All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractCoreKeyAccumuloElementConverter |
AbstractCoreKeyIteratorSettingsFactory |
AbstractCoreKeyRangeFactory |
AbstractElementFilter |
The AbstractElementFilter will filter out Element s based on the filtering
instructions given in the Schema or View that is passed to this iterator.
AbstractExamplesFactory |
Abstract Examples factory which can create examples using a schema and class inspection.
AbstractGenerateSplitPointsFromSampleHandler<T,S extends Store> |
AbstractGetRDDHandler<OP extends Output<O> & GraphFilters,O> |
AbstractGetRDDHandler.FirstElement |
AbstractImportKeyValuePairRDDToAccumuloHandler<OP extends Operation> |
AbstractOperationChainOptimiser |
AbstractOperationService |
An abstract OperationsService which allows for implementations to inject dependencies
depending on what DI framework they prefer.
AbstractSampleElementsForSplitPointsHandler<T,S extends Store> |
AbstractSplitStoreFromRDDOfElementsHandler<OP extends Operation> |
AbstractUserFactory |
The base abstract UserFactory implementation for the spring
rest API.
AccessControlledResource |
AccessPredicate |
A BiPredicate which will first check if the user is an admin according to the provided
admin role.
AccumuloAddElementsFromHdfsJobFactory |
AccumuloAdjacentIdRetriever |
AccumuloAllElementsRetriever |
This allows queries for all elements.
AccumuloEdgeValueLoader |
AccumuloElementConversionException |
AccumuloElementConverter |
The Accumulo ElementConverter Interface details the methods necessary to
convert Gaffer Element s to Accumulo Key s and Value s
Some of these methods may not be required in your client code, but some
iterators designed for common use may make use of them.
AccumuloElementsRetriever |
AccumuloElementValueLoader |
AccumuloEntityValueLoader |
AccumuloException |
AccumuloIDBetweenSetsRetriever |
Given two sets of EntityId s, called A and B,
this retrieves all Edge s where one end is in set
A and the other is in set B and also returns
Entity s for
EntityId s in set A.
AccumuloIDWithinSetRetriever |
Retrieves Edge s where both ends are in a given
set of EntityId 's and
Entity s where the vertex is in the set.
AccumuloItemRetriever<OP extends Output<Iterable<? extends Element>> & GraphFilters,I_ITEM> |
AccumuloKeyPackage |
The AccumuloKeyPackage provides access to Factories and utility methods
needed for an Instance of the AccumuloStore to run, The idea of the
key package is to isolate all things which are dependent
upon any one key design, with the intent that new key
package can be implemented later to optimise certain queries, depending on
the users use case.
AccumuloKeyRangePartitioner |
This is a spark compatible implementation of the accumulo RangePartitioner ( @link org.apache.accumulo.core.client.mapreduce.lib.partition.RangePartitioner }
AccumuloKeyValueReducer |
Reducer for use in bulk import of data into Accumulo.
AccumuloProperties |
An AccumuloProperties contains specific configuration information for the
AccumuloStore , such as database connection strings.
AccumuloRangeIDRetriever<OP extends InputOutput<Iterable<? extends Pair<? extends ElementId,? extends ElementId>>,Iterable<? extends Element>> & GraphFilters> |
This allows queries for all data from between the provided
ElementId pairs.
AccumuloRetriever<OP extends Output & GraphFilters,O_ITEM> |
AccumuloRuntimeException |
AccumuloSampleDataForSplitPointsJobFactory |
AccumuloSerialisationFactory |
An AccumuloSerialisationFactory holds a list of Accumulo serialisers and
is design to provide compatible serialisers for given object classes.
AccumuloSetRetriever<OP extends InputOutput<Iterable<? extends EntityId>,Iterable<? extends Element>> & GraphFilters> |
AccumuloSingleIDRetriever<OP extends InputOutput<Iterable<? extends ElementId>,Iterable<? extends Element>> & GraphFilters> |
This allows queries for all data related to the provided
ElementId s.
AccumuloStore |
An Accumulo Implementation of the Gaffer Framework
AccumuloStoreConstants |
AccumuloStoreRelation |
Allows Apache Spark to retrieve data from an AccumuloStore as a DataFrame .
AccumuloTablet |
An AccumuloTablet maintains information related to a particular tablet, including the start and end
of that tablet and the set of files that data for the tablet is stored.
AddElements |
An AddElements operation is a Validatable operation for adding elements.
AddElements.Builder |
AddElementsFromFile |
An AddElementsFromFile operation takes a filename, converts each
line of the file to a Gaffer Element using the provided
ElementGenerator then adds these
elements to the Graph.
AddElementsFromFile.Builder |
AddElementsFromFileHandler |
AddElementsFromHdfs |
An AddElementsFromHdfs operation is for adding Element s from HDFS.
AddElementsFromHdfs.Builder |
AddElementsFromHdfsHandler |
AddElementsFromHdfsJobFactory |
AddElementsFromHdfsMapper<KEY_IN,VALUE_IN> |
AddElementsFromHdfsTool |
AddElementsFromKafka |
An AddElementsFromKafka operation consumes records of a Kafka topic,
converts each record into a Gaffer Element using the provided
ElementGenerator then adds these
elements to the Graph.
AddElementsFromKafka.Builder |
AddElementsFromKafkaHandler |
AddElementsFromSocket |
An AddElementsFromSocket operation consumes records from a socket,
converts each record into a Gaffer Element using the provided
ElementGenerator then adds these
elements to the Graph.
AddElementsFromSocket.Builder |
AddElementsFromSocketHandler |
AddElementsHandler |
AddElementsHandler |
AddGraph |
AddGraph |
An Operation used for adding graphs to a FederatedStore.
AddGraph.AddGraphBuilder<OP extends AddGraph,B extends AddGraph.AddGraphBuilder<OP,?>> |
AddGraph.Builder |
AddGraph.Builder |
AddGraphHandler |
AddGraphWithHooks |
AddGraphWithHooks.AddGraphWithHooksBuilder<OP extends AddGraphWithHooks,B extends AddGraphWithHooks.AddGraphWithHooksBuilder<OP,?>> |
AddGraphWithHooks.Builder |
AdditionalOperations |
Used by the AddOperationsToChain operation to store details around which
operations to add to the chain.
AddNamedOperation |
AddNamedOperation.Builder |
AddNamedOperationHandler |
Operation handler for AddNamedOperation which adds a Named Operation to the cache.
AddNamedView |
AddNamedView.Builder |
AddNamedViewHandler |
Operation handler for AddNamedView which adds a NamedViewDetail to the cache.
AddOperationsToChain |
A AddOperationsToChain is a GraphHook that allows a
user to insert additional operations at certain points on the operation chain.
AddSchemaToLibrary |
AddSchemaToLibrary.Builder |
AddSchemaToLibraryHandler |
AddStorePropertiesToLibrary |
AddStorePropertiesToLibrary.Builder |
AddStorePropertiesToLibraryHandler |
AddToCacheHandler<OP extends Operation> |
AddUpdateTableIterator |
This class is designed to update iterator settings for iterators set on a
AdjacencyMap |
An AdjacencyMap is used to store the contents of a graph in memory in
a format which can easily be interrogated.
AdjacencyMaps |
An AdjacencyMaps object contains a number of AdjacencyMap
objects and can be used to represent the changes in an AdjacencyMap over time
or to track the adjacency components of a graph over some other metric.
Aggregate |
Aggregate.Builder |
AggregateHandler |
AggregatePair |
AggregateValidator |
An implementation of FunctionValidator, used for validating an Aggregate function.
AggregationException |
AggregatorIterator |
The aggregator iterator is used to combine Value s where the
Key is the same (Except for the Timestamp column).
AggregatorUtil |
Utility methods to help with doing aggregation of elements.
AggregatorUtil.IngestElementBinaryOperator |
AggregatorUtil.IngestPropertiesBinaryOperator |
AggregatorUtil.IsElementAggregated |
AggregatorUtil.QueryElementBinaryOperator |
AggregatorUtil.QueryPropertiesBinaryOperator |
AggregatorUtil.ToElementKey |
AggregatorUtil.ToIngestElementKey |
A Function that takes and element as input and outputs an element key that consists of
the Group-by values in the Schema , the Identifiers and the Group.
AggregatorUtil.ToQueryElementKey |
A Function that takes and element as input and outputs an element key that consists of
the Group-by values in the View , the Identifiers and the Group.
AlwaysValid<T> |
An AlwaysValid is an Validator in which it always returns true.
ApplicationConfig |
An ApplicationConfig sets up the application resources,
and any other application-specific configuration.
ApplicationConfigV1 |
An implementation of ApplicationConfig , containing v1-specific configuration for the application.
ApplicationConfigV2 |
An implementation of ApplicationConfig , containing v2-specific configuration for the application.
ApplyViewToElementsFunction |
ArrayByteSequence |
This class is copied from
Authorisations |
This test is coped from
AuthorisedGraphForExportDelegate |
AuthorisedGraphForExportDelegate.Builder |
AvroJobInitialiser |
A JobInitialiser that initialises the provided Job to handle Avro input data.
AvroMapperGenerator<OBJ> |
AvroSerialiser |
An AvroSerialiser is used to serialise and deserialise Avro files.
BatchedIterable<T> |
BitmapJsonModules |
Factory class to create the required modules for serialisation and deserialising
RoaringBitmap instances in Jackson.
BloomFilterIteratorException |
BloomFilterUtils |
Utilities for the creation of Bloom Filters
BooleanSerialiser |
This class is used to serialise and deserialise a boolean value
BoundedTimestampSet |
A BoundedTimestampSet is an implementation of TimestampSet that can contain a maximum number
N of timestamps.
BoundedTimestampSet.Builder |
BoundedTimestampSet.State |
BoundedTimestampSetAggregator |
BoundedTimestampSetSerialiser |
BulkImportException |
ByteArrayEscapeUtils |
Removes the 0 byte from a byte array.
ByteArraySchema |
ByteBufferUtil |
Utility methods for a ByteBuffer.
ByteEntityAccumuloElementConverter |
The ByteEntityAccumuloElementConverter converts Gaffer Elements to Accumulo
Keys and Values.
ByteEntityIteratorSettingsFactory |
ByteEntityKeyPackage |
ByteEntityPositions |
ByteEntityRangeElementPropertyFilterIterator |
ByteEntityRangeFactory |
BytesAndRange |
BytesSerialiser |
This class is used to serialise and deserialise byte arrays.
ByteUtil |
Utility methods for bytes
ByteUtils |
Utility methods for bytes
Cache<K,V> |
Type safe cache, adding and getting is guaranteed to be same type.
CacheOperationException |
Exception indicating than an error occured while using the cache service.
CacheProperties |
System properties used by the Gaffer cache service implementations.
CacheServiceLoader |
Initialised when the store is initialised.
CachingIterable<T> |
CancelScheduledJob |
A CancelScheduledJob is an Operation that will use the provided jobId to
cancel the job, if it is scheduled.
CancelScheduledJob.Builder |
CancelScheduledJobHandler |
CardinalityEntityGenerator<T> |
ChangeGraphAccess |
ChangeGraphAccess |
ChangeGraphAccess.Builder |
ChangeGraphAccess.Builder |
ChangeGraphAccessHandler |
ChangeGraphId |
ChangeGraphId |
ChangeGraphId.Builder |
ChangeGraphId.Builder |
ChangeGraphIdHandler |
ClassicAccumuloElementConverter |
ClassicBytePositions |
ClassicEdgeDirectedUndirectedFilterIterator |
ClassicIteratorSettingsFactory |
ClassicKeyPackage |
ClassicRangeElementPropertyFilterIterator |
ClassicRangeFactory |
ClassTagConstants |
Constants that provide ClassTag s of various types.
