wrapped in a Records element. Each Record element needs to contain one Data element for each Field in the Index. Each Data element needs a Name attribute (the Index Field name) and a Value attribute (the value from the event to index).

Now click the refresh-green.svg refresh button to refresh the step with the new XSLT content.

The Output should have changed so that the Input and Output now look like this:


<?xml version="1.1" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Events xmlns:xsi="">
  <Event StreamId="25884" EventId="1">


<?xml version="1.1" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    xsi:schemaLocation="records:2 file://records-v2.0.xsd"
    <data name="StreamId" value="25884" />
    <data name="EventId" value="1" />
    <data name="Id" value="1" />
    <data name="Guid" value="10990cde-1084-4006-aaf3-7fe52b62ce06" />
    <data name="FromIp" value="" />
    <data name="ToIp" value="" />
    <data name="Application" value="Tres-Zap" />

You can use the stepping controls ( fast-backward-green.svg step-backward-green.svg step-forward-green.svg fast-forward-green.svg ) to check that the ouput is correct for other input events.

Once you are happy with your translation click the save.svg button to save the XSLT content to the Stroom 101 XSLT document.

Processing the indexing pipeline

To get our indexing pipeline processing data we need to create a Processor Filter to select the data to process through the pipeline.

Go back to your document/pipeline.svg Stroom 101 pipeline and go to the Processors sub-tab.

Click the add button add.svg and you will be presented with a Filter Expression Tree in the Add Filter dialog. To configure the filter do the following:

  1. Right click on the root AND operator and click add.svg Add Term. A new expression is added to the tree as a child of the operator and it has three dropdowns in it ( Field , Condition and value).
  2. To create an expression term for the Feed:
    1. Field: Feed
    2. Condition: is
    3. Value: CSV_FEED
  3. To create an expression term for the Stream Type:
    1. Field: Type
    2. Condition: =
    3. Value: Events

This filter will process all Streams of type Events in the Feed CSV_FEED. Enable processing for the document/pipeline.svg Pipeline and the filter.svg Processor Filter by clicking the checkboxes in the Enabled column.

Stroom should then index the data, assuming everything is correct.

If there are errors you’ll see error streams produced in the data browsing page of the CSV_FEED Feed or the Stroom 101 Pipeline. If no errors have occurred, there will be no rows in the data browser page as the IndexFilter does not output any Streams.

To verify the data has been written to the Index:

  1. Open the document/Index.svg Stroom 101 Index.
  2. Select the Shards sub-tab.
  3. Click refresh.svg refresh. You many need to wait a bit for the data to be flushed to the index shards.

You should eventually see a Doc Count of 2,000 to match the number of events processed in the source Stream.

Now that we have finished indexing we can display data on a dashboard.

Last modified February 11, 2025: Merge branch 'legacy' into 7.0 (5e1549a)