All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractInTimeRange<T extends Comparable<T>> |
An AbstractInTimeRange is a Predicate
that tests if a Comparable is within a provided range [start, end].
AbstractInTimeRange.BaseBuilder<B extends AbstractInTimeRange.BaseBuilder<B,R,T>,R extends AbstractInTimeRange<T>,T extends Comparable<T>> |
AbstractInTimeRangeDual<T extends Comparable<T>> |
AbstractInTimeRangeDual.BaseBuilder<B extends AbstractInTimeRangeDual.BaseBuilder<B,R,T>,R extends AbstractInTimeRangeDual<T>,T extends Comparable<T>> |
Adapted<I,AI,AO,O,C> |
An Adapted class is one that applies functions to it's inputs and outputs, allowing it to be applied
to different input and output types.
AdaptedBinaryOperator<T,OT> |
AdaptedFunction<I,FI,FO,O> |
AdaptedPredicate<I,PI> |
AgeOff |
An AgeOff is a Predicate that ages off old data based on a provided age of time in milliseconds.
AgeOffFromDays |
An AgeOffFromDays is a BiPredicate
that ages off old data based on a provided age off time in days.
And |
And<I> |
A composite Predicate that returns true if all of it's predicates return true, otherwise false.
And.Builder<I> |
And.SelectedBuilder<I> |
ApplyBiFunction<T,U,R> |
AreEqual |
An AreEqual is a BiPredicate that returns true if the two input objects
are equal.
AreIn |
ArrayTuple |
An ArrayTuple is a simple implementation of the Tuple interface, backed by an
array of Object s, referenced by their index.
Base64Decode |
A Base64Decode is a Function that takes
a Base 64 encoded byte[] and decodes it into a byte[].
BinaryOperatorComposite<T,C extends BinaryOperator<T>> |
A Composite BinaryOperator that applies each operator in turn, supplying the result of each operator
as the state of the next, and returning the result of the last operator.
BinaryOperatorMap<K,T> |
Applies a BinaryOperator to the values of an input Map , combining values with matching keys.
CallMethod |
A CallMethod is a Function that takes
a method name and then invokes it.
Cast<I,O> |
A Cast is a Function that takes
an input class and casts it to an output class.
ChainedIterable<T> |
ChainedIterator<T> |
CloseableUtil |
CollectionConcat<T> |
CollectionContains |
CollectionIntersect<T> |
Composite<C> |
A Composite contains an ArrayList of components that combine to make a composite.
Concat |
A Concat is a Function that takes in
two objects and calls toString on them and concatenates them together.
CreateObject |
A CreateObject is a Function that takes
an optional Object and creates an new instance of a class.
CsvLinesToMaps |
CsvToMaps |
CurrentDate |
CurrentTime |
A CurrentTime is a Function that
returns the current time in milliseconds.
DateUtil |
A utility class for Dates.
DefaultIfEmpty |
A DefaultIfEmpty is a Function which supplies a default value if an input
is empty.
DefaultIfNull |
A DefaultIfNull is a Function which supplies a default value if the input is null.
DelegatingAnnotationIntrospector |
A DelegatingAnnotationIntrospector is a lightweight extension
to JacksonAnnotationIntrospector to trick Jackson into thinking all
classes are annotated with @JsonTypeIdResolver(value = SimpleClassNameIdResolver.class)
If you add a custom JsonTypeIdResolver annotation it will override the magic
annotation from this class.
DelegatingAnnotationIntrospector.Builder |
DeserialiseJson<T> |
DeserialiseXml |
DictionaryLookup<K,V> |
Divide |
A Divide is a Function that takes in
two Integer s and returns the result of dividing the first by the second.
DivideBy |
A DivideBy is a Function that takes in
an Integer and returns the result of dividing this integer by a pre-configured
DivideByExample |
This example demonstrates a function that returns more than one result value.
DivideExample |
This example demonstrates a function that accepts more than one input value and returns more than one result value.
Example |
Exists |
An Exists is a Predicate that simply checks the input object
is not null.
ExtractKeys<K,V> |
ExtractKeysExample |
ExtractValue<K,V> |
An ExtractValue is a Function that retrieves the value from a given Map , for the corresponding pre-configured key.
ExtractValueExample |
ExtractValues<K,V> |
ExtractValuesExample |
FilteredIterable<T> |
FilteredIterator<T> |
First |
A First is a KorypheBinaryOperator that assumes the
value will never change and just returns the first non null value it gets.
