Class AreIn

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class AreIn
    extends KoryphePredicate<Collection<?>>
    An AreIn is a BiPredicate that checks if a provided Collection contains all the provided input values. An optional nullOrEmptyAllowedValuesAccepted flag (defaults to true) can determine whether the provided allowedValues collection can be null or empty. The return value for any null or empty input will be equal to the value of the nullOrEmptyAllowedValuesAccepted flag.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AreIn

        public AreIn()
      • AreIn

        public AreIn​(Collection<?> allowedValues)
      • AreIn

        public AreIn​(Collection<?> allowedValues,
                     boolean nullOrEmptyAllowedValuesAccepted)
      • AreIn

        public AreIn​(Object... allowedValues)
    • Method Detail

      • setValues

        public void setValues​(Collection<?> allowedValues)
      • getAllowedValuesArray

        public Object[] getAllowedValuesArray()
      • setAllowedValues

        public void setAllowedValues​(Object[] allowedValuesArray)
      • getNullOrEmptyAllowedValuesAccepted

        public boolean getNullOrEmptyAllowedValuesAccepted()
      • setNullOrEmptyAllowedValuesAccepted

        public void setNullOrEmptyAllowedValuesAccepted​(boolean nullOrEmptyAllowedValuesAccepted)
      • test

        public boolean test​(Collection<?> input)