CloseableUtil |
CollectionUtil |
CommonTimeUtil |
Utility methods for dates and times.
CommonTimeUtil.TimeBucket |
Type representing a "bucket" of time.
CompactRawIntegerSerialiser |
Serialises integers using a variable-length scheme that means smaller integers get serialised into a smaller
number of bytes.
CompactRawLongSerialiser |
Serialises longs using a variable-length scheme that means smaller longs get serialised into a smaller
number of bytes.
CompactRawSerialisationUtils |
ComparableOrToStringComparator |
ConcatenateMergeFunction |
A BiFunction for concatenating results from multiple graphs into one Iterable.
Conditional |
A Conditional is a simple POJO for wrapping an Operation and a Predicate ,
to allow for pre-predicate transformations, whilst preserving the input data.
ConsoleBanner |
A ServletContextListener to write a message to the logger once the application is ready.
ConsumableBlockingQueue<T> |
Extension to ArrayBlockingQueue to allow consumers to iterate over
the queue, consuming the data, without being blocked.
Context |
A Context contains operation chain execution information, such
as the user who executed the operation chain and a map of Exporter s.
Context.Builder |
ContextSpecificMergeFunction<T,U,R> |
ConversionException |
ConvertElementToRow |
Class to convert a Element into a Row object for use in a Spark
SQL dataframe.
Converter |
An instance of this interface is used to convert an instance of a particular class into an object who's
class matches a particular Spark DataType .
CoreKeyBloomFilterIterator |
The CoreKeyBloomFilterIterator filters out Edges based on their non searched
for vertex's membership of the provided BloomFilter .
CoreKeyBloomFunctor |
CoreKeyGroupByAggregatorIterator |
CoreKeyGroupByCombiner |
A copy of Accumulo Combiner but
combining values with identical rowKey and column family.
CoreKeyGroupByCombiner.KeyValueIterator |
A Java Iterator that iterates over the properties for a given row Key
and column family from a source SortedKeyValueIterator .
CorsConfig |
The CorsConfig adds the default CORS headers to everything by default.
Count<T> |
A Count operation counts how many items there are in the provided Iterable .
Count.Builder<T> |
CountAllElementsDefaultView |
A CountAllElementsDefaultView operation counts all of the Element s
present in a MapStore .
CountAllElementsDefaultView.Builder |
CountAllElementsDefaultViewHandler |
CountAllElementsOperationChainOptimiser |
CountGroups |
A CountGroups operation takes in Element s and collects
counts for the number of entity and edge groups used.
CountGroups.Builder |
CountGroupsHandler |
CountHandler<T> |
CsvGenerator |
Generates a CSV string for each Element , based on the fields and constants provided.
CsvGenerator.Builder |
CustomMap<K,V> |
CustomMapAggregator<K,V> |
CustomMapSerialiser |
DataFrameToIterableRow |
DataFrameUtil |
Utility class for manipulating DataFrames.
DataLoader |
A ServletContextListener to load the road traffic dataset into the application
automatically upon application startup.
DateToTimeBucketEnd |
DateToTimeBucketStart |
DebugUtil |
Util methods for debugging
DefaultExamplesFactory |
DefaultExamplesFactory |
DefaultGraphFactory |
Default implementation of the GraphFactory interface, used by HK2 to
instantiate default Graph instances.
DefaultResponseDeserialiser<O> |
DefaultResultAccumulator<T> |
The default result accumulator for merging results from multiple graphs into one.
DefaultScoreResolver |
A DefaultScoreResolver is the default ScoreResolver that
returns the score based on a map of operation scores.
DefaultUserPredicate |
DeleteAllData |
This operation is used to self delete all retained data
DeleteAllData.Builder |
DeleteAllDataHandler |
This Handler will DELETE the Accumulo TABLE as well as the DATA.
DeleteAllDataHandler |
DeleteElements |
A DeleteElements operation is a Validatable operation
for deleting elements.
DeleteElements.Builder |
DeleteElementsHandler |
DeleteElementsHandler |
DeleteNamedOperation |
DeleteNamedOperation.Builder |
DeleteNamedOperationHandler |
Operation Handler for DeleteNamedOperation.
DeleteNamedView |
DeleteNamedView.Builder |
DeleteNamedViewHandler |
Operation Handler for DeleteNamedView which removes a NamedView from the cache.
DeltaLongTimeSeriesSerialiser |
Serialises a LongTimeSeries by writing out the deltas between
consecutive values in the timeseries.
DemoData |
Required for resource lookup.
DescriptionTransform |
Simple transformation function to write a String describing the number
of vehicles passing between two junctions.
DirectedType |
A DirectedType defines whether edges should be
directed, undirected or either/both.
DiscardOutput |
A DiscardOutput operation is used as a terminal operation to indicate
that the results from the previous operation are not used again.
DiscardOutput.Builder |
DiscardOutputHandler |
DoublesSketchAggregator |
A DoublesSketchAggregator is a BinaryOperator that aggregates
DoublesSketch s using a DoublesUnion .
DoublesSketchSerialiser |
A DoublesSketchSerialiser serialises a DoublesSketch using its toByteArray()
DoublesUnionAggregator |
A DoublesUnionAggregator is a BinaryOperator that aggregates DoublesUnion s.
DoublesUnionSerialiser |
A DoublesUnionSerialiser serialises a DoublesUnion using its toByteArray()
Edge |
An Edge in an Element containing a source, destination and a directed flag.
Edge.Builder |
EdgeDirection |
Enumerated type denoting the directionality of an Edge .
EdgeId |
An EdgeId is an interface describing the core methods that are required
in order to identify an Edge .
EdgeId.MatchedVertex |
Enumerated type to denote which vertex of an Edge
matches an input parameter.
EdgeIdExtractor |
EdgeIdSerialiser |
Serialiser to serialise and deserialise EdgeId objects in a byte array
EdgeKryoSerializer |
An EdgeKryoSerializer is a Kryo Serializer for
a Gaffer Edge
EdgeSeed |
An EdgeSeed contains source, destination and directed identifiers to identify an
Edge .
EdgeSerialiser |
Serialiser to serialise and deserialise Edge objects in a byte array
EitherOperationHandler<O extends Operation> |
Custom handler for operations that could in theory target sub graphs or the
federated store directly.
Element |
Elements are the fundamental building blocks of the Graph.
ElementAggregateOperator |
Operator for aggregating two iterables of Element s together, this
will ensure all properties for similar elements are merged using the
ElementAggregator from the schema to perform the actual aggregation.
ElementAggregator |
ElementAggregator.Builder |
ElementAggregator.SelectedBuilder |
ElementCloner |
Utility class to create a clone of an Element .
ElementComparator |
ElementComparison |
An ElementComparison operation is an operation which is used
to make comparisons between elements.
ElementConverterFunction |
ElementConverterFunction |
ElementDefinition |
An ElementDefinition defines information about an element.
ElementDefinitions<ENTITY_DEF extends ElementDefinition,EDGE_DEF extends ElementDefinition> |
Contains the full list of groups in the graph.
ElementDefinitions.BaseBuilder<ELEMENT_DEFS extends ElementDefinitions<ENTITY_DEF,EDGE_DEF>,ENTITY_DEF extends ElementDefinition,EDGE_DEF extends ElementDefinition,CHILD_CLASS extends ElementDefinitions.BaseBuilder<ELEMENT_DEFS,ENTITY_DEF,EDGE_DEF,?>> |
ElementFilter |
An ElementFilter is a Predicate which evaluates a condition against
a provided Element object.
ElementFilter.Builder |
ElementFilter.SelectedBuilder |
ElementFilterException |
ElementGenerator<OBJ> |
An ElementGenerator converts domain objects to Element s.
ElementGroup |
Element group constants for the basic demonstration.
ElementGroup |
Element group constants for the Federated store demonstration.
ElementGroup |
Element group constants for the road traffic demonstration.
ElementId |
An ElementId is an interface describing the core methods that are required
in order to identify an Element .
ElementId.Matches |
Enumerated type to denote which component of an Element
matches an input parameter.
ElementIdSerialiser |
Serialiser to serialise and deserialise ElementId objects in a byte array
ElementInputFormat |
An InputFormatBase that allows the data in an Accumulo store to be read as Element ,
NullWritable pairs.
ElementJoinComparator |
An ElementJoinComparator is a KoryphePredicate2 that is
used to compare if two Element s are equal.
ElementKey |
An ElementKey wraps an element and overrides hashcode and equals
to only select the parts of the element that make up the key - i.e the Group,
vertex/source/destination/directed and the group by properties.
ElementKey.EdgeKey |
ElementKey.EntityKey |
ElementMatch |
Tests for matches for Elements within a Join Operation, groupBy properties can be optionally specified.
ElementPostAggregationFilter |
ElementPreAggregationFilter |
ElementPropertyComparator |
An ElementComparator implementation
to use when making comparisons based on a single element property (e.g.
ElementPropertyComparator.Builder |
ElementSeed |
An ElementSeed contains the identifiers for an Entity or
Edge .
ElementSerialiser |
Serialiser to serialise and deserialise Element objects in a byte array
representation by delegating to the relevant serialiser.
ElementTransformer |
An ElementTransformer is a Function which applies a series of
transformations to an Element .
ElementTransformer.Builder |
ElementTransformer.ExecutedBuilder |
ElementTransformer.SelectedBuilder |
ElementTuple |
An ElementTuple implements Tuple wrapping an
Element and providing a getter and setter for the element's identifiers and properties.
ElementTupleDefinition |
An ElementTupleDefinition is a HashMap that stores a mapping between the
key names and the relevant part of an Element used for creation of
Elements from data structures like MapTuples.
ElementValidator |
ElementValidator.FilterType |
ElementValueLoader |
This interface is used by the lazy loader classes to load Element 's identifiers and
ElementVisibility |
This class is coped from
ElementVisibility.Node |
ElementVisibility.NodeType |
EmptyIterable<T> |
EmptyIterator<T> |
Entity |
An Entity in an Element containing a single vertex.
Entity.Builder |
EntityId |
An EntityId is an interface describing the core methods that are required
in order to identify an Entity .
EntityIdExtractor |
EntityIdSerialiser |
Serialiser to serialise and deserialise EntityId objects in a byte array
EntityKryoSerializer |
An EntityKryoSerializer is a Kryo Serializer for
a Gaffer Entity
EntityMap |
An EntityMap is used to store the contents of a graph in memory in a
format which can easily be interrogated.
EntityMaps |
An EntityMaps object contains a number of EntityMap
objects and can be used to represent the changes in an EntityMap over time
or to track the entities of a graph over some other metric.
EntitySeed |
An EntitySeed contains a single vertex for an Entity .
EntitySerialiser |
Serialiser to serialise and deserialise Entity objects in a byte array
Error |
Simple serialisable POJO for containing details of errors.
Error.ErrorBuilder |
ErrorFactory |
Static utility class to standardise the instantiation of Error
ExampleBinder |
HK2 binder class to facilitate dependency injection with Jersey.
ExampleDomainObject |
ExampleDomainObjectGenerator |
ExampleElementGenerator |
ExampleFilterFunction |
ExamplesFactory |
An ExampleFactory creates examples of Operations
ExamplesService |
ExamplesServiceV2 |
ExampleTransformFunction |
ExecutorService |
An ExecutorService that can schedule commands to run after a given
delay, or to execute periodically.