FirstItem<T> |
FirstItemExample |
FirstValid<I_ITEM> |
A FirstValid is a Function that returns the first item from a provided input
Iterable which matches the provided Predicate
FunctionChain<I,O> |
A composite Function that applies the given functions consecutively, returning the final output.
FunctionChain.Builder<I,O> |
FunctionComposite<I,O,C extends Function> |
A Composite Function that applies each function in turn, supplying the result of each function
as the input of the next, and returning the result of the last function.
FunctionMap<K,I,O> |
Applies a Function to the values of an input Map , to produce a new output map.
Gunzip |
A Gunzip is a Function that takes
a byte[] of gzipped data and decompresses it.
Identity |
An Identity is a Function which takes
a single object as an input, and simply returns that object.
If<I,O> |
An If is a Function that conditionally applies one of two functions to a provided input.
If<I> |
An If is a Predicate that conditionally applies one of two predicates to a provided input.
If.SelectedBuilder |
Increment |
A Increment is a Function that takes
a number and adds a given number to it.
InDateRange |
An InDateRange is a Predicate
that tests if a Comparable is within a provided range [start, end].
InDateRange.Builder |
InDateRangeDual |
An InDateRangeDual is a Predicate
that tests if there is an overlap between a start Comparable and
end Comparable within a provided range [start, end].
InDateRangeDual.Builder |
InputAdapted<I,AI> |
An InputAdapted class is one that applies a function to it's inputs, allowing it to be applied to
different input types.
InputValidator |
InRange<T extends Comparable<T>> |
InRange.BaseBuilder<B extends InRange.BaseBuilder<B,R,T>,R extends InRange<T>,T extends Comparable<T>> |
InRange.Builder<T extends Comparable<T>> |
InRangeDual<T extends Comparable<T>> |
InRangeDual.BaseBuilder<B extends InRangeDual.BaseBuilder<B,R,T>,R extends InRangeDual<T>,T extends Comparable<T>> |
InRangeDual.Builder<T extends Comparable<T>> |
IntegerTupleAdaptedPredicate |
InTimeRange |
An InTimeRange is a Predicate
that tests if a Long representing a timestamp is within a provided range [start, end].
InTimeRange.Builder |
InTimeRangeDual |
InTimeRangeDual.Builder |
IsA |
IsEmpty |
IsEmptyExample |
IsEqual |
An IsEqual is a Predicate that checks that the input is
equal to a control value.
IsFalse |
An IsFalse is a Predicate that checks that the input boolean is
IsIn |
IsIn is a Predicate that checks that the input is
in a set of allowed values.
IsLessThan |
An IsLessThan is a Predicate that checks that the input
Comparable is less than a control value.
IsLongerThan |
An IsLongerThan is a Predicate that checks that the input
object has a length more than a minimum length.
IsMoreThan |
An IsMoreThan is a Predicate that checks that the input
Comparable is more than a control value.
IsMoreThanExample |
IsShorterThan |
An IsShorterThan is a Predicate that checks that the input
object has a length less than a maximum length.
IsTrue |
An IsTrue is a Predicate that checks that the input boolean is
IsXLessThanY |
IsXMoreThanY |
IterableConcat<I_ITEM> |
IterableConcatExample |
IterableFilter<I_ITEM> |
IterableFlatten<I_ITEM> |
IterableFunction<I_ITEM,O_ITEM> |
IterableFunction.Builder<I_ITEM> |
IterableFunction.OutputBuilder<I_ITEM,O_ITEM> |
IterableFunctionExample |
IterableLongest |
An IterableLongest is a Function which evaluates the length of each item in the
input Iterable and returns the longest item.
IterableMerge<T> |
IterableUtil |
An IterableUtil is a utility class providing capabilities for:
Lazily applying a Function , or a List of Function s,
to each element of an Iterable
Flatmapping of nested Iterable s via concatenation, to allow correct closing of the iterables
JavaUtils |
Copies of various methods/classes from the Java 11 JDK.
JavaUtils.Map |
JavaUtils.Set |
JsonSerialiser |
JsonSimpleClassName |
KorypheBinaryOperator<T> |
Abstract superclass provided for convenience.
KorypheBinaryOperatorExample<T> |
KorypheExample<I,O> |
KorypheFunction<I,O> |
Abstract superclass provided for convenience.
KorypheFunction2<T,U,R> |
KorypheFunction3<T,U,V,R> |
KorypheFunction4<T,U,V,W,R> |
KorypheFunction5<T,U,V,W,X,R> |
KorypheFunctionExample<I,O> |
KorypheFunctionN<TUPLE extends Tuple<Integer>,R> |
KorypheIterableFunctionExample<I extends Iterable,O extends Iterable> |
KoryphePredicate<I> |
Abstract superclass provided for convenience.
