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Setting up Stroom with an Open ID Connect IDP

How to set up Stroom to use a 3rd party Identity Provider (e.g. KeyCloak, Cognito, etc.) for authentication.

1 - Accounts vs Users

The distinction between Accounts and Users in Stroom.

In Stroom we have the concept of Users and Accounts, and it is important to understand the distinction.


Accounts are user identities in the internal Identity Provider (IDP) . The internal IDP is used when you want Stroom to manage all the authentication. The internal IDP is the default option and the simplest for test environments. Accounts are not applicable when using an external 3rd party IDP.

Accounts are managed in Stroom using the Manage Accounts screen available from the _Tools => Users menu item. An administrator can create and manage user accounts allowing users to log in to Stroom.

Accounts are for authentication only, and play no part in authorisation (permissions). A Stroom user account has a unique identity that will be associated with a Stroom User to link the two together.

When using a 3rd party IDP this screen is not available as all management of users with respect to authentication is done in the 3rd party IDP.

Accounts are stored in the account database table.

Stroom Users

A user in Stroom is used for managing authorisation, i.e. permissions and group memberships. It plays no part in authentication. A user has a unique identifier that is provided by the IDP (internal or 3rd party) to identify it. This ID is also the link it to the Stroom Account in the case of the internal IDP or the identity on a 3rd party IDP.

Stroom users and groups are managed in the stroom_user and stroom_user_group database tables respectively.

2 - Stroom's Internal IDP

Details about Stroom’s own internal identity provider and authentication mechanisms.

By default a new Stroom instance/cluster will use its own internal Identity Provider (IDP) for authentication.

In this configuration, Stroom acts as its own Open ID Connect Identity Provider and manages both the user accounts for authentication and the user/group permissions, (see Accounts and Users).

A fresh install will come pre-loaded with a user account called admin with the password admin. This user is a member of a group called Administrators which has the Administrator application permission. This admin user can be used to set up the other users on the system.

Additional user accounts are created and maintained using the Tools => Users menu item.

Configuration for the internal IDP

While Stroom is pre-configured to use its internal IDP, this section describes the configuration required.

In Stroom:

      authenticationRequired: true
        identityProviderType: INTERNAL_IDP

In Stroom-Proxy:

        identityProviderType: NO_IDP

3 - External IDP

How to setup KEyCloak as an external identity provider for Stroom.

You may be running Stroom in an environment with an existing Identity Provider (IDP) (KeyCloak, Cognito, Google, Active Directory, etc.) and want to use that for authenticating users. Stroom supports 3rd party IDPs that conform to the Open ID Connect specification.

The following is a guide to setting up a new stroom instance/cluster with KeyCloak as the 3rd party IDP. KeyCloak is an Open ID Connect IDP. Configuration for other IDPs will be very similar so these instructions will have to be adapted accordingly. It is assumed that you have deployed a new instance/cluster of stroom AND have not yet started it.

Running KeyCloak

If you already have a KeyCloak instance running then move on to the next section.

This section is not a definitive guide to running/administering KeyCloak. It describes how to run KeyCloak using non-production settings for simplicity and to demonstrate using a 3rd party IDP. You should consult the KeyCloak documentation on how to set up a production ready instance of KeyCloak.

The easiest way to run KeyCloak is using Docker. To create a KeyCloak container do the following:

docker create \
  --name keycloak \
  -p 9999:8080 \
  -e KEYCLOAK_ADMIN=admin \

This example maps KeyCloak’s port to port 9999 to avoid any clash with Stroom that also runs on 8080. This will create a docker container called keycloak that uses an embedded H2 database to hold its state.

To start the container in the foreground, do:

docker start -a keycloak

KeyCloak should now be running on http://localhost:9999/admin . If you want to run KeyCloak on a different port then delete the container and create it with a different port for the -p argument.

Log into KeyCloak using the username admin and password admin as specified in the environment variables set in the container creation command above. You should see the admin console.

Creating a realm

First you need to create a Realm.

  1. Click on the drop-down in the left pane that contains the word master.
  2. Click Create Realm.
  3. Set the Realm name to StroomRealm.
  4. Click Create.

Creating a client

In the new realm click on Clients in the left pane, then Create client.

  1. Set the Client ID to StroomClient.
  2. Click Next.
  3. Set Client authentication to on.
  4. Ensure the following are ticked:
    • Standard flow
    • Direct access grants
  5. Click Save.

Open the new Client and on the Settings tab set:

  • Valid redirect URIs to https://localhost/*
  • Valid post logout redirect URIs to https://localhost/*

On the Credentials tab copy the Client secret for use later in Stroom config.

Creating users

Click on Users in the left pane then Add user. Set the following:

  • Username - admin
  • First name - Administrator
  • Last name - Administrator

Click Create.

Select the Credentials tab and click Set password.

Set the password to admin and set Temporary to off.