Export |
The base interface for Operation s which export results.
Export.Builder<OP extends Export,B extends Export.Builder<OP,?>> |
Exporter |
An Exporter can store data of any kind and retrieve it.
ExportOperationHandler<EXPORT extends Export & Operation,EXPORTER extends Exporter> |
Abstract class describing how to handle Export operations.
ExportTo<T> |
An ExportTo is an operation which exports data from a source to a specified
ExportTo.Builder<OP extends ExportTo<T>,T,B extends ExportTo.Builder<OP,T,?>> |
ExportToGafferResultCache<T> |
An ExportToGafferResultCache Export operation exports results into
a cache.
ExportToGafferResultCache.Builder<T> |
ExportToGafferResultCacheHandler |
A ExportToGafferResultCacheHandler is an OperationHandler
used to export results to a Gaffer results cache.
ExportToHandler<EXPORT extends ExportTo,EXPORTER extends Exporter> |
Abstract class describing how to handle ExportTo operations.
ExportToLocalFile |
A ExportToLocalFile operation that takes an Iterable of Strings
and writes them to a local file.
ExportToLocalFile.Builder |
ExportToLocalFileHandler |
ExportToOtherAuthorisedGraph |
A ExportToOtherAuthorisedGraph operation is used to export the results
of carrying out a query on a Gaffer Graph to
a different graph.
ExportToOtherAuthorisedGraph.Builder |
ExportToOtherAuthorisedGraphHandler |
ExportToOtherGraph |
A ExportToOtherGraph operation is used to export the results of carrying
out a query on a Gaffer Graph to a different
ExportToOtherGraph.Builder |
ExportToOtherGraphHandler |
ExportToSet<T> |
An ExportToSet Export operation exports results to a Set.
ExportToSet.Builder<T> |
ExportToSetHandler |
ExtractGroup |
An ExtractGroup is a KorypheFunction for
extracting a group from an Element .
ExtractId |
An ExtractId is a KorypheFunction for simplifying the process of extracting
the object associated with a provided IdentifierType .
ExtractProperty |
An ExtractProperty is a KorypheFunction for simplifying the process of extracting a property
from an Element .
ExtractWalkEdges |
An ExtractWalkEdges is a utility KorypheFunction for extracting the List of
Set s of Gaffer Edge s, from a provided Walk object.
ExtractWalkEdgesFromHop |
An ExtractWalkEdgesFromHop is a utility KorypheFunction for extracting the Set of
Gaffer Edge s from a provided Walk object, at a given hop.
ExtractWalkEntities |
An ExtractWalkEntities is a utility KorypheFunction for extracting the List of
Set s of Gaffer Entity s, from a provided Walk object.
ExtractWalkEntitiesFromHop |
An ExtractWalkEntitiesFromHop is a utility KorypheFunction for extracting the Set of
Gaffer Entity s from a provided Walk object, for a given hop.
ExtractWalkVertex |
An ExtractWalkVertex is a utility KorypheFunction ,
for simplifying the extraction of the starting Vertex from a Walk object.
FactoriesBinder |
HK2 binder class to facilitate dependency injection with Jersey.
FactoryConfig |
FederatedAccess |
FederatedAccess.Builder |
FederatedAddGraphHandler |
A handler for AddGraph operation for the FederatedStore.
FederatedAddGraphHandlerParent<OP extends AddGraph> |
A handler for operations that addGraph to the FederatedStore.
FederatedAddGraphWithHooksHandler |
FederatedChangeGraphAccessHandler |
FederatedChangeGraphIdHandler |
FederatedDelegateToHandler |
FederatedGetAllGraphIDHandler |
FederatedGetAllGraphInfoHandler |
FederatedGraphAccessPredicate |
FederatedGraphReadAccessPredicate |
FederatedGraphReadUserPredicate |
FederatedGraphStorage |
FederatedGraphWriteAccessPredicate |
FederatedGraphWriteUserPredicate |
FederatedJoinHandler<I> |
FederatedNoOutputHandler<PAYLOAD extends Operation> |
Operation handler for the federation of an PAYLOAD operation with an expected return type of Void/Null.
FederatedOperation<INPUT,OUTPUT> |
FederatedOperation.Builder |
FederatedOperation.BuilderParent<INPUT,OUTPUT> |
FederatedOperationChainValidator |
Extends OperationChainValidator and uses the FederatedStore to get
the merged schema based on the operation options.
FederatedOperationChainValidator |
FederatedOperationHandler<P extends Operation> |
Main default handler for federated operations.
FederatedOperationHandler<INPUT,OUTPUT> |
FederatedOperation handler for the federation of an PAYLOAD operation with an expected return type OUTPUT
FederatedOutputHandler<P extends Output<O>,O> |
A sub class operation handler for federation that can process operations that have an
output associated with them.
FederatedOutputHandler<PAYLOAD extends Output<OUTPUT>,OUTPUT> |
Handler for the federation of an PAYLOAD operation with an expected return type Iterable
FederatedOutputIterableHandler<PAYLOAD extends Output<Iterable<? extends ITERABLE_ELEMENTS>>,ITERABLE_ELEMENTS> |
Handler for the federation of an PAYLOAD operation with an expected return type Iterable
FederatedRemoveGraphAndDeleteAllDataHandler |
A handler for RemoveGraph operation for the FederatedStore.
FederatedRemoveGraphHandler |
A handler for RemoveGraph operation for the FederatedStore.
FederatedResultAccumulator<T> |
Abstract base class for accumulators that merge results from multiple
graphs together.
FederatedStore |
The federated store implementation.
FederatedStore |
A Store that encapsulates a collection of sub-graphs and executes operations
against them and returns results as though it was a single graph.
FederatedStoreCache |
FederatedStoreCacheTransient |
FederatedStoreConstants |
FederatedStoreProperties |
FederatedStoreProperties |
FederatedStoreUtil |
FederatedStoreUtil.SerialisableConfiguredMergeFunctionsMap |
FederatedUtils |
Utility class with static methods to help support the federated store.
FederatedViewValidator |
FederatedWhileHandler |
An operation handler for While operations.
FieldUtil |
Utility methods for a field
FileGraphLibrary |
A FileGraphLibrary stores a GraphLibrary in a specified
location as files.
Filter |
Filter.Builder |
FilterHandler |
FiltersToOperationConverter |
Converts a give View and array of Spark Filter s to an operation that returns data with as many
of the filters as possible converted to Gaffer filters and added to the view.
FilterStreamSupplier |
FilterValidator |
An implementation of FunctionValidator, used for validating a Filter function.
FlatMapStreamSupplier<T,U> |
FlinkConstants |
ForEach<I,O> |
A ForEach operation runs the supplied operation on an Iterable of inputs.
ForEach.Builder<I,O> |
ForEachHandler<I,O> |
An OperationHandler for the ForEach Operation.
FreqMap |
FreqMap extends HashMap with String keys and Long values, adding an upsert operation.
FreqMapAggregator |
An FreqMapAggregator is a KorypheBinaryOperator that takes in
FreqMap s and merges the frequencies together.
FreqMapConverter |
A Converter that converts a FreqMap into a Scala map that is suitable for inclusion
in a Dataframe.
FreqMapExtractor |
A FreqMapExtractor is a KorypheFunction that extracts a
count from a frequency map for the provided key.
FreqMapKryoSerializer |
A FreqMapKryoSerializer is a Kryo Serializer
for a Gaffer FreqMap
FreqMapPredicator |
A FreqMapPredicator is a KorypheFunction that extracts a
a clone of the current frequency map provided a valid KoryphePredicate .
FreqMapSerialiser |
A FreqMapSerialiser serialises and deserialises FreqMap s.
FromElementId |
A FromElementId takes an ElementId and if it is an EntityId s
it will unwrap the vertex.
FromEntityId |
A FromEntityId takes an EntityId and unwraps the vertex.
FullJoin |
A Full Join returns the LEFT and RIGHT regardless of whether they match
Function |
FunctionAuthoriser |
The FunctionAuthoriser is a GraphHook which stops a user running
Functions which have been banned.
FunctionAuthoriserUtil |
FunctionValidator<T extends Function> |
A FunctionValidator is a superclass of Validators for Gaffer functions.
GafferAdder |
Helper class to add Element s to a Gaffer store.
GafferCheckedException |
Subtype of Exception with additional constructors to support the inclusion
of a HTTP error message along with the other exception details.
GafferCheckedExceptionMapper |
GafferCollectors |
GafferCustomTypeFactory |
Class that helps the conversion between Gaffer custom types and
standard types that Tinkerpop supports.
GafferEdgeGenerator |
GafferEntityGenerator |
GafferExceptionMapper |
GafferHeaderFilter |
Filter which adds the Gaffer headers to every response
GafferKeyRangePartitioner |
Copy of KeyRangePartitioner
and swaps the
for the GafferRangePartitioner to fix a bug with opening the split
points file.
GafferMapFunction<T> |
Implementation of FlatMapFunction to allow CSV strings representing Element s
to be mapped to Element objects.
An GafferMapper is a Mapper that uses a
MapperGenerator to map the input data into
Element s and then delegates the elements to an abstract map method to serialise them
and add them to the job map context.
GafferOutput |
Implementation of RichOutputFormat for Gaffer to allow Element s
to be consumed from external sources.
GafferPopEdge |
GafferPopEdgeGenerator |
GafferPopElement |
A GafferPopElement is an Element .
GafferPopElementGenerator |
GafferPopGraph |
A GafferPopGraph is an implementation of
Graph .
GafferPopGraph.DefaultIdManager |
Types of ID managers available for this graph (mainly used for testing).
GafferPopGraphFeatures |
GafferPopGraphFeatures.GafferPopGraphEdgeFeatures |
GafferPopGraphFeatures.GafferPopGraphGraphFeatures |
GafferPopGraphFeatures.GafferPopGraphVertexFeatures |
GafferPopGraphFeatures.GafferPopGraphVertexPropertyFeatures |
GafferPopGraphStep<S,E extends org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Element> |
Custom GafferPop GraphStep provides Gaffer specific optimisations
for the initial GraphStep in a query.
GafferPopGraphStepStrategy |
The GraphStep strategy for GafferPop, this will replace the default
GraphStep of a query to add Gaffer optimisations.
GafferPopGraphVariables |
GafferPopGraphVariables.HasStepFilterStage |
GafferPopGremlinPlugin |
GafferPopHasContainer |
Wrapper class for Gremlin HasContainer .
GafferPopHasStep<S extends org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Element> |
Custom GafferPop HasStep.
GafferPopHasStepStrategy |
GafferPopNamedOperationService<I,R> |
Service for running Gaffer Named Operations
GafferPopNamedOperationServiceFactory<I,R> |
GafferPopProperty<V> |
GafferPopVertex |
GafferPopVertexGenerator |
GafferPopVertexProperty<V> |
GafferPopVertexStep<E extends org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Element> |
Custom GafferPop VertexStep.
GafferPopVertexStepStrategy |
Optimisation strategy to reduce the number of Gaffer operations performed.
GafferPredicateFactory |
GafferRangePartitioner |
Copy of RangePartitioner
but with a fix for opening the cut points file.
GafferReducer<KEY,VALUE> |
Reducer for use in bulk import of data into a Gaffer Store.
GafferResultCacheExporter |
Implementation of the Exporter interface for exporting the results of
a Gaffer query to a Graph -backed results cache.
