Class FederatedUtils

  • public final class FederatedUtils
    extends Object
    Utility class with static methods to help support the federated store.
    • Method Detail

      • doGraphsShareGroups

        public static boolean doGraphsShareGroups​(List<GraphSerialisable> graphs)
        Checks if graphs share any groups between their schemas.
        graphs - Graphs to check.
        Do they share groups.
      • getValidOperationForGraph

        public static OperationChain getValidOperationForGraph​(Operation operation,
                                                               GraphSerialisable graphSerialisable,
                                                               int depth,
                                                               int depthLimit)
        Get a version of the operation chain that satisfies the schema for the requested graph. This will ensure the operation will pass validation on the sub graph end as there is no universal way to skip validation.
        operation - The operation.
        graphSerialisable - The graph.
        depth - Current recursion depth of this method.
        depthLimit - Limit to the recursion depth.
        A valid version of the operation chain.
      • getValidViewForGraph

        public static View getValidViewForGraph​(View view,
                                                GraphSerialisable graphSerialisable)
        Returns a View that contains groups only relevant to the graph. If the supplied view does not require modification it will just be returned.
        view - The view to make valid.
        graphSerialisable - The relevant graph.
        A version of the view valid for the graph.