The page that you are currently viewing is for an old version of Stroom (legacy). The documentation for the latest version of Stroom (7.8) can be found using the version drop-down at the top of the screen or by clicking here.

Release Process

Performing a named release

This is a general guide for performing a release of a named version of one of the stroom family of products.

  1. Ensure the CHANGELOG has been updated for the new x.y.z version, i.e. ensure there is a section for vx.y.z and the links to git diffs at the bottom are up to date. e.g.

    ## [v3.1.1_schema-v3.1.2] - 2017-11-14
    ### Added
    * Add sources and javadoc jars
    ### Changed
    * Uplift schema to v3.1.2
    * Change build to Gradle


  2. If the changes include merges in from other branches, e.g. merging a big fix from v1.0 to v2.0 then add a Merged section to make it clear that the changes in the merge have been applied, e.g.

    ### Merged
    * Merged in [v1.0.1]
  3. Test the named release build locally by adding the argument -Pversion=vx.y.z to the gradle build command.

  4. Ensure all code is committed to the master branch, or a release branch, such as v5.0.

  5. To perform the release create an annotated git tag as follows:

    git tag -a vx.y.z

  6. Complete the tag’s commit message using the following format


    Where @@@ is the content of the x.y.z section from the CHANGELOG. GitHub takes the top line as the title for the release. Git will ignore any lines starting with a # so remove them from the markdown headings. Keep the * bullets. E.g.

    * Add sources and javadoc jars
    * Uplift schema to v3.1.2
    * Change build to Gradle
  7. Push the tag. Travis will run a build and on detecting the tag, will release any build artefacts to GitHUb Releases. If the project has any published Maven artefacts these will be releases to Bintray.

SNAPSHOT releases

SNAPSHOT releases should not and cannot be released to Bintray. If a development version of a library needs to be shared between projects then you can either use the Gradle task publishToMavenLocal to publish a SNAPSHOT version to your local Maven repository and change your dependency version to SNAPSHOT, or perform a named release along the lines of vx.y.z-alpha.n.

Release Versioning conventions

Semantic versioning is used, and this should be adhered to, see SemVer (external link). The following are examples of valid version names

  • SNAPSHOT - Used only for local development, never to be published publicly.

  • v3.3.0 - Initial release of v3.3, with an associated v3.3 branch.

  • v3.3.1 - A patch release to v3.3 on the v3.3 branch.

  • v3.4.0-alpha.1 - An alpha release of v3.4, either on master or a v3.4 branch

  • v3.4.0-beta.1 - An beta release of v3.4, either on master or a v3.4 branch

To Perform a Local Build

Full build:

./gradlew clean build

Build without unit tests

./gradlew clean build -x test

Build without integration tests

./gradlew clean build -x integrationTest

Build without any tests or GWT compilation (GWT compilation applies to stroom only)

./gradlew clean build -x test -x integrationTest -x gwtCompile