GafferResultCacheUtil |
Utility methods for maintaining a Gaffer result cache.
GafferRuntimeException |
Subtype of RuntimeException with additional constructors to support the
inclusion of a HTTP error message along with the other exception details.
GafferRuntimeExceptionMapper |
GafferSink |
GafferVertexUtils |
GafferWebApplication |
GafferWrappedErrorRuntimeException |
GenerateElements<OBJ> |
GenerateElements.Builder<OBJ> |
GenerateElementsHandler<OBJ> |
GenerateObjects<OBJ> |
GenerateObjects.Builder<OBJ> |
GenerateObjectsHandler<OBJ> |
GenerateSplitPointsFromSample<T> |
The GenerateSplitPointsFromSample operation takes an Iterable sample
and generates a List of split points from that.
GenerateSplitPointsFromSample.Builder<T> |
GenerateSplitPointsFromSampleHandler |
GenericExceptionMapper |
Jersey ExceptionMapper to be used when no specific
exception mapper instance exists.
GenericInput<I> |
A GenericInput is an Input operation that has a generic
input type, where the input value could be a single Object or an array of Objects.
GenericInput.InputWrapper |
GenericInput.InputWrapperNoTypeInfo |
GenericInput.MultiInputWrapper |
GetAdjacentIds |
A GetAdjacentIds operation will return the
vertex at the opposite end of connected edges to a provided seed vertex.
GetAdjacentIds.Builder |
GetAdjacentIdsHandler |
GetAdjacentIdsHandler |
GetAllElements |
Extends GetAllElements , but fetches all elements from the graph that are
compatible with the provided view.
GetAllElements.Builder |
GetAllElementsHandler |
GetAllElementsHandler |
GetAllGraphIds |
GetAllGraphIds |
An Operation to get all the graphIds within scope of the FederatedStore.
GetAllGraphIds.Builder |
GetAllGraphIds.Builder |
GetAllGraphIdsHandler |
GetAllGraphInfo |
GetAllGraphInfo |
Gets graph info of selected Graphs from the FederatedStore.
GetAllGraphInfo.Builder |
GetAllGraphInfo.Builder |
GetAllGraphInfoHandler |
Simple handler for getting information about the graphs contained in the federated store
GetAllJobDetails |
A GetAllJobDetails operation is used to retrieve all of the JobDetail s
related to a Gaffer graph.
GetAllJobDetails.Builder |
GetAllJobDetailsHandler |
A GetAllJobDetailsHandler handles GetAllJobDetails operations
by querying the configured store's job tracker for all job information.
GetAllNamedOperations |
GetAllNamedOperations.Builder |
GetAllNamedOperationsHandler |
Operation Handler for GetAllNamedOperations
GetAllNamedViews |
GetAllNamedViews.Builder |
GetAllNamedViewsHandler |
Operation Handler for GetAllNamedViews which returns all NamedViews from the cache.
GetDataFrameOfElements |
An Operation that returns an Apache Spark DataFrame (i.e.
GetDataFrameOfElements.Builder |
GetDataFrameOfElementsHandler |
GetElements |
Gets elements from Gaffer based on ElementId s as
seeds and returns Element s
There are various flags to filter out the elements returned:
Equal will only return Elements with identifiers that match the seed exactly.
GetElements.Builder |
GetElementsBetweenSets |
Deprecated. |
GetElementsBetweenSets.Builder |
GetElementsBetweenSetsHandler |
Deprecated. |
GetElementsBetweenSetsPairs |
Given a Pair of sets of EntityId s,
this retrieves all Edge s where one end is in the first
set and the other end is in the second set.
GetElementsBetweenSetsPairs.Builder |
GetElementsBetweenSetsPairsHandler |
GetElementsHandler |
GetElementsHandler |
GetElementsInRanges |
This returns all data between the provided
ElementId s.
GetElementsInRanges.Builder |
GetElementsInRangesHandler |
GetElementsUtil |
GetElementsWithinSet |
Retrieves Edge s where both ends are in a given
set and/or Entity s where the vertex is in the
GetElementsWithinSet.Builder |
GetElementsWithinSetHandler |
GetExport |
A GetExport is an Operation to
retrieve the details of an Export operation.
GetExport.Builder<OP extends GetExport,B extends GetExport.Builder<OP,?>> |
GetExportHandler<EXPORT extends GetExport & Operation,EXPORTER extends Exporter> |
Abstract class describing how to handle GetExport operations.
GetExports |
A GetExports operation gets multiple exports and returns then
in a Map.
GetExports.Builder |
GetExportsHandler |
GetFromCacheHook |
GetFromEndpoint |
A GetFromEndpoint is an Operation that will fetch data from a provided endpoint.
GetFromEndpoint.Builder |
GetFromEndpointHandler |
GetGafferResultCacheExport |
A GetGafferResultCacheExport operation is used to retrieve data which
has previously been exported to a Gaffer results cache.
GetGafferResultCacheExport.Builder |
GetGafferResultCacheExportHandler |
GetGraphCreatedTime |
GetGraphCreatedTime.Builder |
GetGraphCreatedTimeHandler |
GetGraphFrameOfElements |
An Operation that returns an Apache Spark GraphFrame (i.e.
GetGraphFrameOfElements.Builder |
GetGraphFrameOfElementsHandler |
GetJavaRDDOfAllElements |
A GetJavaRDDOfAllElements operation retrieves all the Element s
from the target store, and returns them inside a JavaRDD .
GetJavaRDDOfAllElements.Builder |
GetJavaRDDOfAllElementsHandler |
GetJavaRDDOfElements |
A GetJavaRDDOfElements operation retrieves all the Element s
for the input seeds from the target store, and returns them inside a JavaRDD .
GetJavaRDDOfElements.Builder |
GetJavaRDDOfElementsHandler |
GetJavaRDDOfElementsInRanges |
GetJavaRDDOfElementsInRanges.Builder |
GetJavaRDDOfElementsInRangesHandler |
GetJobDetails |
A GetJobDetails operation is used to retrieve the details of a single
job from a Gaffer graph.
GetJobDetails.Builder |
GetJobDetailsHandler |
A GetJobDetailsHandler handles GetJobDetails operations by querying
the configured store's job tracker for the required job details.
GetJobResults |
A GetJobResults operation is used to retrieve the results of executing
a job on a Gaffer graph.
GetJobResults.Builder |
GetJobResultsHandler |
A GetJobResultsHandler handles GetJobResults operations by querying
the configured store's job tracker for the required job results.
GetProxyProperties |
GetProxyProperties.Builder |
GetProxyPropertiesHandler |
GetProxyUrl |
GetProxyUrl.Builder |
GetProxyUrlHandler |
GetRDDOfAllElements |
A GetRDDOfAllElements operation retrieves all the Element s
from the target store, and returns them inside a RDD .
GetRDDOfAllElements.Builder |
GetRDDOfAllElementsHandler |
GetRDDOfAllElementsHandler.EntryIteratorToElementIterator |
GetRDDOfAllElementsHandler.EntryToElement |
GetRDDOfAllElementsHandler.FilterOutNull |
GetRDDOfElements |
A GetRDDOfElements operation retrieves all the Element s for the
input seeds from the target store, and returns them inside a RDD .
GetRDDOfElements.Builder |
GetRDDOfElementsHandler |
GetRDDOfElementsInRanges |
GetRDDOfElementsInRanges.Builder |
GetRDDOfElementsInRangesHandler |
GetSchema |
GetSchema.Builder |
GetSchemaHandler |
Simple handler for merging schemas from multiple graphs.
GetSchemaHandler |
A GetSchemaHandler handles the GetSchema operation.
GetSetExport |
An GetSetExport GetExport operation gets exported Set results.
GetSetExport.Builder |
GetSetExportHandler |
GetTraits |
An Operation used for getting traits from the Store.
GetTraits.Builder |
GetTraitsHandler |
GetVariable |
GetVariable.Builder |
GetVariableHandler |
GetVariables |
GetVariables.Builder |
GetVariablesHandler |
GetWalks |
A GetWalks class is used to retrieve all of the walks in a graph
starting from one of a set of provided EntityId s, with a maximum
GetWalks.Builder |
GetWalksHandler |
An operation handler for GetWalks operations.
GlobalViewElementDefinition |
GlobalViewElementDefinition.BaseBuilder<CHILD_CLASS extends GlobalViewElementDefinition.BaseBuilder<?>> |
GlobalViewElementDefinition.Builder |
Graph |
The Graph separates the user from the Store .
Graph.Builder |
GraphAccess |
Access control for a Graph that as been added through a federated store.
GraphAccess.Builder |
GraphConfig |
GraphConfig contains configuration for Graphs.
GraphConfig.Builder |
GraphConfigurationController |
GraphConfigurationService |
GraphConfigurationServiceV2 |
GraphDelegate |
Delegation class used to create a graph from the various combinations of
GraphDelegate.BaseBuilder<BUILDER extends GraphDelegate.BaseBuilder> |
GraphDelegate.Builder |
GraphFactory |
A GraphFactory creates instances of Graph to be reused for all queries.
GraphFilters |
A GraphFilters is an Operation which
performs additional filtering on the Edge s returned.
GraphFilters.Builder<OP extends GraphFilters,B extends GraphFilters.Builder<OP,?>> |
GraphForExportDelegate |
GraphForExportDelegate.Builder |
GraphFrameToIterableRow |
GraphHook |
A GraphHook can be registered with a Graph and will be
triggered before and after operation chains are executed on the graph.
GraphHookException |
Generic runtime exception for errors relating to graph hooks.
GraphHookPath |
A GraphHookPath allows GraphHooks to be defined as paths to other graph hooks.
GraphHookSuffixException |
Runtime exception for issues with the graph hook suffix
GraphLibrary |
A GraphLibrary stores a graphId and its related Schema and StoreProperties.
GraphRequest<O> |
A GraphRequest is a request that will be executed on a Gaffer Graph .
GraphResult<O> |
GraphSerialisable |
A Serialisable object which holds the contents for creating Graphs.
GraphSerialisable.Builder |
GraphWindow |
A GraphWindow is an immutable in-memory representation of a graph.
GremlinConfig |
GremlinController |
GremlinWebSocketConfig |
GremlinWebSocketHandler |
Websocket handler for accepting and responding to Gremlin queries.
GroupCounts |
Summary of element groups.
GroupedProperties |
GroupedProperties are just Properties with the Element group attached.
GroupedPropertiesSerialiser |
Serialiser to serialise and deserialise GroupedProperties objects in
a byte array representation.
GroupUtil |
Utility methods for Schema groups.
HashMapCache<K,V> |
Simple implementation of the ICache interface, using a HashMap
as the cache data store.
HashMapCacheService |
HashMapGraphLibrary |
A HashMapGraphLibrary stores a GraphLibrary within three HashMaps.
HasTrait |
An Operation that will see if a Store has a given trait.
HasTrait.Builder |
HasTraitHandler |
HazelcastCache<K,V> |
Implementation of the ICache interface, using a Hazelcast IMap
as the cache data store.
HazelcastCacheService |
HdfsSplitStoreFromFileHandler |
HllSketchAggregator |
A HllSketchAggregator is a BinaryOperator that takes in
HllSketch s and merges them together using a Union .
HllSketchEntityGenerator |
Generates HllSketch Entities for each end of an Edge.
HllSketchIsLessThan |
An HllSketch is a Predicate that simply checks that the input
HllSketch cardinality is less than a control value.