Repeat this process for the following user:

  • Username - jbloggs
  • First name - Joe
  • Last name - Bloggs
  • Password - password

Configure Stroom for KeyCloak

Edit the config.yml file and set the following values

    # Set to true to require authenticatin for /datafeed requests
    authenticationRequired: true
    # Set to true to allow authentication using an Open ID token
    tokenAuthenticationEnabled: true
      authenticationRequired: true
        # The client ID created in KeyCloak
        clientId: "StroomClient"
        # The client secret copied from KeyCloak above
        clientSecret: "XwTPPudGZkDK2hu31MZkotzRUdBWfHO6"
        # Tells Stroom to use an external IDP for authentication
        identityProviderType: EXTERNAL_IDP
        # The URL on the IDP to redirect users to when logging out in Stroom
        logoutEndpoint: "http://localhost:9999/realms/StroomRealm/protocol/openid-connect/logout"
        # The endpoint to obtain the rest of the IDPs configuration. Specific to the realm/issuer.
        openIdConfigurationEndpoint: "http://localhost:9999/realms/StroomRealm/.well-known/openid-configuration"

These values are obtained from the IDP. In the case of KeyCloak they can be found by clicking on Realm settings => Endpoints => OpenID Endpoint Configuration and extracting the various values from the JSON response. Alternatively they can typically be found at this address on any Open ID Connect IDP, https://host/.well-known/openid-configuration. The values will reflect the host/port that the IDP is running on along with the name of the realm.

Setting the above values assumes KeyCloak is running on localhost:9999 and the Realm name is StroomRealm.

Setting up the admin user in Stroom

Now that the admin user exists in the IDP we need to grant it Administrator rights in Stroom.

In the Users section of KeyCloak click on user admin. On the Details tab copy the value of the ID field. The ID is in the form of a UUID This ID will be used in Stroom to uniquely identify the user and associate it with the identity in KeyCloak.

To set up Stroom with this admin user run the following (before Stroom has been started for the first time):

subject_id="XXX"; \
java -jar /absolute/path/to/stroom-app-all.jar \
  manage_users \
  ../local.yml \
  --createUser "${subject_id}" \
  --createGroup Administrators \
  --addToGroup "${subject_id}" Administrators \
  --grantPermission Administrators "Administrator"

Where XXX is the user ID copied from the IDP as described above. This command is repeatable as it will skip any users/groups/memberships that already exist.

This command will do the following:

  • Create the Stroom User by creating an entry in the stroom_user database table for the IDP’s admin user.
  • Ensure that an Adminstrators group exists (i.e. an entry in the stroom_user database table for the Adminstrators group).
  • Add the admin user to the group Administrators.
  • Grant the application permission Administrator to the group Administrators.

Logging into Stroom

As the administrator

Now that the user and permissions have been set up in Stroom, the administrator can log in.

First start the Stroom instance/cluster.

Navigate to http://STROOM_FQDN and Stroom should re-direct you to the IDP (KeyCloak) to authenticate. Enter the username of admin and password admin. You should be authenticated by KeyCloak and re-directed back to stroom. Your user ID is shown in the bottom right corner of the Welcome tab.

As an administrator, the Tools => User Permissions menu item will be available to manage the permissions of any users that have logged on at least once.

Now select User => Logout to be re-directed to the IDP to logout. Once you logout of the IDP it should re-direct you back to the IDP login screen for Stroom to log back in again.

As an ordinary user

On the IDP login screen, login as user jbloggs with the password password. You will be re-directed to Stroom however the explorer tree will be empty and most of the menu items will be disabled. In order to gain permissions to do anything in Stroom a Stroom administrator will need to grant application/document permissions and/or group memberships to the user via the Tools => User Permissions menu item.

Configure Stroom-Proxy for KeyCloak

In order to user Stroom-Proxy with OIDC

Edit the config.yml file and set the following values

    # Set to true to require authenticatin for /datafeed requests
    authenticationRequired: true
    # Set to true to allow authentication using an Open ID token
    tokenAuthenticationEnabled: true
        # The client ID created in KeyCloak
        clientId: "StroomClient"
        # The client secret copied from KeyCloak above
        clientSecret: "XwTPPudGZkDK2hu31MZkotzRUdBWfHO6"
        # Tells Stroom to use an external IDP for authentication
        identityProviderType: EXTERNAL_IDP
        # The URL on the IDP to redirect users to when logging out in Stroom
        logoutEndpoint: "http://localhost:9999/realms/StroomRealm/protocol/openid-connect/logout"
        # The endpoint to obtain the rest of the IDPs configuration. Specific to the realm/issuer.
        openIdConfigurationEndpoint: "http://localhost:9999/realms/StroomRealm/.well-known/openid-configuration"

If Stroom-Proxy is configured to forward data onto another Stroom-Proxy or Stroom instance then it can use tokens when forwarding the data. This assumes the downstream Stroom or Stroom-Proxy is also configured to use the same external IDP.


