Class GetJavaRDDOfAllElementsHandler

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    OperationHandler<GetJavaRDDOfAllElements>, OutputOperationHandler<GetJavaRDDOfAllElements,​<Element>>

    public class GetJavaRDDOfAllElementsHandler
    extends AbstractGetRDDHandler<GetJavaRDDOfAllElements,​<Element>>
    A handler for the GetJavaRDDOfAllElements operation. This simply uses the operation GetRDDOfAllElements to produce an RDD and then calls toJavaRDD() to obtain a JavaRDD.

    If the gaffer.accumulo.spark.directrdd.use_rfile_reader option is set to true then the RDD will be produced by directly reading the RFiles in the Accumulo table, rather than using ElementInputFormat to get data via the tablet servers. In order to read the RFiles directly, the user must have read access to the files. Also note that any data that has not been minor compacted will not be read. Reading the Rfiles directly can increase the performance.

    If the gaffer.accumulo.spark.directrdd.use_rfile_reader option is not set then the standard approach of obtaining data via the tablet servers is used.
    • Constructor Detail

      • GetJavaRDDOfAllElementsHandler

        public GetJavaRDDOfAllElementsHandler()