
See javadoc -

Available since Gaffer version 1.3.0

When executing a spark operation you can either let Gaffer create a SparkSession for you or you can add it yourself to the Context object and provide it when you execute the operation. e.g:

Context context = SparkContextUtil.createContext(new User("User01"), sparkSession);
graph.execute(operation, context);

Required fields

The following fields are required:

  • view


Get graph frame of elements

final GetGraphFrameOfElements operation = new GetGraphFrameOfElements.Builder()
        .view(new View.Builder()
  "class" : "GetGraphFrameOfElements",
  "view" : {
    "edges" : {
      "edge" : { }
    "entities" : {
      "entity" : { }
  "class" : "",
  "view" : {
    "edges" : {
      "edge" : { }
    "entities" : {
      "entity" : { }

Then with the graphFrame result you can execute things like:

graphFrame.vertices().filter("vertex = 1 OR vertex = 2").showString(100, 20)

and results are:

|matchedVertex|directed| id| dst| src|count| group|
|         null|    null|  1|null|null| null|  null|
|         null|    null|  2|null|null| null|  null|
|         null|    null|  1|null|null|    3|entity|
|         null|    null|  2|null|null|    1|entity|

Or you can inspect the edges like:

graphFrame.edges().filter("count > 1").showString(100, 20)

and results are:

|group|vertex|count|src|dst|directed|matchedVertex| id|
| edge|  null|    3|  1|  2|    true|         null|  1|
| edge|  null|    2|  2|  3|    true|         null|  3|
| edge|  null|    4|  3|  4|    true|         null|  6|

There is a whole suite of nice things you can do with GraphFrames, including operations like PageRank.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""