      # If true, adds a token for the service user to the request
    - addOpenIdAccessToken: true
      enabled: true
      name: "downstream"
      forwardUrl: "http://somehost/stroom/datafeed"

The token used will be for the service user account of the identity provider client used by Stroom-Proxy.

4 - Tokens for API use

How to create and use tokens for making API calls.

Creating a user access token

If a user wants to use the REST API they will need to create a token for authentication/authorisation in API calls. Any calls to the REST API will have the same permissions that the user has within Stroom.

The following excerpt of shell commands shows how you can get an access/refresh token pair for a user and then later use the refresh token to obtain a new access token. It also shows how you can extract the expiry date/time from a token using jq.

get_jwt_expiry() {
  jq \
    --raw-input \
    --raw-output \
    'split(".") | .[1] | @base64d | fromjson | .exp | todateiso8601' \
    <<< "${1}"

# Fetch a new set of tokens (id, access and refresh) for the user
response="$( \
  curl \
    --silent \
    --request POST \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
    --data-urlencode 'client_id=admin-cli' \
    --data-urlencode 'grant_type=password' \
    --data-urlencode 'scope=openid' \
    --data-urlencode 'username=jbloggs' \
    --data-urlencode 'password=password' \
    'http://localhost:9999/realms/StroomRealm/protocol/openid-connect/token' )"

# Extract the individual tokens from the response
access_token="$( jq -r '.access_token' <<< "${response}" )"
refresh_token="$( jq -r '.refresh_token' <<< "${response}" )"

# Output the tokens
echo -e "\nAccess token (expiry $( get_jwt_expiry "${access_token}")):\n${access_token}"
echo -e "\nRefresh token (expiry $( get_jwt_expiry "${refresh_token}")):\n${refresh_token}"

# Fetch a new access token using the stored refresh token
response="$( \
  curl \
    --silent \
    --request POST \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
    --data-urlencode 'client_id=admin-cli' \
    --data-urlencode 'grant_type=refresh_token' \
    --data-urlencode "refresh_token=${refresh_token}" \
    'http://localhost:9999/realms/StroomRealm/protocol/openid-connect/token' )"

access_token="$( jq -r '.access_token' <<< "${response}" )"
refresh_token="$( jq -r '.refresh_token' <<< "${response}" )"

echo -e "\nNew access token (expiry $( get_jwt_expiry "${access_token}")):\n${access_token}"
echo -e "\nNew refresh token (expiry $( get_jwt_expiry "${refresh_token}")):\n${refresh_token}"

The above example assumes that you have created a user called jbloggs and a client ID admin-cli.

Access tokens typically have a short life (of the order of minutes) while a refresh token will have a much longer life (maybe up to a year). Refreshing the token does not require re-authentication.

Creating a service account token

If want another system to call one of Stroom’s APIs then it is likely that you will do that using a non-human service account (or processing user account).

Creating a new Client ID

The client system needs to be represented by a Client ID in KeyCloak. To create a new Client ID, assuming the client system is called System X, do the following in the KeyCloak admin UI.

  1. Click Clients in the left pane.
  2. Click Create client.
  3. Set the Client ID to be system-x.
  4. Set the Name to be System X.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Enable Client Authentication.
  7. Enable Service accounts roles.
  8. Click Save.

Open the Credentials tab and copy the Client secret for use later. Open the Credentials tab and copy the Client secret for use later.

To create an access token run the following shell commands:

response="$( \
  curl \
    --silent \
    --request POST \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
    --data-urlencode 'client_secret=k0BhYyvt6PHQqwKnnQpbL3KXVFHG0Wa1' \
    --data-urlencode 'client_id=system-x' \
    --data-urlencode 'grant_type=client_credentials' \
    --data-urlencode 'scope=openid' \
    'http://localhost:9999/realms/StroomRealm/protocol/openid-connect/token' )"

access_token="$( jq -r '.access_token' <<< "${response}" )"
refresh_token="$( jq -r '.refresh_token' <<< "${response}" )"

echo -e "\nAccess token:\n${access_token}"

Where client_secret is the Client secret that you copied from KeyCloak earlier.

This access token can be refreshed in the same way as for a user access token, as described above.

Using access tokens

Access tokens can be used in calls the Stroom’s REST API or its datafeed API. The process of including the token in a HTTP request is described in API Authentication

5 - Test Credentials

Hard coded Open ID credentials for test or demonstration purposes.

Stroom and Stroom-Proxy come with a set of hard coded Open ID credentials that are intended for use in test/demo environments. These credentials mean that the _test stroom docker stack can function out of the box with Stroom-Proxy able to authenticate with Stroom.

Configuring the test credentials

To configure Stroom to use these hard-coded credentials you need to set the following property:

        identityProviderType: TEST_CREDENTIALS

When you start the Stroom instance you will see a large banner message in the logs that will include the token that can be used in API calls or by Stroom-proxy for its feed status checks.

To configure Stroom-Proxy to use these credentials set the following:

        identityProviderType: NO_IDP