HllSketchJsonConstants |
HllSketchJsonDeserialiser |
A HllSketchJsonDeserialiser deserialises HllSketch objects.
HllSketchJsonSerialiser |
A HllSketchJsonSerialiser serialises HllSketch objects.
HllSketchKryoSerializer |
A HllSketchKryoSerializer is a Kryo Serializer for
a HllSketch
HllSketchSerialiser |
A HllSketchSerialiser serialises a HllSketch using its
toCompactByteArray() method.
HllSketchWithValues |
A HllSketchWithValues is a wrapper around the HllSketch object
which helps Gaffer deserialise them.
HllUnionAggregator |
A HllUnionAggregator is a BinaryOperator that takes in
Union s and merges them together using
Union.update(org.apache.datasketches.hll.HllSketch) .
HllUnionKryoSerializer |
A HllUnionKryoSerializer is a Kryo Serializer for
a Union
HllUnionSerialiser |
A HllUnionSerialiser serialises a Union using its
toCompactByteArray() method.
HyperLogLogPlusAggregator |
Deprecated. |
HyperLogLogPlusConverter |
Deprecated. |
HyperLogLogPlusEntityGenerator |
Deprecated. |
HyperLogLogPlusIsLessThan |
Deprecated. |
HyperLogLogPlusJsonConstants |
HyperLogLogPlusJsonDeserialiser |
Deprecated. |
HyperLogLogPlusJsonSerialiser |
Deprecated. |
HyperLogLogPlusKryoSerializer |
Deprecated. |
HyperLogLogPlusSerialiser |
Deprecated. |
HyperLogLogPlusWithOffers |
Deprecated. |
ICache<K,V> |
Interface that All cache objects must abide by so components may instantiate any implementation of a cache - no
matter what cache it is.
ICacheService |
The cache service interface which enables the cache service loader to instantiate
any service no matter the implementation.
IdentifierType |
The IdentifierType enum contains the identifier types used for Entity s and
Edge s.
IExamplesService |
IExamplesServiceV2 |
If<I,O> |
A If is an Operation which will execute one of two Operations,
based on the result of testing an input Object against a provided Predicate .
If.Builder<I,O> |
IFederatedOperation |
IFederationOperation |
IFederationOperation.BaseBuilder<OP extends IFederationOperation,B extends Operation.BaseBuilder<OP,?>> |
IfHandler |
An operation handler for If operations.
IfScoreResolver |
An IfScoreResolver is an implementation of ScoreResolver
for the If operation.
IGraphConfigurationService |
An IGraphConfigurationService has methods to get Graph configuration information
such as the Schema and available Operation s.
IGraphConfigurationServiceV2 |
An IGraphConfigurationService has methods to get Graph configuration information
such as the Schema and available Operation s.
IJobService |
An IJobService handles jobs - executing Jobs and getting Job
IJobServiceV2 |
An IJobService handles jobs - executing Jobs and getting Job
ImportAccumuloKeyValueFiles |
ImportAccumuloKeyValueFiles.Builder |
ImportAccumuloKeyValueFilesHandler |
ImportElementsToAccumuloTool |
ImportFromLocalFile |
An ImportFromLocalFile GetExport operation gets exported Set results.
ImportFromLocalFile.Builder |
ImportFromLocalFileHandler |
ImportJavaRDDOfElements |
ImportJavaRDDOfElements.Builder |
ImportJavaRDDOfElementsHandler |
ImportKeyValueJavaPairRDDToAccumulo |
ImportKeyValueJavaPairRDDToAccumulo.Builder |
ImportKeyValueJavaPairRDDToAccumuloHandler |
ImportKeyValuePairRDDToAccumulo |
ImportKeyValuePairRDDToAccumulo.Builder |
ImportKeyValuePairRDDToAccumuloHandler |
ImportRDDOfElements |
A ImportRDDOfElements takes a RDD containing Element s
and adds them to a target Gaffer store.
ImportRDDOfElements.Builder |
ImportRDDOfElementsHandler |
IndexGenerator |
IngestUtils |
Utility methods for adding data to Accumulo.
InjectedFromStoreITsSuite |
InnerJoin |
InnerJoin is a join function which only returns keys and matching values.
Input<I> |
Input operations are any Gaffer operations which consume a single input.
Input.Builder<OP extends Input<I>,I,B extends Input.Builder<OP,I,?>> |
InputB<I> |
Deprecated. |
InputB.Builder<OP extends InputB<I>,I,B extends InputB.Builder<OP,I,?>> |
InputOutput<I,O> |
InputOutput operations are Gaffer operations which consume a single
input and transforms that input into an output type.
InputOutput.Builder<OP extends InputOutput<I,O>,I,O,B extends InputOutput.Builder<OP,I,O,?>> |
IntegrationTestSuite |
Getter/setter class.
IntegrationTestSuiteExtension |
IOperationService |
IOperationServiceV2 |
An IOperationServiceV2 has methods to execute Operation s on the
Graph .
IPropertiesServiceV2 |
An IPropertiesServiceV2 has methods to GET a list of configured system properties
IsEdgeValidator |
IsElementValidator |
A IsElementValidator is a simple Validator to validate if an
object is an instance of Element .
IsEntityValidator |
IStatusService |
An StatusService has methods to check the status of the system
IStatusServiceV2 |
An StatusService has methods to check the status of the system
IterableDeserializer |
Custom deserialisation class for any classes implementing the Iterable interface.
IterableToFreqMap |
An IterableToFreqMap is a Function which creates a
FreqMap from an Iterable of Strings.
IterableToHllSketch |
Creates a new HllSketch instance and initialises it from
the given iterable.
IterableToHyperLogLogPlus |
Deprecated. |
IteratorException |
IteratorOptionsBuilder |
IteratorSettingBuilder |
IteratorSettingException |
IteratorSettingFactory |
The iterator settings factory is designed to enable the AccumuloStore to
easily set all iterators that will be commonly required by different
implementations of the key.
JavaSerialiser |
This class is used to serialise and deserialise objects in java.
JaxRsErrorFactory |
Static utility class to standardise the instantiation of Error
objects from WebApplicationException s.
JcsCache<K,V> |
Implementation of the ICache interface, using a JCS GroupCacheAccess
object as the cache data store.
JcsCacheService |
Job |
POJO containing details of a scheduled Gaffer job,
a Repeat and an Operation.
JobController |
JobDetail |
POJO containing details of a Gaffer job.
JobDetail.Builder |
JobFactory<O extends MapReduce> |
JobInitialiser |
A JobInitialiser initialises a job.
JobService |
JobServiceV2 |
JobStatus |
Denotes the status of a Gaffer job.
JobTracker |
A JobTracker is an entry in a Gaffer cache service which is used to store
details of jobs submitted to the graph.
Join<I> |
A Join Operation is used to join two Iterables together, specifying
a match and merge method.
Join.Builder<I> |
JoinFunction |
Used by the Join Operation to join two Lists together.
JoinHandler<I> |
JoinType |
JsonMapperGenerator |
JsonSerialisationConfig |
JsonSerialisationUtil |
A utility class containing methods relevant to JSON Serialisation and Deserialisation.
JSONSerialiser |
A JSONSerialiser provides the ability to serialise and deserialise to/from JSON.
JSONSerialiserModules |
A JSONSerialiserModuleFactory is a simple factory that returns
a list of Module s to be uses in an ObjectMapper
in JSONSerialiser .
JsonToElementGenerator |
JsonUtil |
Utility methods for various JSON representations in Gaffer.
KeyFunctionMatch |
A KeyFunctionMatch is a Match which takes two key functions which are used to extract keys from
two inputs.
KeyFunctionMatch.Builder |
KllFloatsSketchAggregator |
A KllFloatsSketchAggregator is a KorypheBinaryOperator that aggregates
KllFloatsSketch s.
KllFloatsSketchSerialiser |
A KllFloatsSketchSerialiser serialises a KllFloatsSketch using its toByteArray()
LazyEdge |
An LazyEdge wraps an Edge and lazily loads identifiers and properties when
requested using a provided ElementValueLoader .
LazyEntity |
An LazyEntity wraps an Entity and lazily loads the identifier and properties when
requested using a provided ElementValueLoader .
LazyProperties |
LegacySupport |
A utility class to provide static methods which map to a single
LegacySupport.BackwardsCompatibleCachableBlockFileReader |
LegacySupport.BackwardsCompatibleReaderBuilder |
LegacySupport.BackwardsCompatibleRFileWriter |
LegacySupport.BackwardsCompatibleWriterBuilder |
LegacySupport.InputConfigurator |
LengthValueBytesSerialiserUtil |
Utility methods for serialising objects to length-value byte arrays.
LengthValueBytesSerialiserUtil.LengthValueBuilder |
LengthValueBytesSerialiserUtil.ObjectCarriage<T> |
Limit<T> |
A Limit operation takes in an Iterable of items
and limits the iterable to a given number of items.
Limit.Builder<T> |
LimitedInMemorySortedIterable<E> |
An Iterable which can sort, limit and deduplicate its elements.
LimitExceededException |
A LimitExceededException is a RuntimeException that will be
thrown when an operation exceeds, or would exceed, some constraining limit.
LimitHandler<T> |
An LimitHandler handles for Limit operations.
LocalFileExporter |
Implementation of the Exporter interface for exporting an Iterable of strings to a local file.
Log4jLogger |
A Log4jLogger is a simple GraphHook that sends logs of the
original operation chains executed by users on a graph to a Logger .
LongsSketchAggregator |
A LongsSketchAggregator is a BinaryOperator that takes in
LongsSketch s and merges them together using LongsSketch.merge(LongsSketch) .
LongsSketchKryoSerializer |
A LongsSketchKryoSerializer is a Kryo Serializer for
a LongsSketch
LongsSketchSerialiser |
A LongsSketchSerialiser serialises a LongsSketch using its toByteArray()
LongTimeSeries |
This is a time series where the values are Long s.
LongTimeSeries.Builder |
LongTimeSeriesAggregator |
LongUtil |
Utility methods for Longs.
Map<I,O> |
Map.Builder<I> |
Map.OutputBuilder<I,O> |
MapFactory |
Interface describing factory classes for creating backing map instances to be
used as the data store for a MapStore .
MapGenerator |
MapGenerator.Builder |
MapHandler<I,O> |
MapImpl |
Map data store implementation use by the Gaffer MapStore
MapOfSets<K,V> |
MapperGenerator<KEY_IN,VALUE_IN> |
A MapperGenerator is used by the Hadoop job Mapper to convert the
input key and value to an Iterable of Element s
MapReduce |
This MapReduce class should be implemented for any Operations that run map reduce jobs.
MapReduce.Builder<OP extends MapReduce,B extends MapReduce.Builder<OP,?>> |
MapSerialiser |
This class is used to serialise and deserialise Map s.
MapStore |
An implementation of Store that uses any class that implements Java's Map interface to
store the Element s.
MapStoreProperties |
MapStreamSupplier<T,U> |
MapWrapper<K,V> |
Wrapper class around the Java Map interface, providing some additional
utility methods required by the Gaffer MapStore .
MaskTimestampSetByTimeRange |
A MaskTimestampSetByTimeRange is a KorypheFunction that takes in a
RBMBackedTimestampSet and filters the internal timestamps by a start time and end time.
MaskTimestampSetByTimeRange.Builder |
Match |
MatchKey |
Used to specify whether the matching is done Left to Right (LEFT) or Right to Left (RIGHT)
Max |
A Max operation is intended as a terminal operation for
retrieving the "maximum" element from an Iterable of Elements.