KoryphePredicate2<T,U> |
KoryphePredicate3<T,U,V> |
KoryphePredicate4<T,U,V,W> |
KoryphePredicate5<T,U,V,W,X> |
KoryphePredicateExample<I> |
KoryphePredicateN<TUPLE extends Tuple<Integer>> |
Last |
LastItem<T> |
LastItemExample |
Length |
LengthExample |
LimitedIterable<T> |
LimitedIterator<T> |
Longest<T> |
A Longest is a Function which takes two inputs and returns the longest of the two.
MapContains |
An MapContains is a Predicate that checks
whether a Map contains a provided key.
MapContainsPredicate |
An MapContainsPredicate is a Predicate that checks
whether a Map contains a key that matches a given predicate.
MapFilter<K,V> |
MappedIterable<I_ITEM,O_ITEM> |
MappedIterator<I_ITEM,O_ITEM> |
MapToTuple<K> |
MapTuple<R> |
A MapTuple is an implementation of Tuple backed by a Map .
Max |
Min |
Multiply |
A Multiply is a Function that takes in
two Integer s and returns the result of multiplying the first by the second.
MultiplyBy |
A MultiplyBy is a Function that takes in
an Integer and returns the result of multiplying this integer by a pre-configured
MultiplyByExample |
This example demonstrates a simple function that has a single input and output.
MultiplyExample |
This example demonstrates a function that accepts more than one input value and returns a single result value.
MultiplyLongBy |
A MultiplyLongBy is a Function that takes in
an Long and returns the result of multiplying this long by a pre-configured
MultiRegex |
Not<I> |
A Predicate that returns the inverse of the wrapped predicate.
NthItem<T> |
NthItemExample |
NumericAggregateFunction |
Or |
Or<I> |
A composite Predicate that returns true if any of it's predicates return true, otherwise false.
Or.Builder<I> |
Or.SelectedBuilder<I> |
OutputValidator |
ParseDate |
Parses a date string and returns the Date .
ParseTime |
Parses a date string and returns the timestamp as a Long .
PredicateComposite<I,C extends Predicate<I>> |
A Composite Predicate that applies each predicate in turn, returning true if all Predicates are met,
otherwise false.
PredicateMap<T> |
An PredicateMap is a Predicate that extracts a
value from a map using the provided key and passes the value to a provided
Predicate .
Product |
RangeUtil |
A utility class for Ranges.
ReferenceArrayTuple<R> |
ReflectionUtil |
Reflection utilities.
ReflectiveTuple |
A ReflectiveTuple is a Tuple that wraps an object and treats
it as a Tuple by using reflection to call fields directly or via getters.
ReflectiveTuple.Cache<T extends AccessibleObject> |
Regex |
A Regex is a KoryphePredicate that returns true if an input
string matches a supplied regex pattern, false otherwise.
ReverseString |
A ReverseString is a Function that takes
a String and reverses the order of the characters.
RunAll |
SetValue |
A SetValue is a Function that takes
an input object and returns a set value.
Signature |
A Signature is the type metadata for the input or output of a Function .
Signature.UnknownGenericType |
SimpleClassDeserializer |
SimpleClassKeyDeserializer |
SimpleClassKeySerializer |
A SimpleClassKeySerializer is a JsonSerializer
for Class es as Map keys, which utilises the SimpleClassNameIdResolver to
allow simple class names to be used.
SimpleClassNameCache |
A SimpleClassNameCache is a cache for indexing simple class names.
SimpleClassNameIdResolver |
A SimpleClassNameIdResolver is a TypeIdResolver that allows
simple class names to be used as type ids, rather than needing to provide the
entire class name.
SimpleClassNameIdResolverAnnotation |
SimpleClassSerializer |
Since |
Annotation used to define the version at which an implementation was added.
SingletonSignature |
A SingletonSignature is the type metadata for a single instance of a specific type.
Size |
SizeExample |
StateAgnosticOutputAdapter<T,U,R> |
A StateAgnosticOutputAdapter is a BiFunction which ignores the first argument (the state)
and applies a provided function to the output.
StringAppend |
A StringAppend is a Function which takes a input String and returns the
same string, appended with a suffix.
StringConcat |
StringContains |
StringDeduplicateConcat |
A StringDeduplicateConcat is a KorypheBinaryOperator that takes in
String s, potentially with separators, and concatenates them together, omitting
any duplicate substrings.
StringJoin<I_ITEM> |
A StringJoin is a Function which joins together all items in the provided Iterable
into a single output string, separated by a supplied delimiter.
