Class Store

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    AccumuloStore, FederatedStore, MapStore, ProxyStore

    public abstract class Store
    extends Object
    A Store backs a Graph and is responsible for storing the Elements and handling Operations. Operations and their corresponding OperationHandlers are registered in a map and used to handle provided operations - allowing different store implementations to handle the same operations in their own store specific way. Optional functionality can be added to store implementations defined by the StoreTraits.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Store

        public Store()
      • Store

        public Store​(Boolean addCoreOpHandlers)
    • Method Detail

      • createStore

        public static Store createStore​(String graphId,
                                        byte[] schema,
                                        Properties storeProperties)
      • updateJsonSerialiser

        public static void updateJsonSerialiser​(StoreProperties storeProperties)
      • updateJsonSerialiser

        public void updateJsonSerialiser()
      • execute

        public void execute​(Operation operation,
                            Context context)
                     throws OperationException
        Executes a given operation and returns the result.
        operation - the operation to execute.
        context - the context executing the operation
        OperationException - thrown by the operation handler if the operation fails.
      • execute

        public <O> O execute​(Output<O> operation,
                             Context context)
                      throws OperationException
        Executes a given operation and returns the result.
        Type Parameters:
        O - the output type of the operation
        operation - the operation to execute.
        context - the context executing the operation
        the result of executing the operation
        OperationException - thrown by the operation handler if the operation fails.
      • executeJob

        public JobDetail executeJob​(Operation operation,
                                    Context context)
                             throws OperationException
        Executes a given operation job and returns the job detail.
        operation - the operation to execute.
        context - the context executing the job.
        the job detail.
        OperationException - thrown if jobs are not configured.
      • executeJob

        public JobDetail executeJob​(Job job,
                                    Context context)
                             throws OperationException
        Executes a given Job containing an Operation and/or Repeat and returns the job detail.
        job - the job to execute.
        context - the context executing the job.
        the job detail.
        OperationException - thrown if there is an error running the job.
      • runAsync

        public void runAsync​(Runnable runnable)
      • getJobTracker

        public JobTracker getJobTracker()
      • getCaches

        public List<Cache<?,​?>> getCaches()
      • isSupported

        public boolean isSupported​(Class<? extends Operation> operationClass)
        operationClass - the operation class to check
        true if the provided operation is supported.
      • getSupportedOperations

        public Set<Class<? extends Operation>> getSupportedOperations()
        a collection of all the supported Operations.
      • populateElement

        public Element populateElement​(Element lazyElement)
        Ensures all identifier and property values are populated on an element by triggering getters on the element for all identifier and properties in the Schema forcing a lazy element to load all of its values.
        lazyElement - the lazy element
        the fully populated unwrapped element
      • getGraphId

        public String getGraphId()
      • getSchema

        public Schema getSchema()
        Get this Store's internal Schema.

        This is optimised and will usually differ from the original schema used to create the store initially.

        the instance of Schema used for describing the type of Elements to be stored and how to aggregate the elements.
      • setOriginalSchema

        public void setOriginalSchema​(Schema originalSchema)
        Set the Store's original Schema.

        This is used to keep an (unoptimised, unchanged) copy of the original schema used to create the store initially.

        originalSchema - the Schema to be set as the original schema used to create this store
      • getOriginalSchema

        public Schema getOriginalSchema()
        Get the Store's original Schema.
        the Schema used to create this store, null if not set
      • setGraphLibrary

        public void setGraphLibrary​(GraphLibrary library)
      • optimiseSchema

        public void optimiseSchema()
      • validateSchemas

        public void validateSchemas()
      • createContext

        public Context createContext​(User user)