Max.Builder |
MaxHandler |
A MaxHandler handles the Max operation.
MergeSchema |
MigrateElement |
MigrateElement.ElementType |
Min |
A Min operation is intended as a terminal operation for
retrieving the "minimum" element from an Iterable of Elements.
Min.Builder |
MinHandler |
A MinHandler handles the Min operation.
MultiElementIdInput |
MultiElementIdInput operations are Gaffer operations which consume multiple
ElementId s.
MultiElementIdInput.Builder<OP extends MultiElementIdInput,B extends MultiElementIdInput.Builder<OP,?>> |
MultiEntityIdInput |
MultiEntityIdInput operations are Gaffer operations which consume multiple
EntityId s.
MultiEntityIdInput.Builder<OP extends MultiEntityIdInput,B extends MultiEntityIdInput.Builder<OP,?>> |
MultiEntityIdInputB |
Deprecated. |
MultiEntityIdInputB.Builder<OP extends MultiEntityIdInputB,B extends MultiEntityIdInputB.Builder<OP,?>> |
MultiInput<I_ITEM> |
MultiInput operations are Gaffer operations which consume more than one
MultiInput.Builder<OP extends MultiInput<I_ITEM>,I_ITEM,B extends MultiInput.Builder<OP,I_ITEM,?>> |
MultiInputB<I_ITEM> |
Deprecated. |
MultiInputB.Builder<OP extends MultiInputB<I_ITEM>,I_ITEM,B extends MultiInputB.Builder<OP,I_ITEM,?>> |
MultiMap<K,V> |
Map-like data structure where keys may correspond to multiple values.
MultiSerialiser |
This class is used to serialise and deserialise multiple object types.
MultiSerialiserStorage |
MultiSerialiserStorage.SerialiserDetail |
NamedOperation<I_ITEM,O> |
Named operations enable encapsulation of an OperationChain into a new single NamedOperation .
NamedOperation.Builder<I_ITEM,O> |
NamedOperationCache |
NamedOperationDetail |
NamedOperationDetail.Builder |
NamedOperationHandler |
NamedOperationResolver |
NamedOperationScoreResolver |
NamedOperationTypeReference |
TypeReference objects for named operations.
NamedOperationTypeReference.IterableNamedOperationDetail |
NamedView |
A NamedView extends a View , defining the Element s to be returned for an operation.
NamedView.BaseBuilder<CHILD_CLASS extends NamedView.BaseBuilder<?>> |
NamedView.Builder |
NamedViewCache |
NamedViewDetail |
Simple POJO containing the details associated with a NamedView .
NamedViewDetail.Builder |
NamedViewResolver |
NamedViewWriteAccessPredicate |
NamedViewWriteUserPredicate |
Neo4jCsvElementGenerator |
Neo4jCsvGenerator |
Generates a Neo4j CSV string for each Element, based on the fields and constants provided.
NeptuneCsvElementGenerator |
NeptuneCsvGenerator |
Generates a Neptune CSV string for each Element, based on the fields and constants provided.
NoAccessPredicate |
An AccessPredicate which never allows user access even if they are an administrator
NoAccessUserPredicate |
NoGraphLibrary |
A NoGraphLibrary will not store any relationships between graphIds,
storePropertiesIds or schemaIds.
NoPartitioner |
A NoPartioner can be used to tell a map reduce job not to use a
Partitioner .
NullSerialiser |
A NullSerialiser is a ToBytesSerialiser that always returns
null regardless of the input.
ObjectGenerator<OBJ> |
An ObjectGenerator converts Element s into domain objects.
ObjectMapperProvider |
OneOrMore<T> |
A OneOrMore in an Iterable that allows items
to be added.
OneToManyElementGenerator<OBJ> |
A OneToManyElementGenerator takes an input object and converts it into
multiple output Element s.
OneToOneElementGenerator<OBJ> |
A OneToOneElementGenerator takes an input object and converts it into
an Element .
OneToOneObjectGenerator<OBJ> |
A OneToOneObjectGenerator takes an input Element and converts it into
an output object.
OpenCypherCsvElementGenerator |
This is an abstract base class for ElementGenerator s that will generate
Gaffer Element s from OpenCypher-like CSV strings.
Operation |
An Operation defines an operation to be processed on a graph.
Operation.BaseBuilder<OP extends Operation,B extends Operation.BaseBuilder<OP,?>> |
Operation.Builder<OP,B extends Operation.Builder<OP,?>> |
OperationAuthoriser |
An OperationAuthoriser is a GraphHook that checks a
user is authorised to execute an operation chain.
OperationChain<OUT> |
An OperationChain holds a list of Operation s that are chained together -
OperationChain.Builder |
OperationChain.NoOutputBuilder |
OperationChain.OutputBuilder<OUT> |
OperationChainDAO<OUT> |
Simple data access object which enables the serialisation and deserialisation
OperationChainHandler<OUT> |
OperationChainHandler<OUT> |
OperationChainLimiter |
An OperationChainLimiter is a GraphHook that checks a
user is authorised to execute an operation chain based on that user's maximum chain score and the configured score value for each operation in the chain.
OperationChainOptimiser |
Optimises and applies preprocessing to operation chains.
OperationChainValidator |
OperationController |
OperationDeclaration |
A single OperationDeclaration describes an operation handler.
OperationDeclaration.Builder |
OperationDeclarations |
Contains a list of Operations defined in a JSON file, referenced in the
OperationDeclarations.Builder |
OperationDetail |
OperationException |
An OperationException is thrown when an operation fails.
OperationField |
OperationHandler<OP extends Operation> |
An OperationHandler defines how to handle a specific Operation .
OperationHandlerUtil |
Utilities for Operation Handlers.
Operations<T extends Operation> |
An Operations will hold a list of Operation s, which are often dealt with recursively.
OperationService |
OperationServiceV2 |
OperationsResponseDeserialiser |
OperationUtil |
OperationUtil |
OperationUtil.UnknownGenericType |
OperationView |
An OperationView operation contains a View and can carry out
additional validation based on the view contents.
OperationView.Builder<OP extends OperationView,B extends OperationView.Builder<OP,?>> |
OperationWithSchemaHandler<OP extends Output<? extends O>,O> |
OrderedDateSerialiser |
An OrderedDateSerialiser serialises a Date to
an array of bytes by directly converting the underlying long to a byte array.
OrderedDoubleSerialiser |
An OrderedDoubleSerialser serialises a Double to
an array of bytes by directly converting the double to a raw long and
then converting this to a byte array.
OrderedFloatSerialiser |
An OrderedFloatSerialser serialises a Float to
an array of bytes by directly converting the float to a raw int and
then converting this to a byte array.
OrderedIntegerSerialiser |
An OrderedIntegerSerialser serialises a Integer to
an array of bytes.
OrderedLongSerialiser |
An OrderedLongSerialser serialises a Long to
an array of bytes.
OriginFilter |
Servlet filter to enforce some additional headers on HTTP responses from the
Gaffer REST API.
OtelUtil |
OtherGraphExporter |
Implementation of the Exporter interface for exporting elements from
one Gaffer Graph to another.
OuterJoin |
OuterJoin is a Join function which returns MapTuples containing the keys which have no matches with the other
Output<O> |
Output operations are Gaffer operations which yield an output.
Output.Builder<OP extends Output<O>,O,B extends Output.Builder<OP,O,?>> |
OutputOperationHandler<OP extends Output<? extends O>,O> |
An OutputOperationHandler defines how to handle a specific Output operations.
OverwritingException |
An OverwritingException should be thrown when a condition will cause
something to be overwritten.
Pair<F,S> |
A simple class to contain a pair of items.
ParameterDetail |
ParameterDetail.Builder |
PathParamConfig |
This class stops the app interpreting /path/service/ as /path/service/some.class with Content Type
of name.
ProcessingExceptionMapper |
Jersey ExceptionMapper used to handle internal
ProcessingException s thrown by the Jersey framework.
Properties |
Properties simply extends HashMap with property names (String) as keys and property value (Object) as values.
PropertiesController |
PropertiesFilter |
An PropertiesFilter is a Predicate which evaluates a condition against
a provided Properties object.
PropertiesFilter.Builder |
PropertiesFilter.SelectedBuilder |
PropertiesSerialiser<T> |
Serialiser to serialise and deserialise objects containing Properties
in a byte array representation.
PropertiesServiceV2 |
PropertiesTransformer |
A PropertiesTransformer is a Function which applies a series of
transformations to an Properties object.
PropertiesTransformer.Builder |
PropertiesTransformer.ExecutedBuilder |
PropertiesTransformer.SelectedBuilder |
PropertiesTuple |
A PropertiesTuple implements Tuple wrapping a
Properties and providing a getter and setter for the element's property values.
PropertiesUtil |
Utility methods for Schema Properties.
PropertiesUtil |
Utility class used to retrieve the Gaffer System Properties
ProxyProperties |
ProxyStore |
Gaffer ProxyStore implementation.
ProxyStore.Builder |
ProxyStoreException |
PrunedAdjacencyMaps |
A PrunedAdjacencyMaps object represents a collection of AdjacencyMap s containing graph adjacency information.
Queries |
This class runs simple java queries against the road traffic graph.
RangeFactory |
The range factory is designed so that a List of Accumulo
Range s can be created from just a
provided ElementId and GraphFilters .
RangeFactoryException |
RBMBackedTimestampSet |
RBMBackedTimestampSet.Builder |
RBMBackedTimestampSetAggregator |
RBMBackedTimestampSetInRange |
Tests whether an RBMBackedTimestampSet contains a value in a given range.
RBMBackedTimestampSetSerialiser |
Reduce<T> |
A Reduce is a Gaffer Operation which reduces an Iterable
input of T to a single output value by applying a supplied BinaryOperator .
Reduce.Builder<T> |
ReduceHandler<T> |
ReduceRelatedElements |
A ReduceRelatedElements is a KorypheFunction which takes an Iterable of Element s and
combines all related elements using the provided aggregator functions.
Registrator |
A custom KryoRegistrator that serializes Gaffer Entity s and Edge s,
as well as some of the DataSketches library.
RemoveGraph |
RemoveGraph |
An Operation used for removing graphs from a FederatedStore.
RemoveGraph.Builder |
RemoveGraph.Builder |
RemoveGraphAndDeleteAllData |
RemoveGraphAndDeleteAllData.Builder |
RemoveGraphHandler |
Repeat |
RepeatItemIterable<T> |
A RepeatItemIterable is an Iterable which contains multiple
copies of the same object.
RepeatItemIterator<T> |
An RepeatItemIterator is an Iterator which contains
multiple copies of the same object.
Required |
Where used, denotes that a field on an object must be set.
ReservedPropertyNames |
Enumeration of all protected property names.
ReservoirItemsSketchAggregator<T> |
A ReservoirItemsSketchAggregator is a BinaryOperator that aggregates
ReservoirItemsSketch s using a ReservoirItemsUnion .
ReservoirItemsSketchSerialiser<T> |
A ReservoirItemsSketchSerialiser serialises a ReservoirItemsSketch using its
toByteArray() method and the provided ArrayOfItemsSerDe .
ReservoirItemsUnionAggregator<T> |
A ReservoirItemsUnionAggregator is a BinaryOperator that aggregates
ReservoirItemsUnion s.
ReservoirLongsSketchAggregator |
A ReservoirLongsSketchAggregator is a BinaryOperator that aggregates
ReservoirLongsSketch s using a ReservoirLongsUnion .