StringPrepend |
A StringPrepend is a Function which takes a input String and returns the
same string, prepended with a prefix.
StringRegexReplace |
A StringRegexReplace is a Function which takes an input string and applies the
provided regular expression to find matching substrings to replace.
StringRegexSplit |
A StringRegexSplit is a Function which splits an input string based on the
provided regular expression.
StringReplace |
A StringReplace is a Function which searches an input String for all
occurrences of a search string, and replaces those matches with an alternative string.
StringSplit |
A StringSplit is a Function which splits a String based on a supplied
StringTrim |
A StringTrim is a Function which takes a String and removes all leading
and trailing whitespace characters.
StringTruncate |
A StringTruncate is a Function which truncates an input String to a
specified length, optionally appending ellipsis characters to denote that the string was truncated.
Sum |
Summary |
Annotation used to provide a quick summary of the implementation.
SummaryUtil |
Utility class for checking Summary strings within the project.
TimeUnit |
A TimeUnit is an enum that defines a period of time.
ToArray |
A ToArray is a Function that takes
an Object and converts it to a array.
ToBoolean |
A ToBoolean is a Function that takes
an Object and casts it to a Boolean.
ToBytes |
A ToBytes is a Function that takes in
a string and extracts the bytes using the provided charset.
ToDateString |
A ToDateString is a Function that
converts a Date into a String using the provided format.
ToDouble |
A ToDouble is a Function that takes
an Object and casts it to a Double.
ToFloat |
A ToFloat is a Function that takes
an Object and casts it to a Float.
ToInteger |
A ToInteger is a Function that takes
an Object and casts it to an Integer.
ToList |
A ToList is a Function that takes
an Object and converts it to a list.
ToLong |
A ToLong is a Function that takes
an Object and casts it to a Long.
ToLowerCase |
A ToLowerCase is a Function that takes
an Object and performs toLowerCase on it.
ToNull |
A toNull is a Function that takes
an Object and returns null.
ToSet |
A ToSet is a Function that takes
an Object and converts it to a set.
ToString |
A ToString is a Function that takes in
an object (null or otherwise), and calls toString on it.
ToTuple |
A ToTuple is a Function that takes
an object and converts it into a Tuple for follow on processing.
ToUpperCase |
A ToUpperCase is a Function that takes
an Object and performs toUpperCase on it.
Tuple<R> |
A Tuple provides a map-like interface to any data structure.
Tuple1<A> |
Tuple2<A,B> |
An TupleN containing 2 entries.
Tuple3<A,B,C> |
An TupleN containing 3 entries.
Tuple4<A,B,C,D> |
An TupleN containing 4 entries.
Tuple5<A,B,C,D,E> |
An TupleN containing 5 entries.
TupleAdaptedBinaryOperator<R,OT> |
A TupleAdaptedBinaryOperator adapts a BinaryOperator so it can be applied to selected
fields from a Tuple .
TupleAdaptedBinaryOperatorComposite<R> |
TupleAdaptedBinaryOperatorComposite.Builder<R> |
TupleAdaptedBinaryOperatorComposite.SelectedBuilder<R> |
TupleAdaptedFunction<R,FI,FO> |
A TupleAdaptedFunction adapts a Function so it can be applied to selected
fields from a Tuple , projecting it's output back into the tuple.
TupleAdaptedFunctionComposite<R> |
TupleAdaptedFunctionComposite.Builder<R> |
TupleAdaptedFunctionComposite.ExecutedBuilder<R> |
TupleAdaptedFunctionComposite.SelectedBuilder<R> |
TupleAdaptedPredicate<R,PI> |
A TupleAdaptedPredicate adapts a Predicate so it can be applied to selected
fields from a Tuple .
TupleAdaptedPredicateComposite<R> |
TupleAdaptedPredicateComposite.Builder<R> |
TupleAdaptedPredicateComposite.SelectedBuilder<R> |
TupleAggregationProductExample |
TupleAndExample |
TupleCompositeAggregationExample |
TupleCompositeAndExample |
TupleCompositeMultiplyByExample |
This example shows a composite function that operates on a complex input object.
TupleDivideByExample |
TupleDivideExample |
TupleInputAdapter<R,FI> |
TupleMultiplyByExample |
TupleMultiplyExample |
TupleN |
TupleOutputAdapter<R,FO> |
TupleSignature |
An TupleSignature is the type metadata for a tuple of values.
Util |
Common utility methods.
ValidationResult |
VersionUtil |
Utility class for checking versioning within the project.
WrappedBiFunction<T,U,R> |