Site Structure
Describes the file and directory structure for the site.
The page that you are currently viewing is for an old version of Stroom (7.6). The documentation for the latest version of Stroom (7.8) can be found using the version drop-down at the top of the screen or by clicking here.
Stroom’s documentation is created using the static site generator Hugo . This converts markdown content into a rich HTML site. The markdown content in stroom-docs is not intended to be read as-is in GitHub, it needs to be rendered first.
The full documentation for Hugo can be found here . The site also uses the Docsy theme for Hugo. The documentation for Docsy can be found here . The Docsy theme provides a lot of the styling but also adds other features and shortcodes. You should consult the Docsy documentation in the first instance.
To maintain a degree of consistency in the documentation you should use this section as a reference for how to layout your content.
The documentation makes heavy use of Hugo shortcodes for adding page elements such as links, icons, images, etc. Shortcodes are a compact way of inserting reusable content into a page and make it easy to change how a page element is styled by just changing the shortcode in one place.
There are numerous shortcodes available to use:
.An example of using a short code in your markdown is:
Click the {{< stroom-icon "save.svg" "Save Document" >}} icon.
This calls the shortcode stroom-icon with the positional arguments save.svg
and Save Document
Shortcodes can either use positional arguments or named arguments depending on how they have been written.
This is an example of calling a shortcode with named arguments:
Click the {{< stroom-icon name="settings.svg" colour="red" >}} icon.
Check the documentation for specific shortcode to see how to call it.
To make your life much easier when editing the documentation it is highly recommended to use a text editor that supports text snippets. Snippets make it very quick to add shortcodes into the documentation.
For example the following UltiSnips (for Vim) and VS Code snippets adds a skeleton front matter to a page.
snippet hfront "Hugo markdown metadata front matter" b
title: "${1:Title}"
linkTitle: "$1"
date: `date "+%Y-%m-%d"`
tags: $2
description: >
"hugo-front-matter": {
"prefix": "hfront",
"body": [
"title: \"${1:Title}\"",
"linkTitle: \"$1\"",
"date: `date \"+%Y-%m-%d\"`",
"tags: $2",
"description: >",
" $3",
"description": "Hugo markdown metadata front matter"
Describes the file and directory structure for the site.
The meta data (or front matter) for pages/sections.
House style conventions for basic Markdown use.
Examples of various markdown and Hugo page elements.
Examples of how to include images in documents.
A gallery of all the icons in use in stroom for reference.