ReservoirLongsSketchKryoSerializer |
A ReservoirLongsSketchKryoSerializer is a Kryo Serializer for
a ReservoirLongsSketch
ReservoirLongsSketchSerialiser |
A ReservoirLongsSketchSerialiser serialises a ReservoirLongsSketch using its
toByteArray() method.
ReservoirLongsUnionAggregator |
A ReservoirLongsUnionAggregator is a BinaryOperator that aggregates
ReservoirLongsUnion s.
ReservoirLongsUnionKryoSerializer |
A ReservoirLongsUnionKryoSerializer is a Kryo Serializer for
a ReservoirLongsUnion
ReservoirLongsUnionSerialiser |
A ReservoirLongsUnionSerialiser serialises a ReservoirLongsUnion using its
toByteArray() method.
ReservoirNumbersSketchSerialiser |
A ReservoirNumbersSketchSerialiser serialises a ReservoirItemsSketch
using its toByteArray() method.
ReservoirNumbersUnionSerialiser |
A ReservoirNumbersUnionSerialiser serialises a ReservoirItemsUnion of Number s using its
toByteArray() method.
ReservoirStringsSketchSerialiser |
A ReservoirStringsSketchSerialiser serialises a ReservoirItemsSketch
of String s using its toByteArray() method.
ReservoirStringsUnionSerialiser |
A ReservoirStringsUnionSerialiser serialises a ReservoirItemsUnion of String s using its
toByteArray() method.
ResourceType |
ResponseDeserialiser<O> |
RestJsonProvider |
A ContextResolver implementation to provide the
ObjectMapper from JSONSerialiser.
RetrieverException |
RFileReaderIterator |
A RFileReaderIterator is a Iterator formed by merging iterators over
a set of RFiles.
RFileReaderRDD |
Creates an RDD of Map.Entry s of Key s and Value s for the data in the given table.
RoadTrafficCsvElementGenerator |
RoadTrafficDataField |
RoadTrafficDataLoader |
RoadTrafficElementGenerator<T> |
RoadTrafficStringElementGenerator |
RoaringBitmapAggregator |
Aggregator for RoaringBitmap objects.
RoaringBitmapConstants |
RoaringBitmapJsonDeserialiser |
Custom deserialisation logic for RoaringBitmap instances.
RoaringBitmapJsonSerialiser |
Custom serialisation logic for RoaringBitmap instances.
RoaringBitmapSerialiser |
A Serialiser implementation for RoaringBitmap
RoaringBitmapUtils |
Contains a method for converting version 0.1.5 serialised RoaringBitmaps into
version 0.4.0-0.6.35 compatible forms.
RootRedirectConfig |
RowIDAggregator |
RowIDAggregator.PropertiesIterator |
RowToElementGenerator |
SampleDataAndCreateSplitsFileTool |
SampleDataForSplitPoints |
SampleDataForSplitPoints.Builder |
SampleDataForSplitPointsHandler |
SampleDataForSplitPointsJobFactory |
SampleDataForSplitPointsMapper<KEY_IN,VALUE_IN> |
Mapper class used for estimating the split points to ensure even distribution of
data in Accumulo after initial insert.
SampleElementsForSplitPoints<T> |
The SampleElementsForSplitPoints operation is for sampling an Iterable
of Element s and generating split points.
SampleElementsForSplitPoints.Builder<T> |
SampleElementsForSplitPointsHandler |
Schema |
Contains the full list of Element types to be stored in the graph.
Schema.BaseBuilder<CHILD_CLASS extends Schema.BaseBuilder<?>> |
Schema.Builder |
SchemaEdgeDefinition |
A SchemaEdgeDefinition is the representation of a single edge in a
Schema .
SchemaEdgeDefinition.BaseBuilder<CHILD_CLASS extends SchemaEdgeDefinition.BaseBuilder<?>> |
SchemaEdgeDefinition.Builder |
SchemaElementDefinition |
A SchemaElementDefinition is the representation of a single group in a
Schema .
SchemaElementDefinitionValidator |
SchemaEntityDefinition |
A SchemaEntityDefinition is the representation of a single entity in a
Schema .
SchemaEntityDefinition.BaseBuilder<CHILD_CLASS extends SchemaEntityDefinition.BaseBuilder<?>> |
SchemaEntityDefinition.Builder |
SchemaException |
An SchemaException is thrown when a schema is found to be invalid.
SchemaMigration |
SchemaMigration.MigrationOutputType |
SchemaOperationChainUtil |
SchemaOperationChainValidator |
SchemaOptimiser |
SchemaOptimiserMapStore |
SchemaToStructTypeConverter |
Converts a Gaffer Schema to a Spark StructType .
ScoreOperationChain |
A ScoreOperationChain operation determines a "score" for an OperationChain ,
and is used to determine whether a particular user has the required permissions
to execute a given OperationChain .
ScoreOperationChain.Builder |
ScoreOperationChainHandler |
Operation Handler for ScoreOperationChain
ScoreResolver<T extends Operation> |
A ScoreResolver is used to retrieve the score associated with a provided Operation .
SeededGraphFilters |
SeededGraphFilters.Builder<OP extends SeededGraphFilters,B extends SeededGraphFilters.Builder<OP,?>> |
SeededGraphFilters.IncludeIncomingOutgoingType |
A IncludeIncomingOutgoingType defines the incoming/outgoing
direction of the Edge s during
the operation.
SeparateOutputHandler<P extends Output<O>,O> |
Handler for running federated operations but keeping the results separate
under a key of the graph ID the results come from.
SerialisationException |
An SerialisationException is thrown when serialisation/deserialisation fails.
SerialisationFactory |
A SerialisationFactory holds a list of core serialisers and
is design to provide compatible serialisers for given object classes.
Serialiser<INPUT,OUTPUT> |
A class that implements this interface is responsible for serialising an
object of class INPUT to a OUTPUT, and for deserialising it back again.
ServiceConstants |
Utility class providing constants for the Gaffer REST API.
ServletLifecycleListener |
Listener for starting and stopping services when the servlet starts up and shuts down.
SetExporter |
A SetExporter is an in memory temporary Exporter
using a Set .
SetSerialiser |
SetVariable |
SetVariable.Builder |
SetVariableHandler |
SimpleAdjacencyMaps |
A SimpleAdjacencyMaps object represents a collection of AdjacencyMap s containing graph adjacency information.
SimpleEntityMaps |
A SimpleEntityMaps object represents a collection of EntityMaps s containing graph entity information.
SimpleMapFactory |
Default implementation of the MapFactory interface, used to create map
instances for the MapStore .
SingleUseAccumuloStore |
An AccumuloStore that deletes the underlying table each time it is initialised.
SingleUseMapStore |
A simple MapStore instance suitable for testing.
SingleUseMapStoreWithoutVisibilitySupport |
SketchAggregator |
A SketchAggregator is a BinaryOperator that aggregates Sketch s
using a Union .
SketchesJsonModules |
Factory class to create the required modules for serialisation and deserialising
HyperLogLogPlus instances in Jackson.
SketchSerialiser |
A SketchSerialiser serialises a Sketch using its
toByteArray() .
Sort |
Sort.Builder |
SortHandler |
A SortHandler handles the Sort operation.
SparkConstants |
Utility class containing constants for use with the Spark library.
SparkContextUtil |
A SparkContextUtil is a utility class for adding and retrieving
a SparkSession to/from the user Context .
SplitElementGroupDefSchemaException |
SplitStoreFromFile |
The SplitStoreFromFile operation is for splitting a store
based on a file of split points.
SplitStoreFromFile.Builder |
SplitStoreFromFileHandler |
SplitStoreFromIterable<T> |
The SplitStoreFromIterable operation is for splitting a store
based on an iterable of split points.
SplitStoreFromIterable.Builder<T> |
SplitStoreFromIterableHandler |
SplitStoreFromJavaRDDOfElements |
SplitStoreFromJavaRDDOfElements.Builder |
SplitStoreFromJavaRDDOfElementsHandler |
SplitStoreFromRDDOfElements |
SplitStoreFromRDDOfElements.Builder |
SplitStoreFromRDDOfElementsHandler |
Status |
Enumerated types for HTTP status codes, loosely based on the JAX-RS 2.0
Status class.
StatusController |
StatusDeserialiser |
Custom deserialiser for handling formatted Status
StatusSerialiser |
Custom serialiser to format the HTTP status string when displaying error
messages to users.
StatusService |
StatusServiceV2 |
StorageException |
An StorageException should be thrown when a problem occurs accessing
the federated graph storage.
Store |
A Store backs a Graph and is responsible for storing the Element s and
handling Operation s.
StoreException |
A StoreException is a fairly generic exception for a wide range of issues occurred in a
Store .
StoreProperties |
A StoreProperties contains specific configuration information for the store, such as database
connection strings.
StoreTrait |
A StoreTrait defines functionality for Store implementations.
StreamFilterIterable |
StreamFlatMapIterable<I,O> |
StreamIterable<T> |
StreamIterator<T> |
StreamMapIterable<I,O> |
Streams |
Utility class to help with the usage of the Java 8 Streams API in Gaffer.
StreamSupplier<T> |
A StreamSupplier is a Supplier that supplies a Stream
This supplier also implements closeable.
StreamTransformIterable |
StreamUtil |
StringSerialiser |
A StringSerialiser is used to serialise String s.
StringsSketchAggregator |
A StringsSketchAggregator is a BinaryOperator that takes in
ItemsSketch s of String s and merges them together using ItemsSketch.merge(ItemsSketch) .
StringsSketchAggregator |
A StringsSketchAggregator is a BinaryOperator that aggregates
ItemsSketch s of String s using an ItemsUnion .
StringsSketchKryoSerializer |
A StringsSketchKryoSerializer is a Kryo Serializer for
an ItemsSketch of type String
StringsSketchKryoSerializer |
A StringsSketchKryoSerializer is a Kryo Serializer for
an ItemsSketch of type String
StringsSketchSerialiser |
A StringsSketchSerialiser serialises an ItemsSketch of String s using its
toByteArray() method.
StringsSketchSerialiser |
A StringsSketchSerialiser serialises an ItemsSketch of
String s using its toByteArray() method.
StringsToTypeSubTypeValue |
A StringsToTypeSubTypeValue is a KorypheFunction3 that converts 3 strings: type, sub type and value
into a TypeSubTypeValue .
StringsToTypeValue |
A StringsToTypeSubTypeValue is a KorypheFunction2 that converts 2 strings: type and value
into a TypeValue .
StringsUnionAggregator |
StringsUnionKryoSerializer |
A StringsUnionKryoSerializer is a Kryo Serializer for
an ItemsUnion of type String
StringsUnionSerialiser |
A StringsUnionSerialiser serialises an ItemsUnion of String s using its
toByteArray() method.
StringToStringSerialiser |
A StringToStringSerialiser serialises a String to
a String without performing any additional changes to the original object.
StringUtil |
SummariseGroupOverRanges |
A SummariseGroupOverRanges operation will return an
Element that represents the aggregated form of all data between the provided range for the provided group.
SummariseGroupOverRanges.Builder |
SummariseGroupOverRangesHandler |
SuppliedIterable<T> |
A SuppliedIterable allows a Closeable
Iterable that can normally only be consumed
once, be consumed multiple times.
SwaggerConfig |
SwaggerDefinitionConfig |
Empty interface containing the Swagger API definitions for the v1 Gaffer REST
SwaggerDefinitionConfigV2 |
Empty interface containing the Swagger API definitions for the v2 Gaffer REST
SystemProperty |
System property keys and default values.
