Federated Demo


Assuming you have Java 8, Maven and Git installed, you can build and run the latest version of the road traffic demo by doing the following:

# Clone the Gaffer repository, to reduce the amount you need to download this will only clone the master branch with a depth of 1 so there won't be any history.
git clone --depth 1 --branch master https://github.com/gchq/Gaffer.git
cd Gaffer

# Run the start script. This will download several maven dependencies such as tomcat.
# If you have a snapshot version and want to build all dependencies first then add -am as a script argument

The rest api will be deployed to localhost:8080/rest.

To add a Map graph, execute this operation (or run addMapEdgesGraph.sh):

    "class": "uk.gov.gchq.gaffer.federatedstore.operation.AddGraph",
    "graphId": "mapEdges",
    "storeProperties": {
    "schema": {
         "edges": {
             "BasicEdge": {
               "source": "vertex",
               "destination": "vertex",
               "directed": "true",
               "properties": {
                 "count": "count"

       "types": {
         "vertex": {
           "class": "java.lang.String"
         "count": {
           "class": "java.lang.Integer",
           "aggregateFunction": {
             "class": "uk.gov.gchq.koryphe.impl.binaryoperator.Sum"
         "true": {
           "description": "A simple boolean that must always be true.",
           "class": "java.lang.Boolean",
           "validateFunctions": [
               "class": "uk.gov.gchq.koryphe.impl.predicate.IsTrue"
    "isPublic": true

And to add a second Map graph execute this (or run addMapEntitiesGraph.sh):

    "class": "uk.gov.gchq.gaffer.federatedstore.operation.AddGraph",
    "graphId": "mapEntities",
    "storeProperties": {
    "schema": {
       "entities": {
         "BasicEntity": {
           "vertex": "vertex",
           "properties": {
             "count": "count"
       "types": {
         "vertex": {
           "class": "java.lang.String"
         "count": {
           "class": "java.lang.Integer",
           "aggregateFunction": {
             "class": "uk.gov.gchq.koryphe.impl.binaryoperator.Sum"
    "isPublic": true

To add some example data execute this json in /graph/operations/execute (or run addElements.sh):

    "class" : "uk.gov.gchq.gaffer.operation.impl.add.AddElements",
    "input" : [ {
     "group" : "BasicEntity",
     "vertex" : "1",
     "properties" : {
       "count" : 1
     "class" : "uk.gov.gchq.gaffer.data.element.Entity"
    }, {
     "group" : "BasicEdge",
     "source" : "1",
     "destination" : "2",
     "directed" : true,
     "properties" : {
       "count" : 1
     "class" : "uk.gov.gchq.gaffer.data.element.Edge"
    } ],
     "options": {
      "gaffer.federatedstore.operation.graphIds": "mapEntities,mapEdges"

Here is an example of an advanced federated operation chain:

   "class": "uk.gov.gchq.gaffer.operation.OperationChain",
   "operations": [
         "class": "uk.gov.gchq.gaffer.federatedstore.operation.FederatedOperationChain",
         "operationChain": {
            "operations": [
                  "class": "uk.gov.gchq.gaffer.operation.impl.get.GetAllElements"
                  "class": "uk.gov.gchq.gaffer.operation.impl.Limit",
                  "resultLimit": 1,
                  "truncate": true
         "class": "uk.gov.gchq.gaffer.operation.impl.Limit",
         "resultLimit": 1,
         "truncate": true

To fetch the merged schemas you can run:

   "class": "uk.gov.gchq.gaffer.store.operation.GetSchema",
   "compact": false

To fetch just a the schema for the mapGraph you can add an option:

    "class": "uk.gov.gchq.gaffer.store.operation.GetSchema",
    "compact": false,
    "options": {
        "gaffer.federatedstore.operation.graphIds": "mapEdges"

results matching ""

    No results matching ""