The page that you are currently viewing is for an old version of Stroom (7.0). The documentation for the latest version of Stroom (7.8) can be found using the version drop-down at the top of the screen or by clicking here.
Securing Stroom
How to secure Stroom and the cluster
NOTE This document was written for stroom v4/5. Some parts may not be applicable for v6+.
The following firewall configuration is recommended:
- Outside cluster drop all access except ports HTTP 80, HTTPS 443, and any other system ports your require SSH, etc
- Within cluster allow all access
This will enable nodes within the cluster to communicate on:
- 8080 - Stroom HTTP.
- 8081 - Stroom HTTP (admin).
- 8090 - Stroom Proxy HTTP.
- 8091 - Stroom Proxy HTTP (admin).
- 3306 - MySQL
Update this for MySQL 8It is recommended that you run mysql_secure_installation to set a root password and remove test database:
mysql_secure_installation (provide a root password)
- Set root password? [Y/n] Y
- Remove anonymous users? [Y/n] Y
- Disallow root login remotely? [Y/n] Y
- Remove test database and access to it? [Y/n] Y
- Reload privilege tables now? [Y/n] Y
Last modified February 11, 2025: Merge branch 'legacy' into 7.0 (5e1549a)