SystemStatus |
POJO representing the Gaffer system status.
SystemStatus.Status |
Enumerated type for the Gaffer system status.
TableUtils |
Static utilities used in the creation and maintenance of accumulo tables.
TextJobInitialiser |
A JobInitialiser that initialises the provided Job to handle text input data.
TextMapperGenerator |
TextMessageBodyWriter |
TimeSeries<T> |
A time series of type T consists of values of type T
associated to time Instant s.
TimestampSet |
This represents a set of timestamps.
ToArray<T> |
A ToArray operation takes in an Iterable of
items and converts them into an array.
ToArray.Builder<T> |
ToArrayHandler<T> |
A ToArrayHandler handles ToArray operations.
ToBytesSerialiser<T> |
A class that implements this interface is responsible for serialising an
object of class T to a byte array, and for deserialising it back again.
ToBytesViaStringDeserialiser<T> |
Abstract serialiser that deserialises the given byte[] via an interim String object.
ToCsv |
A ToMap operation takes in an Iterable of items
and uses a CsvGenerator to convert
each item into a CSV String.
ToCsv.Builder |
ToCsvHandler |
ToElementId |
ToElementSeed |
ToElementTuple |
ToEntityId |
ToEntitySeeds |
A ToEntitySeeds operation takes in an Iterable
of items and converts them into EntitySeed s.
ToEntitySeeds.Builder |
ToEntitySeedsHandler |
ToFreqMap |
A ToFreqMap is a KorypheFunction that
creates a new FreqMap and upserts a given value.
ToHllSketch |
Creates a new HllSketch instance and initialises it with
the given object.
ToHyperLogLogPlus |
Deprecated. |
ToList<T> |
A ToList operation takes in an Iterable of items
and converts them to a List .
ToList.Builder<T> |
ToListHandler<T> |
The ToListHandler handles ToList operations by collecting the
items in the input Iterable into a List .
ToMap |
A ToMap operation takes in an Iterable of items
and uses a MapGenerator to convert
each item into a Map of key-value pairs.
ToMap.Builder |
ToMapHandler |
ToPropertiesTuple |
ToSet<T> |
A ToSet operation takes in an Iterable of items
and converts them to a Set , removing duplicates in the
ToSet.Builder<T> |
ToSetHandler<T> |
The ToSetHandler handles ToSet operations by collecting the
items in the input Iterable into a Set , removing duplicate items
in the process.
ToSingletonList<T> |
A ToSingletonList operation takes an input of type T and converts a
single input to a list.
ToSingletonList.Builder<T> |
ToSingletonListHandler<T> |
ToSingletonTreeSet |
Creates a new TreeSet and adds the given object.
ToStream<T> |
A ToStream operation takes in an Iterable of
items and converts them to a Stream .
ToStream.Builder<T> |
ToStreamHandler<T> |
A ToStreamHandler handles for ToStream operations.
ToStringBuilder |
Extension of the Apache Commons ToStringBuilder
class to provide a specific style for Gaffer.
ToStringBuilder.GafferFullStyle |
The default ToStringStyle to use in Gaffer.
ToStringBuilder.GafferShortStyle |
Alternative ToStringStyle to give a more concise output.
ToStringSerialiser<INPUT> |
A class that implements this interface is responsible for serialising an
object of class T to a String , and for deserialising it back again.
ToTimeBucket |
ToTimeBucketEnd |
ToTimeBucketStart |
ToTimestampSet |
Creates a TimestampSet and initialises it with a single timestamp.
ToTrailingWildcardPair |
A ToTrailingWildcardPair is a KorypheFunction that takes an input value to use as the starting value
for a range and creates a value to use as the end point.
ToTypeSubTypeValue |
A ToTypeSubTypeValue is a KorypheFunction that converts a
value into a TypeSubTypeValue , by setting the Type and SubType to null (or the provided strings)
and the Value to the input value.
ToTypeValue |
A ToTypeValue is a KorypheFunction that converts a
value into a TypeValue , by setting the Type to null (or the provided string)
and the Value to the input value.
ToVertices |
ToVertices.Builder |
ToVertices.EdgeVertices |
ToVertices.UseMatchedVertex |
ToVerticesHandler |
A ToVerticesHandler handles for ToVertices operations.
Transform |
Transform.Builder |
TransformAndFilter |
TransformHandler |
TransformIterable<I,O> |
A TransformIterable allows Iterable s to be lazily
validated and transformed without loading the entire iterable into memory.
TransformOneToManyIterable<I,O> |
A TransformToMultiIterable allows Iterable s to be lazily validated and transformed without
loading the entire iterable into memory.
TransformStreamSupplier |
TransformValidator |
An implementation of FunctionValidator, used for validating a Transform function.
TreeSetStringSerialiser |
A TreeSetStringSerialiser is a serialiser for TreeSet s with
String values.
TuplesToElements |
A TuplesToElements is a Function which generates Elements from
an Iterable of Tuples.
TupleToElements |
A TupleToElements is a Function which generates Elements from a Tuple.
TypeDefinition |
A TypeDefinition contains the an object's java class along with how to validate and aggregate the object.
TypeDefinition.Builder |
TypeReferenceImpl |
TypeReference objects for named views.
TypeReferenceImpl |
Utility class which contains a number of inner classes for different TypeReference s
used by the Gaffer project to denote the output type of an Output .
TypeReferenceImpl.Array<T> |
TypeReferenceImpl.Boolean |
TypeReferenceImpl.CountGroups |
TypeReferenceImpl.Element |
TypeReferenceImpl.Exporter |
TypeReferenceImpl.Integer |
TypeReferenceImpl.IterableEdge |
TypeReferenceImpl.IterableElement |
TypeReferenceImpl.IterableEntityId |
TypeReferenceImpl.IterableEntitySeed |
TypeReferenceImpl.IterableIterableEdge |
TypeReferenceImpl.IterableListEdge |
TypeReferenceImpl.IterableMap |
TypeReferenceImpl.IterableNamedView |
TypeReferenceImpl.IterableObj |
TypeReferenceImpl.IterableObject |
TypeReferenceImpl.IterableString |
TypeReferenceImpl.IterableWalk |
TypeReferenceImpl.JobDetail |
TypeReferenceImpl.JobDetailIterable |
TypeReferenceImpl.List<T> |
TypeReferenceImpl.ListString |
TypeReferenceImpl.Long |
TypeReferenceImpl.Map |
TypeReferenceImpl.MapExporter |
TypeReferenceImpl.MapStringObject |
TypeReferenceImpl.MapStringSet |
TypeReferenceImpl.MapStringString |
TypeReferenceImpl.Object |
TypeReferenceImpl.Operations |
TypeReferenceImpl.Set<T> |
TypeReferenceImpl.Stream<T> |
TypeReferenceImpl.String |
TypeReferenceImpl.ValidationResult |
TypeReferenceImpl.Void |
TypeReferenceSparkImpl |
Spark-specific TypeReference implementations.
TypeReferenceSparkImpl.DataSetRow |
TypeReferenceSparkImpl.GraphFrame |
TypeReferenceSparkImpl.IterableRowT |
TypeReferenceSparkImpl.JavaRDDElement |
TypeReferenceSparkImpl.RDDElement |
TypeReferenceStoreImpl |
TypeReference implementations for use by the Store class.
TypeReferenceStoreImpl.Operations |
TypeReferenceStoreImpl.Schema |
TypeReferenceStoreImpl.StoreTraits |
TypeSubTypeValue |
A TypeSubTypeValue is used to store information relating to types,
sub-types and associated values.
TypeSubTypeValueKryoSerializer |
TypeSubTypeValueSerialiser |
A TypeSubTypeValueSerialiser is used to serialise and deserialise TypeSubTypeValue
TypeSubTypeValueToTuple |
TypeSubTypeValueTuple |
TypeValue |
A TypeValue is used to store information relating to types and associated
TypeValueKryoSerializer |
A TypeValueKryoSerializer is a Kryo Serializer for
a TypeValue
TypeValueSerialiser |
A TypeValueSerialiser is used to serialise and deserialise TypeValue
TypeValueToTuple |
TypeValueTuple |
UnauthorisedException |
An UnauthorisedException is a RuntimeException that
will be when an unauthorised action is attempted.
UnauthorisedExceptionMapper |
UnionAggregator |
UnionConverter |
A Converter that converts a Union into a double so that it can be
included in a Dataframe.
UnionSerialiser |
A UnionSerialiser serialises an Union using the toByteArray() method from the
UnknownUserFactory |
UnknownUserFactory |
UnrestrictedAccessPredicate |
UnrestrictedAccessUserPredicate |
UnwrapEntityId |
An UnwrapVertex is a KorypheFunction for unwrapping EntityId s.
UpdateViewHook |
This is a hook to update all operation views in a chain before it is executed.
UpdateViewHook.Builder |
User |
Simple representation of a user in Gaffer.
User.Builder |
UserFactory |
A UserFactory creates instances of User s for use when executing
queries on a graph.
Utils |
Validatable |
A Validatable operation defines an operation with an iterable of Element s
that can optionally be validated before being processed.
Validatable.Builder<OP extends Validatable,B extends Validatable.Builder<OP,?>> |
Validate |
A Validate operation takes in Element s validates them using the
store schema and returns the valid Element s.
Validate.Builder |
ValidatedElements |
ValidateHandler |
An ValidateHandler handles for Validate operations.
ValidateOperationChain |
ValidateOperationChain.Builder |
ValidateOperationChainHandler |
Operation Handler for ValidateOperationChain
Validator<T> |
An Validator validates objects of type T and returns true if they are valid.
ValidatorFilter |
The ValidatorFilter will filter out Element s
based on the validator functions given in the Schema
that is passed to this iterator.
VersionController |
VersionServiceV2 |
VertexSerialiserSchemaException |
View |
The View defines the Element s to be returned for an operation.
View.BaseBuilder<CHILD_CLASS extends View.BaseBuilder<?>> |
View.Builder |
ViewElementDefinition |
ViewElementDefinition.BaseBuilder<CHILD_CLASS extends ViewElementDefinition.BaseBuilder<?>> |
ViewElementDefinition.Builder |
ViewMigration |
Applies the migrations required for a View .
ViewParameterDetail |
Simple POJO providing parameter details for NamedView s.
ViewParameterDetail.Builder |
ViewUtil |
Utility class containing methods for modifying View objects.
ViewValidator |
VisibilityEvaluator |
This class is copied from
VisibilityParseException |
VisibilityPropertySchemaException |
Walk |
A Walk describes a graph traversal which begins at a vertex and
comprises of: a sequence of Edge objects, where the source of
one edge must follow on from the destination of the previous an
optional sequence of Entity objects which are associated to each of
the vertices visited on the Walk.
Walk.Builder |
WebApplicationExceptionMapper |
Jersey ExceptionMapper used to handle internal
WebApplicationException s thrown by the Jersey framework.
While<I,O> |
A While is an Operation which executes a provided delegate Operation,
either while some condition is true, (upto some global maximum),
or until some configurable cut-off is reached.
While.Builder<I,O> |
WhileHandler |
An operation handler for While operations.
WhileScoreResolver |
WrappedKryoSerializer<S extends ToBytesSerialiser<T>,T> |
A WrappedKryoSerializer is a utility class for any Kryo Serializer
that wraps around any implementation of a Gaffer ToBytesSerialiser .